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I disagree. Lefties have made a rule about political violence. That rule applies to everybody equally. Therefore it is now OK for me to not just punch but kill lefties because they are happy to do the same to me. Children, OTOH don't make rules about violence. So the NAP still applies. There are no flaws in the logic above. tele.
From reading the article it seems that Betsy DeVos wants state school to be replaced with private school and then wants to remove taxpayers money from education. Seems reasonable to me. A problem could be that she will focus on including supreme being stuff in the curriculum but I don't expect this to be much of a problem. Let me explain why. For most lessons it won't matter, i.e. English, Maths , Physics etc. For Geography and RE this does present a problem. However most children go through 11 years of state indoctrination and most do not turn into foaming lefties. The same will happen with teaching supreme being indoctrination. So, the end result will be better education of children because of the increased competition and better educated children still rejecting attempts to brainwash them. A lot of libertarians make the mistake of that because a change isn't perfect according to our beliefs we should reject it. I used to be like that myself. DeVos is not perfect but is a step in the right direction. tele.
Thanks for your comments. Its early days yet but I'm starting to find my voice. One thing I've tried to do is connect the sort of stuff that is discussed here into the real world hence the Fenland Conversation after the fens area of the UK where I live, so I talk about stories that the two local papers cover not just national/international news or wider philosophical topics. tele
I've started a blog and done 38 posts, if anyone wants to check it out and offer suggestions etc here it is:- https://thefenlandconversation.wordpress.com TIA tele
Yes, this includes ALL fantasy/magic. Sci-fi is fine, it not only includes cool science/technology but also big questions (why are we here? etc). Better metaphors can be used, it's also not cool or badass because of the implausability. I have nothing against entertainment, after all, I watch "Better call Saul". Clearly a work of fiction but I can imagine crooked lawyers and can empathise with what lead him to be crooked. Here is a question for you. If people were much less interested in 'clearly made up nonsense' and more focused on reality, would we not live in a world with better parenting and more honest political dialogue?
I assume they are better able to cope with having more sexual partners than women but when that limit is reached (whatever that is in actual numbers) they face the same problems with losing the ability for intimacy etc. One problem the male prostitutes in Pattaya face is customers of both genders.
It's "silly". Dragons aren't real. It's just too much outside of reality. By all means have kings shooting people with crossbows, blood and gore, backstabbing and plotting etc. All that happened in the medievel period, but no need to include mythical fantasy. Having said that, even if it didn't have dragons I probably still wouldn't watch it. I don't watch much TV anyway, occasionally the odd football match and once every few years something like 'Dexter' or 'Better call Saul'.
I can't speak for Stef but I don't watch GoT because it has dragons in it.
Actually, not only in Japan. The same thing happens in Pattaya, Thailand, where female prostitutes spend their money on male prostitutes. Too many sexual partners fucks you up (pun intended).
I agree that facebook is of no use for changing minds and would go further that it is nothing but a time sink. I get the impression it is only used by bored housewives posting about restaurant meals and their kids. In the 'real world' I am finding that I am self censoring less and less and quite frankly, bugger the consequences.
There is nothing wrong with helping people or wanting to help people. However, is that the best use of your charitable donations. Giving needy people a sticky plaster doesn't stop the reasons why they are needy. Why not attack the source of needy peoples problems and fight the "state". Consider donating to FDR instead.
It's interesting that the newspaper are not allowing any comments on the article. The person in question is indeed reported to have been arrested but this does not been that he will be charged with any offence, nor that he would be found guilty. Apart from a bit of social opprobrium he will suffer no harm. Learn from this and understand that we do not have to be cowered. Why are you apologising from using the Daily Mail as a resource, it's no worse than other newspapers?
I think it's quite perceptive that you point out that the "help" may indeed be for the helper to make themselves feel better than anything the helpee may get. Surely the best help anyone could get is to live in a free society free from the "assistance" of the govt and justgiving.com dosn't help with that.
I really don't think that is true. Its much more likely that the govt are annoyed that people are not following the totally unnecessary licensing rules.