Stefan talks about the idea of a free society - one where roads are paid for by people who need roads, schools are paid for by people who need schools, everything is either paid for by those who need it or by charities. It seems to me that an important part of the way towards such a society, is for supporters of this goal to be as good as living without the government's help as possible; one example of this would be owning, or at least having access to fruit trees; this not only saves having to go to the store and buy them and pay taxes; it also saves a lot of time and fuel and labor copared with paying for the fruit to be shpped accros the country or the continent or the sea, combined with the benefits of the extra-fresh fruit. Why does the government, who claims to represent the will and needs of the people not give us all publicly accessible fruit trees? One of the questions I've always wished Stefan would talk about is this: When we see trees growing around us every day, how come most of us almost never see a publicly accessible tree with fruits growing on it? The state could easily have arranged for fruit trees to be planted anywhere and everywhere - I don't know what the law is, but I have a feeling that you and I cannot just plant fruit trees wherever we think they should grow and expect to one day see the fruits of our labor - if there wasn't something stopping everyone from planting fruit trees everywhere I would think they would be everywhere. Will there be a new video by Stefan titled "the truth about fruit trees? We all need fruit trees, since we all eat fruit, I find it logical that the closer to fruit trees you live, the better. This is a thought that seems to not be on a lot of people's minds - I would like to spread the message that you should not have to buy fruit that can grow on the land you walk on. What are your thoughts on the ways we can rais awareness of this issue in particular, and in general become less dependant on the state?