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Everything posted by Mattertea

  1. Thanks for showing me this - I really was scratching my head at this major discrepancy. I missed this interview. I would like to follow up and ask what you think of this private solution to the syrian refugee crisis - "Private sponsorships in Canada have helped resettle more than 200,000 refugees since the program was created in 1979." https://mises.org/blog/private-solution-syrian-refugee-crisis I believe that in a free society, free people should be able to travel between geographic regions, freely, especially when there is an individual or group on the other side willing to voluntarily accept them into their home and support them for them for up to 12 months or until they are independent, whichever comes first. People who want to make a better life for themselves should be welcome, as my family did in 1890. Hell, I'd probably have never been born and my family would have been slaughtered by Nazi's if they hadn't immigrated when they did. A lot of fear mongering and false information went around about how some of the Jewish refugees escaping the Nazis were actually secretly Nazi Spies. I am seeing very similar fear mongering about Muslims escaping a terrible situation - that they are all terrorists, even though they are actually fleeing the terrorist groups that the US helped create. Even though forced wealth redistribution is a drain on resources and progress, the welfare issue is, to me, not nearly as important as the military industrial complex, which is by far, the biggest welfare recipient on the planet. Not to mention the fact that every bomb that gets dropped likely creates dozens more future terrorists. The biggest problem is Intervention. If the US just stopped intervening it would stop making things worse!
  2. Why does the CIS always seem to contradict the findings of CATO? "Low-income non-citizen adults and children generally have lower rates of public benefit use than native-born adults or citizen children whose parents are also citizens. Moreover, when low-income non-citizens receive public benefits, the average value of benefits per recipient is almost always lower than for the native-born." http://www.cato.org/publications/economic-development-bulletin/poor-immigrants-use-public-benefits-lower-rate-poor
  3. +1 to that - High Carb Raw vegan (fruitarian) is the ultimate human diet. There is so much science linking heart disease and obeisity to animal based foods - even eggs and cheese. When you eat living foods, you nourish your body with enzymes and the essential amino acids. You can start by incorporating into your meals even something as simple as 2 slices of cucumber. Take small steps towards your goal, if you try to do a crash diet you will most likely yo-yo. By adding things into your diet that are good, you will find you eat less of the bad stuff. For me its challenging to maintain a raw plant based diet, since I do not live in the tropics. I find sweet potatoes, oatmeal, beans, brown rice or quinoa to be acceptable. But the theme here is plant based whole foods. Check out: OKRaw Liferegenerator Running Raw FullyRawKristina I have the exact opposite problem as the OP - I am 5' 10" and the heaviest i've ever been at 125lbs which lead me to follow VeganGains ps Durianrider is hillarious and gives no fucks.
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