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Everything posted by MrNlul77

  1. If I understand you correctly, I had a similar idea. Ive never been religious in my life but ive been to religious youth groups, community center's and churches for other reasons than worship. Having atheist places like these, with an emphasis on spreading UPB to the public is a step that I believe is important and a vital step for freedom. Exposing people to UPB/reality/truth and helping them learn how to think is the only way freedom will ever be a reality for the world. Im eternally grateful to Stefan, his work has made the world/my life a better place, it just saddens me that the board is so boring and that UPB is hiding out on the internet and only really has any contact with people who are looking for it. Since I woke up to reality, ive encouraged the people I know and have met to visit FDR; however, if people could happen upon it in everyday life that would have a far greater impact.
  2. Id say that the people involved in the "state" would use any means to stay in power, to further their control and to hide the reality of their actions from the people. People in power are sociopaths/psychopaths, they lack empathy and see the public as livestock. Black, white, yellow, blue or brown is irrelevant to them, they will do whatever they think at the time will further their ends. Stefan has a number of videos that talk about this issue. I've not researched this area in any real detail, I've watched the link below and a few others. I hope it helps. http://youtu.be/9Wu71VvUmJc
  3. The "State" only ever has it one way, the way that serves it best. Keep the livestock fighting amongst themselves to distract them from the reality of their slavery. The "state is a violent/immoral institution that controls people through propaganda (amongst other uses of force), it has perpetuated the falsehoods of racism, to hide the consequences of the actions it's involved in (slaughtering millions of innocent people, creating the conditions that hold back the poor, national debt, etc). What I mean by "racism" is "control".
  4. Eugenics springs to mind. Edit: Not sure why somebody has gave me a down vote?. Perhaps the person who did would like to explain their reasoning as my comment is valid. If you'd like to talk about why you felt the need to hit and run, or maybe youd like me to help you understand the relevance of my comment, Im willing to do so. If you'd prepare not to address your issue that's fine too. Have a great day
  5. Priests using chastising and guilt to get people to donate is an initiation of force, it plays upon irrational people's fears of eternal damnation/smiting "God" to coerce them. Stef's appeals for donations don't initiate force. If I went to a restaurant and the manager States "if I enjoy the meal, the right thing to do, would be to pay the chef for his efforts", the manager is not forcing me to pay or implying that if I don't pay, bad things will happen, he is simply appealing to my integrity. Stef puts out these podcasts for free, it takes time, effort and money to do so, if a person has the means, they "should" at least, "buy the philosopher lunch", if they're able they will hopefully support the show.
  6. They live (1988), director: John Carpenter. I first watched this film when I was 10 years of age for the wrestler "Rowdy Roddy Piper" . I had no idea of the philosophy behind the film. I watched it again a few weeks ago (27 years later) and was stunned by the message contained within it.
  7. Empirical evidence, logical consistency and reasoning is the methodology, if a persons argument doesn't conform then that's the point to concentrate on. If they're steadfast in their belief then, you have the right idea " back away slowly"
  8. What does it means to be white? If MTV's intention is to show how brainwashed people really are with regards to the illogical/immoral theories at the root of racism, the show will have some merit, otherwise IMO it will only perpetuate ignorance and add fuel to the misguided fires of the concept of racism, which I'm sure will serve the state.
  9. Hello Im Neil, im interested in meeting people to listen to and discuss the issues and truth of FDR. I first came across FDR on youtube, about a month and a half ago, while searching for the standup comedian Steve Hughs. I watched "The story of your enslavement", which made complete sense and put society into perspective. Since then I have watched some videos on YouTube and started the podcast series. In my circle of friends/family nobody wants to listen really, could be the way im approaching them, something I will get better at, and after a while I feel im talking to myself. It would good to meet people who are like minded. Hope to hear, be happy
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