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Lost Lenore

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  1. Perhaps my first issue is located within the evolutionary psychology spectrum: how would that be possible, as a young fertile male, to be in a platonic relationships (obviously you CAN'T be in a virtuous, loving, monogamous relationships with a stripper) — with a girl whose job is too make hundred of strangers jerk off on her naked pussy everyday ? Emotionnaly speaking, we aren't hard-wired that way: our brain's circuitry is evolutionary conditioned to look either for a stable, homeostatic relationships — or for a one night encounter (mostly). The latter isn't our subject here, so I will not deepen it any further. Why are we looking for stability ? The literature tells us that it is probably linked with our instinctive preference to make sure that we aren't wasting resources in the offspring of another male. Then, if the girl is single, not a sex worker and not looking for any serious "love affair" — there can be some homeostasis in the relationships. It's also possible to reproduce a similar pattern of stability if the girl is already engaged in a serious relationships, and/or married: in that case you're not wasting resources and energy for something you didn't choose, since it's pretty safe to say that you personally know her lover, respect him, and voluntarily / happily choose to contribute to their well-being. Things become a bit more complicated when we are dealing with fake sex and remunerated promiscuity on one side, and platonic / virtuous intentions on the other. Fact is: I'm not biologically, psycho-sexually hard-wired to be full-blown in that specific kind of situation. How can you build sensible integrity when your female friend is acting in a way that you aren't engineered to support nor tolerate ? So I think it's why, Algernon — the information "stripper" is here absolutely mandatory, even if if wouldn't have been the case for the female banker / teacher — since there are no (apriori) anthropological / evolutionary conflict (at a sexual level) befriending those women. Like other posters said, you would have then to know her really better, to ask specific questions about her sexual life, in order to establish it. Then making the process of friendship necessary in other to know if you can be friend with that person. Also, en vrac — consider these other peripheral problems: A) How that friendship will be judged by other people, your family, and especially by other guys (who only want to fuck the stripper) ? B) How do you deal with the constant throwbacks of stalkers, weak beta males offers, professional stress, dangers, etc. ? C) Also what happens if, as it occurs so often — you develop romantic feelings for the girl (consider that your friendship is based of her virtues) ? [...]
  2. Not dating, but friendship. Not the nightmarish / infantile "friend zone", but real friendship (that imply objectivity, sincerity, self-knowledge, etc). I'm interested by hearing you "in general" before giving personal details (about my specific situation). Speculation can be an interesting as an introduction, since it could "open the doors of perception" about a particular topic. I'm asking for your free thoughts / two-cents. Help me envision the whole thing through extensionalization and multiple point of views. Except for one thing: I'm aware of the "seduction community" take about it (use the girl as a pawn, pre-selection, jealousy plotting, etc), and please — spare me this BULLSHIT. Also feel free to ask me specific questions at the end of your post. Thx everyone !
  3. If ironical, kudos ! If big time serious — OMFG ! http://www.theportlygazelle.com/2015/08/29/refusing-to-have-sex-with-a-woman-is-rape-whenhesaysno/
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