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  1. What I don't understand is why so many people responded to this, when most the of responses are in no way trying to further discussion. I don't think these posts are a productive way of showing the OP that the people of FDR are respectful and open to controversial discussion. To the OP, some of those numbers are interesting. The natural state of our would has very orderly numerical patterns which do not seem to be random in any way. I personally like the Anthropic Principle. The numbers involved in showing that the universe seems to be perfectly and specifically designed for life are quite interesting. Though I didn't see much you posted that could be used in favor of the Anthropic Principle. Honestly I didn't see much in your post that could be used as significant evidence for anything specific, but I will say the numbers and correlations you made are interesting. Thanks for the interesting read.
  2. it's ok to spank children as long as their dignity is maintained is like saying it is okay to decapitate someone as long as they still have their head afterward. It is a logical impossibility.
  3. I am particularly interested in reading lists for topics in self-knowledge, parenting, education and gender. Thank you for doing this by the way.
  4. Personally I think kissing a girl after she tells you she has a boyfriend sends a bad message. To me it is like saying "you can have us both" which is not the message I would want to send. I would just be friends with her until her and her boyfriend break up and then see if she would be willing to pursue a relationship. I might be totally wrong but that is my initial reaction.
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