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  1. I think an important aspect to note here is that intelligence in this academic or traditional sense, is not the only type of intelligence. There are other areas of intelligence such as emotional intelligence and the like. It may be difficult to get an over arching characteristics held with high IQ and low IQ individuals as I contend that many aspects may be present in both that have nothing to do with intelligence. I see that a lot of people say aggression and other characteristics with negative connotations; however, in my experience I have found both intelligence and less intelligence people act with characteristics that one may not associate with them. Intelligence is an extremely complex and complicated issue.
  2. That's a hard one, perhaps if you help him to understand; what self-knowledge is, the benefits of it, and how that applies to him personally. I know it's hard to live with people who may be like that, but remember your husband has probably lived his life up to this point without self-knowledge so it may take sometime for him to develop those skills and break away from his older habits.
  3. Thanks for all the responses, I have read over them all and I will clarify my points for those whom had questions. @Pod – A real example may be for example, someone feels subconsciously weak, so their personality overcompensates for that perceived weakness and would comfort itself with control over others. @Drew Davis – The answer itself is important to me because I am of the belief that self-knowledge is the key to enlightenment, I’m not so much concerned with the repercussions of the outcomes either way, more in determining an actual answer – which it is difficult to conclude. @A4E – You pose an interesting question, which reminds me of a vision I had during a meditation once, I may privately message you to discuss it further. @villagewidsom – I have to disagree with you there mate, it would be my choice to perceive if I had control or not but that perception would have absolutely no bearing on that reality – I would simply be deluding myself. I fail to understand what this has to do with creation, however, I should add I do think that once can become in control, but the constant nipping that I would be relying on those senses in order to divine my answer makes me wonder. @sicrobb0 – I was speaking in refence to everything that forms out consciousness, I agree with your categories of relevance to human thought, although, I see them more as levels than categories. @RichardY – It’s difficult to really know, I sometimes feel as if the more I discover, both about the internal and external world, the more I begin to understand that they are so much complex and vast than I could have ever imagined. @EclecticIdealist – Interesting point that you bring up, going along those lines, wouldn’t it be possible that both every possibility and none of them could be occurring at the same time? Thank you all again for taking the time to post, sorry it took me so long to reply I have been busy the last few weeks, I will be hoping to get on the forums a lot more and get to know you all better, if anyone has further questions I will reply to them asap. Ajax.
  4. Hi all, I am posting here today in an attempt to discuss some ideas that have been on my mind for some time, firstly, I will begin with a thought/experience that occurred several days ago that I jotted down in one of my notepads: I feel the haze pass over my mind (?) - And am met again with familiar thoughts - Am I in control of my thoughts and rational processes? or as Nietzsche puts it are all my apparent 'emotional free' rationalizations [and that of all other material aspects that constitute my being] simply the work of 'seed' emotions, subconscious drivers that I have no control over. It is difficult to come to a conclusion, although I feel as if one can come to be in control through the pursuit of self knowledge and understanding, it does not allude me that the capacities responsible deducing this conclusion may, in fact be the controlling force. This also leads me to think about the underlying implications that this may have on 'human nature', determinism and human consciousness. 'To our strongest drive, the tyrant in us, not only our reason but also our conscience submits' - Friedrich Nietzsche I may make further posts late about further thoughts on the matter, however, for now I would just like have this looked over with fresh eyes to see if anyone has a different perspective to what I may have thought, thanks for taking the time to read this - Ajax
  5. As long as you didn’t put flyers into letter boxes requesting ‘No Junk Mail’ you’re fine on moral grounds, the fact that you attempted to assist the man to see reason is also admirable. Although if someone is appearing agitated/aggressive it’s important to ensure your personal safety too.
  6. Humans are a social species, and as a result our interactions affect one and other. For example if a parent is virtuous they’re more likely to raise virtuous children, whom are going to grow up and positively affect the world around them. Virtue is an underpinning factor if we want to more towards a more enlightened society, as once there are no longer any forms of Government, what is deemed socially acceptable will be fully reflected in the morals standards of society. I submit that in an evil society, people would only care for themselves and not hesitate to push someone else down if it meant that they could get what they want, in contrast in a virtuous society people would assist others where they could in an attempt to build a move loving, peaceful world.
  7. With issues such as this it all comes back to intentions. Feeling good about helping others doesn't make you selfish, I submit that is a natural reaction to seeing goodness being projected into the world.
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