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I completely forgot about Breitbart workers threatening to quit. This is another Todd Akin scandal. Virtue signalling can be much worse on the political 'right' than 'left.' A few years back republicans forfeited a guaranteed seat in the senate by completely turning against their candidate for misspeaking... after the elections republicans went oh wow maybe we shouldn't do that.. yet they continued with Trump, Shkreli or any other character that can easily win them virtue points. I've quit jobs because of management or the business, never because of a co-worker. I guess in the Trump economy its easier to find a job yet I still can't really take those threats to resign seriously. I for one do not like being played. Milo's comments that gained such a reaction recently were nothing new. I'm not saying they are agreeable but this stuff was widespread and known by the time the organized and concentrated attack happened to Milo.
I think one thing that is being missed by the older generation of commentators is that this is what has been normalized for kids. Milo is not much older than me and I remember when I was in school the environment was hyper sexualized especially at grade 7 when I think my class of peers were at their worst. Milo attempts to make a distinction between pre-pubescent attraction as being the proper definition of pedophilia acting as though we switch from kid to adult. There is a period of growth and exploration in young adulthood that him having been robbed of fails to even acknowledge in addressing the issue. Even if you accept the premise of consent there is still the issue of abuse of power. The power imbalance is another element that has not been explored. An adapt comparison could be the twenty-something female teacher with their teenage student which we have seen many times in the press, yet no one has been willing to compare this to anything outside the gay experience.
Over the past few weeks many of the youtube channels I follow have been asking to click the bell for notifications. These channels have been complaining about views dropping and implying that their revenue stream is being hijacked to push corporate sponsors. This trend began a few months ago at which point I began to fully appreciate the structure of the show http://kotaku.com/why-youtubers-are-freaking-out-about-money-and-censorsh-1786032317 The initial triggering was caused by Youtube refusing to pay any ad revenue for videos featuring "inappropriate" content, which has now been followed by another cut to their revenue with this new system that limits their exposure by interfering with the established relationship they have with their customer. The fallout of this change has resulted in the "red pilling" of many high profile youtube stars. Channels I avoided or else I would rant about I am now enjoying and sharing with people. Has anyone else kinda noticed this shift in everything that's been coming out lately?
This might be a good time to form a FDR group on goodreads, maybe even monthly book club? You might like some books from this list: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/17830126-jamsh?shelf=memeology
One of my absolute favorite books is Quiet by Susan Cain, another great book I'm often recommending is Knowledge and Decisions by Thomas Sowell
I wanted to share this amazing book I just finished reading called: Boys Adrift http://www.boysadrift.com/ In this book Leonard Sax addresses a lot of the dysgenic effects rallied against in the gene wars while going on to give solutions parents could implement. I think Leonard Sax would make a really good guest on the program. I heard in this book things about DSM4 I never had before and environmental estrogen that now have me swearing off plastics
LONDON (AP) -- Corruption will never be eradicated from soccer and officials in the English-speaking world should try to be humble rather than pompous when they talk about ethics, a FIFA vice president said Tuesday. http://www.torontosun.com/2016/10/04/fifa-fines-canadian-soccer-association-for-insulting-chants-from-supporters http://sports.yahoo.com/news/fifa-vp-english-speaking-soccer-officials-pompous-ethics-220235948--sow.html http://vancouversun.com/sports/soccer/international-soccer/fifa-fines-canada-soccer-for-fans-boorish-behaviour-at-b-c-place Upcoming World Cup location: Russia, Qatar
Why on earth would you begin adding options... wouldn't equality mean displacing one of those restrooms for a shared communal bathroom. This situation is like marriage, speed limits, and so many social constructs in place people do not agree with so they criticize without understanding why they were implemented in the first place. The reality is that most men are unhygienic disgusting pigs. Something that has gotten much worse with time as we no longer teach any etiquette or manors while refusing to apply any social pressure to negative behavior. I travel through many smaller stores for my work. When I started most of these did not allow the public to use their restrooms, all of them were gross. Cleaning, repairing and maintaining these have been a real eye opener to how uncivilized our culture has become. It's really noticeable when you are in an office next to the only single restroom and maintain it like a bathroom attendant. Men and women pee all over the place, do not flush or wash their hands, etc, etc. My experience with restrooms reminds me of the first programming course I ever took. I was never top in the class until we came across business ethics and morals, the rest of the class failed that part miserably and just couldn't get the mind around the concepts.
Gerrymandering is how you migrate. The best/only way for any migrant to obtain status is to get into contact with the state representatives of the area he wants to move to. Immigration is a political racket. Productive, positive additions need political connections to get the proper treatment or they are ignored. Undesirables are just much more effective at mobilizing political power. In the immigration system merit has no value. Well off people are often too busy to have time for political action, even fewer have interest in helping to bring in a well off person come in to compete with.
I took the title from the front page of the Globe & Mail today. I was once an illegal immigrant who was deported over the southern border, refiled and came back legally. I now hold permanent residence for where I was once deported. I hate to begin an argument with the phrase; "as a ______." Fortunately I didn't get around to forming an argument.. so here is my life story- raw facts as unemotional as I can present it Introduction This situation is going to sound complicated due to my parents avoiding the proper system, then even further complicated by immigration red tape. My parents moved to Canada before I was born, they are both Americans. They ran a family business, got a home and created family there. Ironically while living in Canada my mother went through the trouble of making sure my brother and I would be born in Michigan like the rest of the family... so we could be presidents... This would of required a considerable amount of planning, so it is understandable why when having her final child as mother to two kids already, one seven and in school she stayed at the home in Canada. We made fun of my sister a lot growing up as being the sole Canadian in the family... then like karma when I was 17 I got deported for not being Canadian and she got to stay.... Since moving to Canada for temporary work they had settled down and decided they wanted to make home there now. This is where chaos ensues. Up until that point everything was fine, my classmates would always insist I was just like them but I would contend we were very different. I would like to explore these feelings of kinship later, but lets get back to the plot. My parents decided that moving forward the best step would be to hire a family immigration attorney. The lawyer then determined the best option was to apply for status from within Canada... apparently this set off a red flag that notified Canadian authorities that we were in the country illegally. Other attorneys have since said we should of applied for status from outside of Canada and would of been fine. The immigration racket is very corrupt and dirty, it is an open secret by everyone in it that you must abuse the options- and that only a fool would do everything properly.... well my parents hired a fool. This triggered a long series of delaying judgement while filing for whatever was viable, humanitarian compassion and aid, family reunification, anything that works is on the table. These forms costs thousands, sometimes in the tens of thousands to get done. As the parent is must be frustrating doing all of this... and then coming up with an answer to the kids when they ask what is up with our status, am I going to be able to get a job finally? I had a coop at a bank for school I couldn't proceed with cause it was going to "just a couple more weeks till our papers came in," little more than a year later I was being deported. The judgement took many years. By the time we finally did all get status my brother was over the age to be included as a dependent for the family migration... he was maybe in middle school, at least still in high school when it began... a few months later I would be in the same boat and like him still without status today. The judgement was that we were illegal immigrants or something, I'm not sure... I always thought of myself as a foreign national. The process went down like this... our immigration was rejected, at this point we were given a removal order. Two months into my last year of high school I had to go with my parents to the immigration office in Niagara Falls, they were waiting to receive, and process us. We were escorted over the bridge and handed off to the American border patrol. The removal order was placed on my two parents and me forcing us to leave the country by the date given, an additional exclusion order was put on my parents barring them from entry for 1 year. My brother was not included as he had been dropped from the family migration at this point, and was living in Michigan. my sister- the Canadian didn't have to go with us, there was no immigration hassle for her... I mean other than losing her family and having to move around from house to house to family friends like the kids from 'the series of unfortunate events' Now ask me anything so we can make a thread outta this.
Think about what you are thinking while you are thinking. It just sounds like you are beginning to think beyond stage one, using perspective even, this is your brain on reason. Still I think we need more information. The original post was not all that clear. Who was the person you were going to talk to. Anyone who has stressed about calling/texting/w/e a date has run through these what-if scenarios. It feels like the same anxiety before speaking in public. I am sure that stress was relevant to what happened as I am sure you have a fine imagination so this doesn't feel like deliberate day dreaming/idle entertainment. When I saw Self-Talk two definitions came into my mind so I need you to clarify this for me. Self-talk has been talked about in FDR I'm pretty sure, this article covers that concept of the power of positive thinking: http://www.dangerandplay.com/2014/05/18/frame-control-how-to-turn-your-problems-into-power/ The other case I'm thinking about is when imagine someone we are missing. If it is a psychotic episode due to grievance I have no idea, am interested, but can't offer any help. That is a very different case than a mental exercise testing your knowledge- which to me feels the same as running math problems in my head.
never trust a man named trudeau. Just look at how many times this convict has been brought to court: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Trudeau#Legal_proceedings
With all of this being said the most successful comic out now is The Walking Dead, it's not that PC and seems to be the opposite of everything established names are doing. The reactions in the fan mail section are funny, they always seem to go along the lines of "aww man why couldn't you of', or "just had to have the ___ guy do ___" Judging by the social media reaction to the movie announcement/how ignorant most media is I doubt anyone is going to be willing to that far. Seems like comic book business as usual. Easier to bring someone back from the dead or reinvent them than launching a new comic or interesting storyline. Batman still puts out some amazing stories... but there are like 12 different Batman lines to choose from Correction 14! http://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/the_poet/lists/current-batman-series-list/20697/
The SJW leak in the comic book industry has been taken to a laughable level that I would like to catalog and share with you. I'm no expert on any part of comics so I will just go about listing what I have observed, including comic characters in popular media. Before I get into that I just one to point out that I have always felt that Marvel vs DC had a left/right dichotomy- to put it short DC stories show man is not angels while Marvel attempts to create angels. Now let me take you through what I've come across... Green Arrow Rebirth #1 - best selling Green Arrow comic ever off the hype of the Arrow (TV Series) Who is this new Arrow? I'll quote I'll on this one "I prefer the company of the streets. I prefer the job description of social justice warrior." Well I guess this is what I get for blindly buying from the new DC line instead of just sticking to DKIII. That's on the last panel of page 3.. I don't think you will make that far so just glance at page #1 and I'm sure you will understand why I'm writing this. http://www.readcomics.net/green-arrow-rebirth/chapter-1/4 Okay... so Green Arrow Rebirth is going to be a dud... Can still get caught up on Arrow, right? Visits /r/Arrow... sees MARVEL DAREDEVIL It would seem as though the Arrow fans have gone into revolt over how poor the past season was. Although I'm 2 seasons behind this thread seems to explain everything; https://www.reddit.com/r/arrow/comments/4nk5jy/s4_donna_smoak_has_now_had_more_screentime_in_the/?st=iqbxctgq&sh=46bdce71 Now I don't know who Donna Smoak is... cause she was never in any Green Arrow comics.. she also spoiler alert hasn't been introduced yet in the show until season 3. no idea what role she plays.. but people are not liking it. This Donna Smoak character is not unlike something that happened in a DC show I am current on. Gotham. In Gotham there is another newly created for TV character, Fish Mooney. She seems incredibly out of place on the streets of Gotham. With hardly any indication of martial training or athleticism her skill is apparently seducing people... did I mention she is black and bi? I'm she you can see why she had to be made for tv. Set up as Penguin's foil it kind of makes sense. Penguins eat fish. But there is already a Fish character in the Batman universe. Arkham Asylum: Living Hell gives us a really great story of him. An embezzler sent to Arkham all of the worst say, "your the worst person i've ever met" he undergoes a really brutal time in Arkham eventually learning from it all to rule the place... Fish Mooney? Couldn't tell you. Nothing spectacular from DC Rebirth, continue reading old DC like when the joker became khoemini's iranian ambassador to the un and walked past guards into the place with a bomb strap to his chest while batman is going, 'stop him he's gonna blow the place up', superman has to explain to batman the politics of it. http://pm1.narvii.com/5791/c6b26d9c0c51d7b6f1f5923548557eaeecc791f6_hq.jpg Honestly this thread would of never been made if it weren't for the Washington Post today. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/comic-riffs/wp/2016/07/06/iron-man-will-soon-be-a-young-black-woman-named-riri-williams-but-not-everyone-is-satisfied/ This is really want I want to share. At this point my commentary isn't needed anymore. I'll leave that WaPo article for you to fully appreciate. Bonus post SJWs freak out that DC won't let Batwoman 'gay marry'... because DC has a ban on any of their characters 'marrying' http://io9.gizmodo.com/dc-wont-allow-batwomans-gay-marriage-to-be-depicted-1257106266