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green banana

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green banana last won the day on September 10 2015

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  1. As a Scot you are the de facto expert on Adam Smith. How would you characterize his position in today's political spectrum?
  2. You are right, poor choice of words on my side. The more information you get on one, the less you have on the other.
  3. It is. You can go from Paris to Toulouse. Try to go back from now to 1570. It's about momentum, not velocity. Momentum and position are complementary. The more you know about the one, the more uncertain becomes the other. How are the uncertainty principle and probability connected? What makes rationality opposed to probability? Learn about entanglement. Even if your premises were correct this would not follow.
  4. The current understanding is that cancer is not caused by inflammation, but that cancer cells use inflammation to stay alive and to grow. Inflammation in short is a natural process during immune reactions. White blood cells are called to aid when bacteria enter the bloodstream and do their work. The first one to notice the connection between inflammation and cancer was Rudolf Virchow who noticed that cancer cells also contain Macrophages. The reason for that seems to be that while the tumor starts to grow, it has little problems getting nutrients. However, the more it grows, the more nutrients it needs. By luring immune cells in, the tumor can use their ability to start growing blood vessels from the cancer to the healthy tissue. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1993983/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16874721 The Warburg hypothesis gave rise to a new approach in getting cancer cells aerobic again. Dichloroacetic acid is used in severe diseases of the metabolism. However, researching this molecule's attributes is not on the top list of the pharmaceutical industry because it cannot be patented anymore. If this theory about inflammation is correct there would be a simple remedy. There is already a cheap drug available that fights cancer. Aspirin could help both fighting inflammation and cancer. Any bets on how pharmaceutical companies will research that connection?
  5. Does this mean that LaRouche advocates Maglev trains powered by Diesel generators? What will happen to the pebble reactors? Will they be replaced by steam powered engines?
  6. The r / K dichotomy is such a landmark in ecological / genetic research that you cannot help but find parallels everywhere.
  7. The Simpsons also promote a K-based society.
  8. Here it is: They re-organized the channel a bit.
  9. There is no such law known to biology. It's a construct that sprung out of MRA / MGTOW blogs.
  10. Pretty good video, but she misses an important point. There is no free market in food. The government heavily subsidizes animal products and it makes them cheaper than they would be in a free market. Without those subsidies you would have to pay a lot more for animal products and they would be of a higher quality as well.
  11. I couldn't agree more with your points. If you have a look at my links you will see that they are a wellmade spoof
  12. How are they different? Rationality is the method to use means to come to a desired end. This is true on a small scale (What do I eat today?) as well for a large scale (What are my goals in life?).
  13. What does sleeping with women have to do with rationality? Are male and female rationality different?
  14. A4E is onto something. I found some articles indicating that vaccines are even more dangerous than he thinks: http://naturalnewd.com/articles/vaccines-tuna-tattoos-damage-brains http://naturalnewd.com/articles/depopulation-vaccines-killing-everyone http://naturalnewd.com/articles/vaccines-cause-child-lycanthropy http://naturalnewd.com/articles/pharmaceutical-study-funded-by-pharma-co
  15. Drug cartels of the current size can only exist when drugs are illegal in the US. The production of drugs is pretty cheap as is the transport. And the sharp rise in price you pay for drugs from Mexico to the US makes drug cartels very profitable. This is a well known fact, so why aren't drugs legalized? You can of course point out that the state is obstinate, but there is another reason. The drugs cartels are sitting on large amounts of liquid money that they have to reinvest. After all, there are only so much yachts and mistresses an aspiring drug peddler can have. The rest of the money is reinvested in the US company. There is a reason Miami started to boom economically in the early 80s and it has nothing to do with nice beaches. If the war on drugs stopped, the cartels would not make nearly as much money and the flow of liquid money would stop. For more on that see: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0380268/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl
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