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TheOutsider's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
I'm new to the FDR forums, signed up last night as you can see. I've been listening to hundreds of the podcasts though over a few years. I took the ACE test for starters, scored a bottom low 1, simply because my parents divorced when I was 3. So, my childhood and overall life has been pretty much okay and normal, no related drama ahead in case anyone was expecting something like that. My story is something I can't really discuss irl with anyone right now, so I'm posting it here, to be heard and to hopefully get some support regarding my situation. Also, this acts as a warning to all men out there. I'm trying to talk about my case with as little real life details as possible due to legal reasons. I'm a single 34 year old guy from europe. Back in 2007 I started seeing a 16yo girl, I was 26. We had great chemistry, she was really mature in every way, so the age gap meant nothing to us. Naturally, holding hands in being seen in public raised a lot of suspicious eyebrows on the behalf of moral guardians, which didn't bother us. Quick personality check: funny, smart, a curious learner, a bit of a introvert. I'm sorry for having to bring up our appearances at this point, but it's essential for the readers to be aware of this detail, for it will have its role later on. Back then I was in top shape, 184cm/85kg, slim waist, broad shoulders/chest, often described as cute by any girls and women around me. I was by no means anything near a alpha male, but yet far above the average wall flower. I got enough attention from the opposite sex of my liking. Let's say I was a solid, very charismatic 7 (on a 1-10 scale). My girlfriend was a nice 8 with a great figure (170/55) and down to earth personality (that's what I'm attracted to). A natural beauty, no makeup, no party scene, a country girl if you will. We we're together over 5 years, and finally decided to break up because she wanted to have kids and I wasn't ready, even more so financially. I come from a poor family, and at 31 -when we broke up- still hadn't found my calling. I told her she's still young, she's got so much more time than me that she shouldn't risk her happiness by waiting on me to find my way. It wasn't all perfect, we had a couple of short breaks during those 5 years, one being in 2008. I hooked up with some random girls and women (age 16-32) over a few months before I realised that this kind of casual sex and instant affection from strangers wasn't as satisfying as I already managed to grow real feelings towards my girlfriend. Years go by and during 2012 some guys I've never seen or met before started kicking my door yelling insults, "rapists" etc... They kept coming back weekly. I called the cops, but since it wasn't a life threatening emergency they showed up almost an hour late, pointless. After several weeks I managed to spot their car as they drove away below my window. I reported the license plate, the cops obviously called the owner about my situation. I went to the police to identify the guys from some pics, to sue them for threatening behaviour, attempt of forceful entering, insults, etc. I asked the officer where they got these pics from after identifying the guys, they are mug shots he said, meaning those guys pretty much got convicted for something previously, small time criminals. And after that, who would have ever guessed it: they stopped harassing me. I didn't press any charges because they caused no real damage, and I have never had to deal with such legalities, so I didn't know if I would have had to pay for my lawyer, the entire court case, etc., so I just dropped it. Turned my other cheek. ______________________________________________________________ One year later I get a call from the police that they want a statement from me. I thought it was related to those thugs. I've never done anything wrong so I go down to the station and (a female officer of course) starts asking me these questions about this girl. I recall her name (let's call her "Jane"), and since I know I haven't done anything wrong I simply admit to the fact I had sex with her, she was the one I hooked up with during my short break with my ex. Turns out Jane was 15 at the time, and I admitted to it because I didn't really care about illogical laws like her being a few months short from her 16th birthday, in which case there wouldn't have been any issue at all. I'm a good judge of character, allowing me to pretty accurately see through fishy motives and when someone is bullshitting in general. So back in 2008 when I was 27 and Jane 15, we met online, she approached me (like a lot of girls did), and we met at my place. She was cute, adorable, physically, mentally and sexually very premature for her age. She told me she started her sex life when she was 13, which I didn't doubt once after we were done. We met a couple more time during a few weeks, had our fun. She then started going out with some 20yo dude and that was it, never heard from each other again. So after a night spent at the station locked up and having my phone and pc confiscated I got out the next day, because they were, as prejudice as they can get, straight up fishing for barely legal nudes or other evidence, which of course I had none of. Once I got my stuff back I made a fake facebook profile so I could check Janes profile and no surpise: she was engaged to the guy who harassed me, and also had a baby with him! Who needs any more hints to see the whole picture here?! After a 18 month long stress induced waiting period from there on, it all blew up last month in court. And now for the part you've been waiting for, let's see how many of you guessed what was coming: Jane lied about everything that happened. The only thing I was able to agree upon was that we had sex. She lied about how we met, why, what we did, and for how long. Everything lies, and the judges all bought it. She claimed I picked her up downtown, that she wasn't into me, that I talked her over into having sex with me, that I blackmailed her with pictures of her little sister, that she came to my place for over half a year! She let out a few fake tears and played some sort of "I'm too afraid and nervous to be here right now with him in the same room, can I leave after having given my statement please?" card, and they all bought it with a "aww poor you" attitude...!! Of course she's nervous because she's lying her ass off, and being unwilling to stay there for me to debunk her cheap lies by asking her some critical questions... everyone took her side, she left and I stayed behind trying to convince a bunch of blind idiots about the truth. All in vain. When asked why did she wait 5 years to press charges, Janes "argument" was that "well, I got a baby in 2013, so my motherly instincts kicked in", adding "he also contacted my younger sister through facebook, and that was the final straw for me." When my turn came, I told them I have never had a FB account, check my ip, ask google, show me the messages, it's been less than 2 years, I dare you, bring on the evidence... Jane has been most likely unemployed for a good while, as well as her small fry criminal husband. They get a baby, run low on cash (wouldn't surprise me if the guy blew it all on booze or drugs), and they start thinking about ways to get paid, and what do you know, there was this guy once she had sex with, and she wasn't 16 yet. ("Lucky! Let's head over to the cops, but oh wait! We can't press rape charges, because the case is 5 years old and we need evidence, which we obviously don't have since no rape took ever place! It could backfire on us... and just telling them you had willingly sex with him could also lead to nothing, so let's add a little sympathy twist and say he kinda forced you into it! Yeah let's do that, that oughta work just fine!" That's probably how they planned their move) The worst moment was when I pointed out my looks, telling them about my ex, our long term relationship and my other relationships with good looking women, questioning the motive she claimed me to have, blackmailing her into having sex. She wasn't even special in any way, I had hot girls left and right, why the hell would I do something like this? Nothing she claimed so far makes any sense at all! No reply from the court, just empty stares, again. The most infuriating thing about all this is, that none of my logical reasoning went through. I perfectly debunked all her lies, but I got no response whatsoever. The judges and prosecutor just stared at me as if I was a crazy guy ranting who they didn't care about, with pure prejudice and their minds already made up. They didn't give one single fuck about anything I said, it was like talking a foreign language infront of a tribe of primal cannibals who only think of how much meat they can get off your bones after cooking you, while chanting "the law is the law, the law is the law...". I have never before in my entire life been so scared, ever. It was a living nightmare, a borderline panic attack knocking at my sanity. It made it ten times worse that I never had anything but myself and my honor, and being there with Jane who knew the truth as well as me, I felt like jumping up and screaming "are you all fucking blind and retarded for not seeing what's going on here?!" I got a parole sentence, since this is the first time I ever broke the law, and a fine of several thousand euros to pay Jane. I don't care about either of those punishments, I know I haven't done anything wrong. She was ready, mature, experienced, emotionally stable, she wanted me, there was no violence, no threats, no alcohol, no drugs, no abuse in the slightest, no nothing. It was all good, two people mutually making love. And this is the shit I have to deal with, getting dishonored and humiliated, accused and labelled as a pervert, getting stabbed in the back like this by a lying bitch, ruined my life for a couple of thousand euros... ______________________________________________________________ I have to stop here for a moment and lay down some facts to preemptively shut any haters up. I'm assuming the FDR audience consists mostly of people intelligent enough to know right from wrong, as well as raising their eyebrows at questionable laws. If however some feminists or religious trolls or haters in general have managed to read my story this far and are about to unload a can of age related moral lectures; get a reality check. Human beings all evolve at a different pace. Teens are the horniest creatures on this planet. If one matures faster than his/her piers, and feels like they're ready to have sex, why should anyone have the right to stop them from doing so? Also, a lot of young girls have fantasies about mature guys 20-25 who are more attractive in general than the average skinny, unexperienced, awkward, pimple faced teen boy. It's nature, it's the truth, deal with it! It won't go away no matter how much you dislike that fact. No, I'm not the one who makes jokes like "if her age is off the clock, she's ready for the cock" or "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed", though I might chuckle at them, if the setting and timing is right. All I'm saying is, that if someone feels they are ready, they should pick their partner freely without anyone intervening. As long as nobody gets pregnant, no STD's, physically injured, etc., it shouldn't be even an issue. I'm not going to defend real perverts who prey on vulnerable, insecure, chubby emo/goth girls who have daddy issues or whatnot. Stop trying to paint everything so black and white! For the sake of clearing my position I'm going to underline my case one more time: The girls I hooked up with had no daddy issues, and were very secure with great self esteem, that's the whole reason why they took the initiative to hook up with me in the first place! Because I was someone they wanted more than some -insert negative adjectives here- teenage boy! How hard is it to accept the fact that we are all individuals who mature at a different pace, with our own sexual preferences? And to anyone wondering "well, why did you even hook up with such young girls?"... How about this? I'm not really living in a metropolis with millions of partners to choose from. Secondly, most 20-25yo girls were already taken (those who meet my criteria), most 25-30yo women had kids or other complications, most 30+ women were simply not attractive enough for me, and also boring. "So you are attracted to young girls, kids?" Nope. They all looked 18 at least. I'm into good looking, mature ladies, age is just a number. I've met a lot of young hotties who wanted me, but I refused because they seemed unexperienced and socially awkward. The "wave length" that someone operates on is important to me. I'm not superficial though your impression of me might be that at this point. I need the whole package to be interested. Just sticking my dick into a nice body doesn't do anything for me. That's why I never resorted to prostitutes, because I wouldn't get anything out of that... jesus christ, I'm 34 and never even been to a strip club! I'm simply not interested in watching someone I can't touch and who has no other interest in me unless I got money... I need my partner to want me, for who I am. And that's what happened with me and Jane. ______________________________________________________________ Back to the story... You'd think I'm at ease now that the case is over, but that's not it. I've had my sleepless nights and other stress related issues. Just think about it, 99% of what Jane said was lies, and they believed her. What if she wants more money? All she needs to do is open the case again and claim I raped her. Why wouldn't they buy it? She could just say me raping her was so traumatic she supressed the whole thing and only now after this first part of the trial she feels safe to tell the "truth"... *knocking on wood* I know the intention of these laws is good, but look at how easily they can be abused! Oh the irony... abusing innocent people with laws that were put in place to stop people from being abused!! It was over 7 years now, the e-mail and phone provider had no stored data to back me up. With those files I could have proven in court that Jane was lying about everything she said, maybe even turned the whole thing around on her. But I don't have them. I have nothing but logical arguments, which are worthless. She has nothing but greedy lies, which won the jury over. I would have taken any punishment if I had done anything wrong. Such laws are fucking retarded, because they refuse to take into account any real factors: all the details, who what where why how. It's all about efficiency imo, the system doesn't have the time or money to dig into every case, because as I said, we are all very different individuals. Dealing with every single case like this on a stand alone basis would simply take forever, have both parties get evaluated by psychologists, get lie detector tests done, etc. That's why I think they just want to have a practical system where they can draw a line in black on white, and say "guilty/not guilty - next case!" No room for truth or justice. Her not being 16 might have been against the local law of that time, but there was nothing wrong with us having sex. It had nothing to do with her age. You can't call someone a law breaking criminal just because there's a fucking retarded law in place that has nothing to do with reality. What's next? Why not turn it up a notch and make it illegal to have sex with someone if your height difference is too great? Or if the man has longer hair than the woman? Or if their skin color doesn't match? What the fuck does age in this case mean? She didn't even bring any trauma up! Because she probably knew she couldn't fake something as serious as real sexual abuse, and would have been exposed by a professional! I'm out of steam here... rage is starting to build up. I'll be back to answer decent replies. My advice to all men out there, young and old: keep all your messages and e-mails stored, back them up, copy them. You do not want to be like me the day some crazy, sinister bitch creeps up on you with sexual charges, and you have no alibi. Because elsewise you are guilty until proven innocent, and she doesn't have to prove jack shit.