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Everything posted by Spumoni

  1. Thank you for your plethora of links. I will dive into them. I will also continue searching for more sources and give a follow-up if I find anything. Warm regards, Justin
  2. Hello. I often hear Stefan quoting a study that says children experience the same symptoms as children who have been maternally abandoned. I was trying to find the source for this study so I could give as reference to some friends and family of mine. Thank you for anyone who can help me find it. I have checked bomb in the brain series and online, but it is difficult to find that specific study referenced. Thanks! Warm regards, Justin
  3. Thank you all for your deep and thoughtful answers. Its given me quite a bit to rummage through. I identified the inferiority of my position and I agree completely with NOT choosing comparable care. I will let you know how the conversation goes but Im certain weve discussed and we would both prefer and our future children would prefer care with the mother and as long as we could provide that care. Weve been saving and I look forward to sharing how the journey goes for us too =).
  4. Hey everyone. I made the argument that comparable care (daycare) is like marrying your spouse and then hiring out someone to take them to dinner, etc. But then my spouse came back with the analogy doesnt hold up because daycare is for Children who cannot support themselves and therefore need someone to care for them whereas a parent or spouse does not need that care 24/7 i.e. goes to work and has a Life capable of doing things without the spouse present. I wasnt sure how to counter this argument since my spouse and I are looking to have kids soon within 1-2 years. Its clear that you wouldnt hire someone out to be your spouse but you wouldnt hire someone out to be a parent for your Child either. The situation gets harder when you need that person to understand why they need daycare. I listened to a podcast recently discussing comparable care as normalized within society whereas years ago it wasnt as commonplace since mothers could raise their Children while the father worked. Im digging hard into this and want to know what is best to do for our future Children since we live in Sweden and daycare is relatively cheap. I also work at a daycare and see how sad the Children are without their parents around. I wonder how much Money would save or what damage it would do to leave these Children in a state of maternal abandonment. I remember growing up in daycare as well and it was particularly brutal and different compared to living with my mom while my dad worked Before their divorce. My younger brother however was barely a year old when my parents divorced and I still remember him Crying and Crying in daycare... I also remember how happy and big his Eyes were when we were living at home and helping raise him. Maybe Ill drop the analogy since it doesnt meet with the same logic according to my spouse and I will focus on the facts and data since that alone is strong enough to compell others to do whats best for their Children. I love the show and this Community and figured I would come here to lay out my thoughts and drag em out from the shadows of my mind. My therapist gave me this tool to show once we drag things out into the light they dont seem so dark or scary anymore. Warm regards, Justin
  5. Hey guys. Im feeling a bit uncertain after confronting my best friends fiancee about tagging her in a Peaceful Parenting video. Specifically Stefans last video in the Peace Parenting playlist on his youtube account. Im feeling bitter sweet because after listening to a podcast where a caller wanted to confront his family abuse it was determined it ultimately was up to him to say something because it would result in him finding a different kind of woman. It was very touching and I could hear the tone change from hopeless to hopeful when the caller realized he probably couldnt save those kids from further damage and yet telling his family spanking and yelling is not ok would probably create a big difference in his future partner. Arguably, it was this heartfelt podcast that gave me the courage to confront another friend on his roommate spanking kids in the background while we are trying to play video games together. I ran a little practice test of challenging and how to approach the abusers when my best friends fiancee relayed she was not so happy about the Temper Tantrum video I tagged her and 10 of my other friends in who have kids and would be interested in seeing. It came down to her saying "I am not going to debate you on this, when you come into our home this summer I will not have any undermining of our parenting methods while you are in town visiting." I was not completely shocked but I had already confronted them and linked the damage abuse causes children and yet they still hold true to rarely spanking and using a stern voice when necessary to discipline their child. I guess I came on here to drag this stuff into the light because after completing therapy over the past 9 months. Im happy to say this tool of dragging some of the darkest worries into the light keeps me sane and you all have been very supportive of my other posts in here. I get a great supportive and feel for the community unlike any other and I want to expose myself and my fiancee to that as much as possible before we plan on having children following our wedding in July! We live in Sweden thank God where the abuse is outlawed, even spanking, and Im set on raising my kids peacefully and learning so much more from Stefan and the support of this community. I will follow your advice and keep talking about the issues and continue spreading this information to those I care about in hopes that they will change their views and their children will thank them or wonder quite concernedly why they didnt listen to their good friends advice.. I had huge levels of adrenaline running through my system during this entire debate conversation with the abusers and Im happy to say my fiancee supports me 100% and I support her 100% too. We are committed all the way and wonder what lies in store for our future relationships if our current ones are so set on remaining war-like parents.. Are there any tips or advice for handling this? Thank you and if this is in the wrong section of the forum I will move it or it can be moved with my permission. Lots of love, Justin
  6. Interesting replies, AccuTron, I will explain this paragraph further: The news is just heart-breaking and I am interested in digging deeper into these problems. When I near the completion of my MBA in February after realizing my Bachelors in General Science gave no possibilities for me after 4 years in the Naval Academy and 9 years of being told it was the worst place to be, best place to be from. I am hoping those 4 years were not a mistake paid on the part of the American taxpayer. Ive taken a big leap and several steps in this peaceful parenting, universally preferable behavior environment. Justin, as an aside, could you elaborate on the Naval Academy experience? I'm not sure how to interpret the statements. The Bachelors Degree I received from the USNA were bonuses to my resume, but part of the reason I signed the dotted line was a glorified opportunity. Like KallanDaMan said, it felt worse going through 4 years of college with the hope of earning a better future than if I stayed in my IT networking job with a promise of maintaining my place in the work force without losing out 5 years in the work force. We were not allowed to work while attending. Now I work with refugees and before that I worked on a farm for three years. Not the best use of all that education. I hear Stef talk about his experience in daycare (where I am also working currently) and I understand we don't work the best jobs meeting our graduation qualifications after college due to heavy subsidizing. Talking about it is a good start. If college is a bad place for both women and men, why is it still being sought by so many who think you need college to get ahead? Why not take the investment into a business instead and wind up with the same debt or at least have a store leftover to contribute. How do we help? Awareness and talking about it is a good start and helping via evidence and open conversation. I feel the tide of MGTOW and MRM helping to pull things back into equilibrium. The market bubble popping will restore balance to men and give the K gene perspective some time to reign in the unlimited resources to finite. I focus on family, getting the discussion going amongst friends and loved ones. Finding those people willing to talk and not numb you out by watching the tv is a progress most rewarding for me. How do you guys handle this conversation with others? Ive talked with Rotary and others about getting groups started, I live in Sweden so are there any other ideas to start the conversation? Thanks, Justin
  7. Read some disturbing news on the reddit.com front page talking about the lack of males in college and deficient in lower levels of education. Ive heard Molyneux and Mike talk about female dominated teaching and daycare environments are non-conducive to boys being graded equally. I don't understand why this is exactly happening and what we can do to help boys perform better and gain interest in college. I suspect this topic has many levels of complexity from single parenting to mothers favored in family divorce court. If single parenting is a problem for both sexes, why are women still progressing while men are declining? I have suspicions that men staying at home on video games, less father involvement in developing delayed gratification and building a path to future is no longer instilled in boys. I could see taking on debt for student loans and less incentives for working due to stagnated wages and destruction of the American family. How do we solve these problems without helping further damage and destroying our future. The prison system is a catastrophe, John Olivers Last Week Tonight segment actually touched on something important and focused on men wrongfully held 55+ years for a drug charge along with mandatory minimums. The news is just heart-breaking and I am interested in digging deeper into these problems. When I near the completion of my MBA in February after realizing my Bachelors in General Science gave no possibilities for me after 4 years in the Naval Academy and 9 years of being told it was the worst place to be, best place to be from. I am hoping those 4 years were not a mistake paid on the part of the American taxpayer. Ive taken a big leap and several steps in this peaceful parenting, universally preferable behavior environment. TL:DR The education system is stacked against males, how do we help this situation? Thanks, Justin P.S. Heres the article for those interested.. And another article searching for answers but negates my concerns about society and grade schools. http://www.avoiceformalestudents.com/michelle-obama-stop-selling-out-ourboys/ https://www.questia.com/magazine/1P3-776923621/men-no-longer-majority-of-college-students-graduates
  8. Heres the link I found to get things started. I was approached by a colleague who brought this up. Why don't gulf countries take asylum seekers? Why is the wars and cultures of a totally different nature going out of there way when other countries much closer could help? Are they not rich enough to raise charities or provide some sort of relief. I feel they know deep down the Europeans are willing to take in the refugees. Thoughts? https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/3j7afl/serious_why_dont_the_refugees_go_to_gulf_countries/? Slavery in the UAE, not accepting asylum seekers, people arrested and deported on sight, why does this have to be a European problem? I see in the swedish tabloids a 3 year old laying dead on a beach being shamelessly paraded as a means of enforcing more government regulations. It makes me sick and I wish more people asked these kinds of questions. Why couldn't he just as easily made it to Jordan, or Israel, or Egypt? Its devastating and I would like to hear thoughts on this.
  9. I found this article on /r/MensRights thread on reddit and it is a police study showing the rape statistics since 2007. I know Stef and Mike said there have been no recent studies due to the unacceptable shaming of being branded sexist or misogynist. I wanted to share this in hopes of shedding more light on a horrifying issue and needs to be changed. As the police say, they take this issue very seriously, and the most common reason for the accusation was to protect the women involved. Its a defense mechanism. However, no means can justify accusing anyone of a false crime especially one that damages a person for years after. I hope you all find this.Justin Eight out of ten rapes are faked The police in Rostock determined with great effort. But the majority of reported cases of sexual abuse are made-up stories. 09/11/2015 19:19 clock Trailing Scene: Eight out of ten rapes are faked, according to the police. © Jens Wagner Rostock. Whether rape, child abuse, exhibitionism, child pornography - 173 offenses against sexual self-determination has been recognized in this year the Criminal Inspection (KPI) Rostock. 2014 there were 262 cases. More than 80 percent of them were well educated, according to police. Since 2007, Detective Chief Commissioner Britta Rabe concerned with sexual offenses in Rostock and in the district, along with three colleagues.Increasingly, there are investigators but to do with false cases: Eight out of ten sex offenses are faked. "We take this very seriously ads," says CEO Peter Mainka KPI. It would wanted with a large police contingent for possible perpetrators, operated elaborate forensic crime scenes, heard many witnesses. Yet the investigators have at the end often find that there has been in fact no crime."Often there are allegations protection of women, in order to justify a slip, a wrongdoing against husband, boyfriend or parents," says Britta Rabe. Doris Kesselring Heres the translated Article: https://translate.google.de/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ostsee-zeitung.de%2FRegion-Rostock%2FRostock%2FAcht-von-zehn-Vergewaltigungen-sind-vorgetaeuscht&edit-text=&act=url
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