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twinklingwinter last won the day on June 20 2017

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  1. Hi. I've had this same exact idea for a while, but never got around to writing any code I'll PM you.
  2. Your mom is a full-on psychopath, one that I've never seen for myself. I can't imagine the hell you must've gone through. God... I knew you had it rough, but listening at all the examples is something entirely different. Good on you that you managed to find a way to get that demon out of your head, that's heroic. It's even more heroic to have the balls to call her out. Anyway, loved the video. It's very informative, and I recommend it for everyone here.
  3. Why do you caution against people who self advertise? Why is it unethical?
  4. Whoops, wrong book. Edited. Thanks! Edit: Yes, it's a fantastic book. I recommend it.
  5. I stopped reading after this. You're begging the question. By phrasing that question in that way, you assume the conclusion that there's no point in working on a career, to prove that there's no point in working on a career. Why? Because you said "sacrificing your life", which implies doing something for your whole life against your self interest. You haven't proved that working implies doing something against one's own self interest. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you see work in this way before making universal statements about work. Check your premises.
  6. A lot of what he talks about regarding psychology is derived directly from Nathaniel Branden. I confirmed this while reading Branden's books. Stefan did say he was influenced by him a lot. He also said "The most influential book that I read in terms of self knowledge was the first one: The Psychology of Self Esteem by Nathaniel Branden" right here: https://youtu.be/vQC4SusvjaE?t=38m50s
  7. Is legal marriage the only way to ensure commitment for a man? Wouldn't a "good woman" understand how the family court system is extremely biased against men when you present the evidence to her? I'm gonna compare this to a fictional scenario I just made up. Let me know if this applies at all or not: You go to a job interview. The job seems great, and you want to work there. Right before hiring you the employer wants you to sign a certain contract. You read it and it says that the company can fire you at any time, and is entitled to 40% of your earnings for 20 years after they fire you, if it is in any way dissatisfied with your job performance. They also might have the State seize your guns or lock you up if someone in the company perceives you as "dangerous". If you don't comply, you go to jail. After you tell the employer that you refuse to sign it, he says "Well, that proves to me that you're not serious about the job".
  8. Psst! Take a look at his signature...
  9. Welcome! Why don't you join our Discord Server. We have a Swede there.
  10. As always, Dylan kills it with his pragmatic, brief and to-the-point solution. Love it.
  11. It's satire. I saw the same guy troll PewDiePie here
  12. already did lol
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