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Kim Lee

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Everything posted by Kim Lee

  1. Esther Vilar, better known for her book The Manipulated Man, also wrote about "Nuevo Machismo". http://www.scribd.com/doc/209950318/Modelo-Para-Un-Nuevo-Machismo-Esther-Vilar#scribd http://www.scribd.com/doc/244512321/Test-Vilar-nouvelle-pdf#
  2. I understand your point. But Roosh is almost 36, and has never had a long-term romantic relationship. Instead, he has left "mini-relationships" within a month. I would believe him more if he went on a sexual fast, or stayed in a relationship.
  3. Kim Lee

    IQ test

    IQ is highly correlated with SAT. So you might already have information to estimate your IQ. http://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/greiq.aspx
  4. They already switched from the Bolivar to the Bolivar Fuerte in 2008.
  5. Isn't it hypocritical for Roosh to discuss "sexual moderation" after he spent years travelling as a "love tourist"?
  6. It's not just Chicago. The whole state of Illinois is financially crippled by underfunded pensions. http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/7/71/356349/nobodys-crying-wolf-illinois-fiscal-crisis
  7. Do you mean the North Tower video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUDoGuLpirc
  8. So 10,000 undetected explosives detonated within 15 seconds on the same day the plane hit?
  9. A web search shows that the arresting officer's name was Eric Reynolds. Do you have any other Facebook messages to share?
  10. Thanks; this appears to be the source for the Air Force research in the "Truth About Rape Culture" video (48:17). Unfortunately, Bruce Gross's information about polygraphs and "disproved" allegations is not supported by his citation to McDowell's "False Allegations" paper. In other words, your secondary source does not provide a correct primary source. Also, the Forensic Examiner is not peer-reviewed, and Bruce Gross did not respond to my e-mail. So this information remains unsourced.
  11. Thanks for your responsiveness. I am questioning discussion of McDowell's work. Please supply the source for the assertion "In the 1980's, researchers in the United States Air Force Special Studies Division examined 1,218 reports of rape ... " at 48:17.
  12. "The Truth About Rape Culture" relies heavily on Frank S. Zepezauer's article www.ipt-forensics.com/journal/volume6/j6_2_4.htm. But McDowell and Hibler's "False Allegations" article doesn't support the information in the article or video. So this information is effectively unsourced. Will Stefan Molyneux please respond?
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