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  1. I did this, I showed 3 real cases where a man had been charged of rape, and the woman had eventually (months or even years after making the accusation) admitted to lying. When I did this she just said that being raped is worse so she would gladly accept a "few" men being wrongfully accused and imprisoned if rape victims got more power (this just sounds crazy, but it is the idea they tend to stick with). In one of the cases, the man even lost his right to see his children, even after the woman admitted to lying he had trouble getting his children back from child services. I have tried the "I'm on your side" approach. Which consists of me pretending to support her/his viewpoint and intentionally making some absurd statements whilst still claiming to be on her/his side. An example would be me saying that the gender pay gap is a huge issue in todays world, and that we should fix it by restricting men's ability to get into certain careers that tend to give higher salaries. That men should only be allowed to work in low-pay jobs so that we can "balance" out the "uneven" gender pay scale. This often backfires though, and they actually follow me on the absurd "solutions". Another absurd solution would be creating extra taxes for white men, which I have recently discovered is being discussed in a serious manner by feminists. I actually feel that this approach does more harm than good based on my experiences. Is there really a point in debating a mad cow? Should I just walk my own way (by that I am NOT reffering to mgtow) and let nature deal with it instead? We all know that social "paradises" collapses in predictable manners, as we have seen in previous historical societies. Should I just let this one fall?
  2. I also grew up in a very socialistic society, and still live in one today. I was told racism is bad, sexism is bad, globalism and equality is good, but all these things where taught without a context with it. So that when I grew up I would naturally have these words stick to me, and for many they would be terrified of having one of these words attached to themselves, no matter what reason the social justice warriors give.This really gives leftist liberals an edge when debating in an emotional state. I dont like the "against me argument" as it makes it more personal, and eventually leads to an emotional debate instead of one based on logic. I cant seem to find your old post, is "Socialism and Stef Bashing" the title? I would be interested in the podcast as well if you can find it. You are correct, but we cant really seperate them by force if we are to believe in pure capitalism. Instead, as we control our own bodies, we have the option to leave. This has the same outcome, we seperate ourselves from a community filled with socialists by leaving them in their own misery.
  3. A lot of people seem to relate capitalism with the Republican party of the US, which is obviously laughable. Free trade is the ideal solution, but not if there is a situation where one country has free trade and the other has restrictions on its trade. Trade between those countries will not be fair, and it will not lead to the greatest potential outcome of efficiency in the global economy. All it would do in this situation is to create issues for the country having free trade, whilst the other gets more benefits. But the important point here is that the global economy will suffer as a whole, even though one of the countries seem to be benefitting from it. Being psychopatic tends to result in the urge of gaining control, due to their violent social behaviour. You can gain control over people in a socialistic society, where the moral standards of a few will be enforced on everyone. A pure capitalistic society gives you control of your own body only, nothing else. Arguing against capitalism without defining it properly is pointless.
  4. This reminds me of the Stanford Prison Experiment. Those who participated and became guards changed almost instantly with their behaviour. They eventually seemed to get the urge of intimidating the prisoners (fake prisoners of course) socially, due to their higher level of authority. I wouldnt be surprised if TSA agents are affected the same way. They know they have more power than the average traveler, and can intimidate anyone (except for the rich) easily without consequences.
  5. Today I debated my last feminists, social justice warriors, liberal leftists or whatever you want to call them. I've realized now that you cant properly debate with these kinds of people. I was once again left hanging with the racist/sexist label. Most of the debates with these kinds of people (I would say all, but I have had 2 exceptions in my whole life) have ended in the counter-party calling me a racist privilleged white male and that I should be ashamed of myself. This is said after they refuse to counter my arguments, and they make sure to leave quickly before I have the chance to respond. In the debate I engaged with today, I eventually asked a feminist if she was in favor of a system similar to the one used for "witch hunting", in rape cases. Essentially meaning that a woman could sentence a man to jail based on only her words. She said yes, and called me a rapist for not wanting to help women. Then she left. This happens all too often. If I bring the point about women earning less on average due to different proffesions desired by women and men, I am called a sexist. If I oppose the immigration policies many European (including my own) countries are pursuing right now, I am called a racist. It seems that no matter what I do, If I am seen as their opposition, they just put a label on me and leave. I will not bother trying to use logic on them anymore, for it seems to have little effect. Their main weapon is emotions, it is not possible to battle emotions with logic. What can one do exactly? Just hope the damage they do in our society will go over quickly and hope for the best? Politicians tend to use emotions as well. I cant really say that the economic stability in my country will be crushed by the huge influx of immigrants, when all they do is call me a racist and show some picture of struggling refugee children/women. This post seems like a rant by now, but I really have no clue on what to do with the issues in our society today. Adressing them using logic has failed, what else could work?
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