Today I debated my last feminists, social justice warriors, liberal leftists or whatever you want to call them. I've realized now that you cant properly debate with these kinds of people. I was once again left hanging with the racist/sexist label.
Most of the debates with these kinds of people (I would say all, but I have had 2 exceptions in my whole life) have ended in the counter-party calling me a racist privilleged white male and that I should be ashamed of myself. This is said after they refuse to counter my arguments, and they make sure to leave quickly before I have the chance to respond.
In the debate I engaged with today, I eventually asked a feminist if she was in favor of a system similar to the one used for "witch hunting", in rape cases. Essentially meaning that a woman could sentence a man to jail based on only her words. She said yes, and called me a rapist for not wanting to help women. Then she left.
This happens all too often. If I bring the point about women earning less on average due to different proffesions desired by women and men, I am called a sexist. If I oppose the immigration policies many European (including my own) countries are pursuing right now, I am called a racist.
It seems that no matter what I do, If I am seen as their opposition, they just put a label on me and leave.
I will not bother trying to use logic on them anymore, for it seems to have little effect. Their main weapon is emotions, it is not possible to battle emotions with logic.
What can one do exactly? Just hope the damage they do in our society will go over quickly and hope for the best?
Politicians tend to use emotions as well. I cant really say that the economic stability in my country will be crushed by the huge influx of immigrants, when all they do is call me a racist and show some picture of struggling refugee children/women.
This post seems like a rant by now, but I really have no clue on what to do with the issues in our society today. Adressing them using logic has failed, what else could work?