I agree with the IQ challenges, but instead of deriding the third world with unnecessary harsh language for all its problems and closing our borders, what do we do to fix the existing problem? Build a wall, then what?
I think a universal sustenance program is inevitable if we cannot solve the IQ discrepancy. But we'd have to curb the population to sustain such a program. We haven't been innovating like we have in the past in terms of energy production (shale/fracking being the most recent). With robotics and AI, are these tools going to serve mankind, or just the people that have property rights to these tools? It's like we are just farming the third world for their raw materials and the output is just going toward the elite, property right owners.
The public education system is a mess; I agree with everything Dr. Pesta said on the recent podcast. That's the number one problem. The recent Ted Talk by Kandice Sumner highlights the same problems.
The bigger picture beyond the Jewish elite is the coming eugenics based movement. Do we really want a world where only 500 million or so genetically gifted people rule the world? What happens when the resource crisis hits? You think the fights on Black Friday are bad?
I am deeply against this incoming eugenics based movement that is on the horizon like we haven't bypassed Darwinian Evolution. We need to get to a level of sustainability, and that's where we've failed. We Americans are prime culprits of over consuming and generating excess waste, so the problems don't all reside from incoming third world populations.