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  1. The only reason I would ditch a family was because it was no good or degrading to be part of the family. ie if my wife was cheating I would leave and now instead of the kids being my family, they are simply in the way financially and emotionally of me starting a new family, one that was not broken by the mother and degrading to be associated with. I think you see this a lot with the whole "bastard" lineage. Men would have bastard children and leave them nothing on purpose so that they could leave their inheritance to the married family. The family unit is more important than an individual child.
  2. If you want a decent woman who has already "arrived" at her destination of being the woman of your dreams, and you want to takes Stefs advice and marry a virgin. It does not exist. There is no woman like that. I am 31 years old and have never met one or even heard a story about one existing. Try to find a girl that just has potential and then see her through. Yeah, this is the whole point. I've tried dating older girls and its pointless. And by older I am talking like 24.
  3. Yes. I was in a very long term relationship where we grew up together (and I was the fatherly responsible one even though we were the same age). That was great. That is part of what made it awesome and fulfilling. Yeah. This is part of the thing I don't understand why people are putting down age gap relationships, providing the older person is well intentioned and straight forward, anything that happens, even if it doesn't work out, is going to be far less damaging than what some idiot irresponsible 17 year old might do. I would rather leave room for Jesus because I cannot picture him in my head. Stef would remove all sexual attraction altogether, and a little tension is good thing to have.
  4. @barn At the end of the day, many men are being faced with poor choices in terms of dating. So much so they are going MGTOW. Personally, I really don't care what people think of me because I am a pretty independent and powerful man, meaning that I don't rely on very many people in life that making them think I was creepy or something can't threaten my income or housing or anything important to me. I also am a go getter, I want something I make it happen. I want a virgin wife for the primary purpose of having a larger family. Period. I can get the kind of woman I want by dating younger, or I could give up. So obviously why should I not do what is in my best interest? I can't think of one reason. I also think its in the young woman's best interest as well, I am not trying to pull one over on anyone. And like all dating, this girl may or may not work out but I intend to only date young women because I don't see any reason to date older women.
  5. I especially like the last sentence you wrote here. Just as I said conservative women are falling for the disease, conservative men are as well. Why are conservative men pushing their daughters to higher education instead of HomeEc? Why are men not standing firm in our desires for relationships? For example, I don't appreciate tattoos on women for marriage, just as most men don't. But if I had given up on getting married, I would tell women sure, yeah you should get tattoos, its sexy. What do I care if it makes you less marriageable if it makes my hook up slightly more interesting? Men aren't helping things either, although we are not the gatekeepers on fertility so men cannot solve the problem. I honestly think in many cultures and times simple women were probably preferred instead of intelligent ones. What does that do to the children's IQ's though? Well regression to the mean and all but its not good. So now we want intelligent women but it can make things difficult. Personally I prefer intelligent women but I've also noticed some are capable of being child like, someone who can sit down and just color in a kids coloring book or sing while they clean and be content. If they can do that, they can be happy being best friends with a young child all day. At least that's my thought. Regarding pregnancy being difficult, the younger you are the easier it is. Also, the women I know who love having kids or who have lots of kids, they have all sexualized pregnancy. They think that if they get pregnant, the thoughts of their husbands sperm growing inside of them will sexually turn them on. Or they think about how everyone can see their baby bump and know they are knocked up almost as a form of exhibitionism. I know it sounds freaky but they didn't describe it quite like this, its my more clinical description of what they've told me. So they want to be pregnant not only because they want a child but because they want to become aroused and its pleasurable. I agree to an extent. Men and women cheat for different reasons typically. If a man is emotionally fulfilled and respected at home, he isn't going to cheat in such a way as to leave his family. That is what I agree with. But men are always tempted to cheat when it comes to power, and that is just pure sex and not even for pleasure primarily. Its typically more subtle, but say a man is out with business partners and he wants to show is the the most manly and dominating one of all, so he wants to pick up some girl at a bar and take her back to the hotel so all the other guys know, he is sexually successful. He isn't doing that because he cares about the girl at all, or that he doesn't like or is not into his wife, she could be perfect. It's strictly a power play over other men in order to have a better negotiation and make more money and in the end provide better for his family. Or say some guy is harassing you, and you have a shot at his wife now, so you have sex with her. It has nothing to do with your wife being a bad wife or you wanting any kind of romantic situation with another woman. It is just power and a way to protect his image against the harassment, and a mans reputation and image being built up can help him be better for his family. And when a man feels down on himself, it could be him regaining personal power, proving hes still got it, which having a confident man is better for his family. This is the main reason why men cheat, and its for power and at the end of the day it helps the man be stronger and be better for his family. Women do not cheat for power. They just cheat because of hyper gamy reasons and that is specifically to destroy or bail on the current relationship. This is why mens cheating and womens cheating is viewed differently.
  6. Thank you. And yes. I take care to be extra straight forward and responsible for our communications. I don't think immaturity is bad per se, providing you are above the curve for your age and doing the right things with your life, I am not with her for her wisdom today, I am with her because of her willingness to learn in a logical manner and I can see she will become wise as she ages. If it's creepy enough for a large portion of all humans ancestors and still a large portion of the world, it's creepy enough for me. Creepy is not an argument. Where is the proof that it is inherently high risk and unstable? It seems super functional to both of us. I clearly provide certain characteristics and functions in the relationship and she clearly provides certain characteristics and functions in the relationship. If you like RPG games, think of it like I am the warrior and she is the archer. Instead of two half ass'd fighters because they try to do two things acceptably, we are both specialists who do our one thing at an exceptional level. With clear responsibilities, super functional. A 25 year old virgin who though science could have children 8 years longer than the average woman. I am not with her because she is wise, I am with her because she "gets it". Which is wise for her age for sure. There are tons of 30 year old women who don't "get it". In what way? Teens are having sex far earlier than ever before. It's actually difficult to even find a virgin dating as young as I do. Most girls are losing it around 14 now. So practically, Stefan and the science says to go for a virgin, practically I think its impossible unless you date super young or join an ultra conservative religious group. a. You are making the mistake of my other post ("conservative women are also falling for the liberal disease"). I hope if I have daughters they would marry young and use their inherent SMV to get a successful, attractive, intelligent man that will make them happy. As opposed to slum it around on some college campus banging losers who 99% of them will never accomplish anything. Why do men pretend that is what they want for their daughters? "Not my daughter, no man is going to date my daughter and marry her, shes going to college to do drugs and hookup and possibly become a single mom." *Sigh* b. proof of claim? c. proof of claim? d. I am not that old, little to no problems as far as potential children are concerned. Most done in this century are not done for traditional values. So I wouldn't count those relationships as having any similarity. The main purpose of an age difference is for the children. If the couple doesn't have children, they were only doing it for sex/money. Obviously important for making children and living a happy life but to focus on them as an end in itself is selfish and disgusting. And who is jealous of who or envious of who? She is wise enough to listen to what I have to say and use my wisdom to supplement her own. She is assertive. She is also smart enough to listen to me and trust what I say when I speak from experience. An example: She had a social situation with friends she shared with me and I gave my experience and she disagreed but realized I had been in that situation countless times so she decided on her own to try it my way and it solved the problem for her. I don't specifically notice it too much. However I just saw one of my friends posts on Facebook about their parents being a couple since she was 13 and he was 19. Which is not as much of a difference but she was very very young and the post was about how they are still married now I think 56 years later. I also know one family with I think a 17 year difference and they have a ton of kids and have been together over 20 years. I've known shitty quality men though to date younger women and they only do it because they can pretend to be higher quality than they actually are. But I am not a shitty quality man looking for some sex, so I don't really count those relationships as being what I would be a part of. Obviously not the same because its not the same. I will say she isn't the most attractive girl I have ever dated but she is still very pleasant looking and guys would certainly still check her out and such. So I am not into her because she is the hottest thing I ever saw. But I feel even more intense attraction to her because I see relationship material in front of me instead of someone I am slightly disgusted by who happens to be smoking hot. I always thought I cared about physical attractiveness but damn, its not nearly as important as I thought. Traditional values? Women should have kids and men should protect, provide and lead their household. Sounds fine to me. Well that sucks when you put it like that. But you really can't plan your deaths this far out. She would have plenty of kids and grand kids to keep her occupied I would imagine. I would like about 10. And if they average 2 kids per which is low I think coming from very traditional parents, thats 20 grand kids and 10 kids + their spouses so 40 people she can be involved with. Even if all she did was write birthday and graduation cards out that would be a part time job! lol. My family is very small because nobody had kids. So basically its just my parents to worry about and I know they are like ehhh because they imagine me with some business woman or lawyer and having two kids but at the end of the day they really don't care providing I just start having damn kids sooner than later. Both our families are quite small so if we were to continue as a couple and have lots of children we would become the center of the family for both our extended families. I know you are thinking about the middle east in particular. Large age gaps were common everywhere in the past, not necessarily the primary format in all cultures but certainly nothing strange. Today large age gaps have been disappearing as equality of outcome and feminism have been increasing. This creepy factor comes from feminism culture seeped into your upbringing and life experience. That is a bad thing, if you don't believe in feminism just chuck it out the window along with its creepy factor. If more women got married younger to men who were more wise, experienced and could actually provide an income, they wouldn't be out there turning into screeching purple haired Marxists. Sure in the middle east they have all sorts of problems but I believe that by letting women "out" we have destroyed our society. I don't need to restrict her from driving, or doing anything in particular like that but to let her "run" the household is inviting dumb ass liberal nonsense into our relationships. When women are older and sexually experienced and have their own careers they will at minimum butt heads to run a household. I've seen it over and over again. When women run relationships you get things like polyamory and childlessness. I think when you have nothing but feminazis, you need a culture as restrictive as muslim culture to whip them back into shape. For better or worse, logic and reason do nothing to a crowd of screaming feminists but let 10 Muslim men out at them and they would turn them all into stay at home moms. That being said, we should be smart enough to know that just because Hitler liked vanilla ice cream doesn't make vanilla ice cream bad. So just because in some modern societies that still are very accepting of age gap relationships do other things, doesn't make age gap relationships wrong. Even if that was true, large age gap relationships were common in early America. The best country in the world at its founding of freedom and throughout the next 100 years of economic growth normalized large age gaps... so doesn't that make it inherently good? LOL. No it doesn't. But it should be enough to equal out what you are inferring. Her parents are happily married. I have not met them yet, its really too soon. I've met a few girls parents who were 11-13 years younger than me and they all loved me and encouraged the relationships. One even kept pestering the girl to ask me out again even after we ended things. Lol. The culture where I live, at least in conservative circles, is more normal than many other places in the US so I am not extremely worried. And I lived in a very opposite place where it wasn't even legal and seniors who dated anyone younger than a junior in high school were actually shamed sometimes and were subject to legal issues, although it usually didn't turn into anything. People always assume the parents are trouble but if an intelligent, successful, confident guy came over to meet you and shook your hand and got to know you would you be more upset or less upset than some 19 year old pot head who avoids you like the plague who is hanging out with your daughter in a car parked in the woods. Just think about that for a moment. I've been asked why I would be interested in someone so young and all I do is explain my traditional values and then they usually go "Oh ok cool".
  7. Not true. If bitcoin goes out of business would a bitcoin be worthless? Gold has never even had a business, is it worthless without a company to promote it? In some instances sure that is possible. But I think by looking at how the business or currency is run would determine the risk factor. New companies that made it simple to exchange between 1000 currencies quickly would sprout up and it could be as simple as swiping a card with credits which transfers into any other currency as accepted by the merchant such that it hardly even matters. More chaotic than just watching your savings disappear due to inflation? How would a currency support a country or such? It is a business. You buy into it. Only as a function of government in which they give free money ie inflation or by making laws to outlaw the use of currency by certain countries residents in many transactions can a currency support a country or entity. If its run as a business these are not going to happen. Would a bicycle company give free bicycles away to some group or country or something? No. They would go out of business. If a currency gave free money to some group like that they would lose the inflation rate + confidence in their product such that they would lose customers.
  8. I mean that doesn't seem like a realistic fear, if you don't marry an abuser or someone you aren't compatible with, it would stand to reason you would not be abused or stuck with someone incompatible. In every situation mentioned, it would be drastically worse doing it on your own. What if you were the sole provider and caregiver and then you lost your job? That certainly seems worse. What if you are the sole provider and caretaker and you died? Wouldn't that be worse for the children? This is exactly what I am talking about in the OP. Once a woman has a taste of independence they usually write off children completely. Even if they are someone who is the type of woman who would end up on this forum. Women seem to find the end goal of life to be independent, whereas men seem to find being independent a stepping stone to then going back and taking on responsibility for a family and children.
  9. Well I agree with this. But I don't think you can encourage SAHM's in and of itself. The way to encourage that would be to push for less education of women. I mean I can understand if you work hard for higher education and preparing for a career and then *poof* you are expected to jump into a completely different lifestyle, that is difficult. Its difficult to make any major lifestyle change. Certainly its only anecdotal, but most SAHM I can think of, didn't go crazy on education or careers and then drop it, they just never did much in the way of education or careers to start off with. I know a few women who talk about how bad they want to be SAHM but they are still at work, they just can't give it up. And they don't need the money. Well its silly to try and support yourself. Wouldn't it be much simpler and easier to marry a man who could support you and a family? Say you could support yourself. How does that even help? Will you be working through your pregnancy and as a new mother? It just doesn't make logical sense as the easiest way to reach the goal.
  10. That's because people are weak. Weak people are not capable of doing what needs to be done therefore they need to rely on society to survive aka be another part of a corporation one way or another. I'm sorry to say but if you rely on say social media like Alex Jones, you cannot ever be free from undue influence because you rely on an outside party. Strength starts with your personal strength of mind BUT what is needed is complete self reliance from society and then building from scratch new systems of function to start a society from the ground floor. Imagine you had a clear dominance over ever single interaction in your life? You could do pretty much anything. Say you owned twitter as a private corporation, only you then could post anything you want on twitter. So in order to rely on twitter you ought to build or buy twitter. This is asking too much of most people because they can barely figure out how to survive while using all the tools at their disposal let alone saying no to most opportunities in order to be free of influence. There are people more like me who are actively working to not only reduce influence (such as someone who lives in the woods and is self sufficient) but then to rebuild civilization by building their own systems to replace the status quo.
  11. I don't think you can rely on ethical people. There can never be a system in which everyone is well reasoned and educated to the degree where it is possible. You could have a society in which you banish people who do not meet the correct level of understanding but that means peoples kids and wives and things could be banished. I don't think people would allow that and maintain such a society. I think a feudal society with a benevolent land owner is the best that could be hoped for.
  12. Sure. Without knowing the specific statistics, I am assuming they are general. So I would assume if you removed men from iq college stats, the correlation would be much weaker. Then if you removed women from math and science degrees, which are the minority of women with degrees you would meet from the pool, the correlation would be even weaker. It also doesn't help the average college woman in a non math science degree especially I would assume is more likely to be a flaming liberal feminazi. So if you blindly chose a woman in college vs a random woman not in college, I think you would find a non college girl making more intelligent decisions in life, whether she has a technically higher IQ or not. Don't forget people don't go to college for many reasons besides not being smart enough. There are plenty of absolute geniuses that do not attend higher education. None of what you say makes any sense. Are you younger or not very active in dating? There are TONS of women who are 30-40 years old who are desperate to date any man who will marry them and give them a child. Many will give up marriage and just beg any man to just give them a child. Its because when they are young they do not want to be responsible and just sleep around and work and travel and then when they are old they decide oh snap I wasted a lot of time and I do actually want kids (for the pure enjoyment of passing on their DNA). This is very very common knowledge. Any guy who is into his 30s and dating can tell you this. If you haven't actively dated numerous women in their late 20's, and 30's you would not know this maybe. That stats are showing decreases in white population growth. I just read an article about the mormons even, one of the largest and most conservative groups in the US. They noticed the kids raised in mormonism are marrying later and thus having kids later and thus having less kids. So they made some changes to try and encourage earlier marriages. Even these most conservative groups are having problems with this. I think the reason is there is no long term sustainable way to both encourage women to become educated to a high degree AND have positive growth levels of children. There is no population that I am aware of in the history of the world that could do this on a mass level at long periods of time. So when I see a very conservative family pushing their daughters to go to college and put off marriage and such its basically like saying "bye bye, glad you are most likely giving up on most of the values we believe in and giving up on our genetic line" why would conservative families do this when the spend so much time and effort to get to where they were in the first place?
  13. Maybe so in general. I have serious doubts that a woman who gets a degree in women's studies, then works at startbucks for years and years is actually intelligent (or using her intelligence?). They can see patterns well when its on a piece of paper but they cannot see patterns well when its in real life. I think men are much better at this because high IQ men simply make more money.
  14. Well they seem to want it. This is why older women are often desperate to have children. Your friends wife would have been much better off to have children at 20 instead, that is on her. children husband etc are not necessary unless you want them, most women want them. They don't understand you cant really get them later though even though it seems pretty obvious. But the main point is, without at minimum averaging 3 children, your culture is dying. So get practical. Do you want your culture to die out? Muslims make sure theirs doesn't die out. Marrying young and multiple wives to the best men ensures huge population growth. We are actually shrinking. 2016 the white american population shrunk for the first time, 2017 it shrunk more, 2018 is expected to at an even greater because the rate for the last idk 20 years has been a straight line pattern. Say bye bye because you know educating women is so important.
  15. I think you are not paying enough attention to biology. If women actually do not want children, why do so many women in their 30's and 40 experience baby fever and/or regret at being unable to have kids? We want children because we want children, whether they do something for us or not. It is a biological imperative, like eating, although its certainly further up the pyramid of needs. (I believe you mean economic vs utilitarian perspective) From an economic perspective, children can be assets to wealthy people. I own quite vast assets of various types. When I have children, they can manage them for me for a much higher income and earn their ownership of them over time far exceeding what they would have access to in the normal marketplace, while providing me a much more cash flush and stable retirement that actually continues to grow instead of decline like most peoples retirement assets once tapped. When I meet women they all are like "oh id want a wealthy man" but none of them actually want to live a wealthy lifestyle. They are simply retarded (these are the so called educated intelligent independent women). This is why I don't think they are actually intelligent. Most women are kind of OCD and anxious. So if you tell them to do a mountain of paperwork (basically school or any kind of HR or marketing job) they will naturally find the ability to do it. But if you ask them for independent thought and carry through to do something on their own, many fall flat on their face. They simply do not understand why they are doing what they are doing. ("Not all, not all, not all." Jesse Lee Peterson) I disagree, I think smarter women know they want kids and instead of tricking themselves into not having kids because they are told to, they do their best to figure out how to have kids because that is what they want. Unfortunately marriage is not really a thing any more where one can simply find a successful man to marry and then start having a family. And most of them are young so even if they are smart, they are not wise. One young woman I was talking to for a bit was I think 130 IQ but she had a child at age I think 18 because she knew she wanted kids more than anything. Unfortunately she didn't have the wisdom to do it in a stable and sustainable way. And she knew she had no interest in a job or significant higher education. You are equating the following behaviors to intelligence: planning to not have kids -> spending lots on an education -> grinding at a dead end job -> only to then regret not having kids later and spending all the money you made on trying to get fertility treatments to work I am considering that mentally retarded. Its simply following the behaviors people tell you to do, down a path of something you don't want until its too late. You can be "book smart" all you want but if you completely fail at life, you fail. Which is faster? A computer processor at 2ghz vs a 4ghz? Well initially you might say 4ghz but if the 4ghz is computing the wrong equation, the 2ghz is faster to get the proper solution. 1. I think you are wrong to assume non college women are not as intelligent. 2. I think even if the higher IQ type women are going to college, they have defective intelligence that makes it useless.
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