Well, where is it?
I'm at the point in life when I see no growth for improving, socially and in self improvement, in the place I live. I've literally joined every atheltic group there is, went to weekly shows at the local venues, and did fishing derbies with coworkers. I still can't resonate with anyone, as the functioning people are either super statist and will ostercize you if you are anti gov in the strict sense that freedomain radio is known for. On the flip side there is the cliquish art crowd who is anti state, but will glady take gov handouts and do fuck all with their lives. Both sides of the spectrum are no bueno Been working a well paying job as a local truck driving Teamster( 80-85k a year but a worthless pension) here in the midwest, so I have an endgame financially planned out: leave at 35 with 150k and IRA savings and start over.
If I had to guess, I'd say the Northwest, particulary the state of Washington. I've been to the area for vacations and school, so I don't know the the place intimately but that's where'd I guess it would be. Places like Toronto for the Canadians or NYC for us below the border are massive enough to find like minded people from all walks of life, but just look at the real estate!
Where is the fucking tribe??