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Everything posted by AvidGamer

  1. I know it was a quip but I have to say philosophical master race just doesn't come out well. In my experience those that consider themselves above the rest tend to like to put people into classes which is elitism at its finest. Countries that have throughout history pushed elitism tend to end up the most corrupt and tyrannical. That being said if we are quote in quote above the rest then why would one who is above average intelligence want to go after certificates which are purely elitist in nature and sets up a system that inherently is anti-innovation. Instead of getting a job because someone was the best at it they get it because they got in on a monopoly that forces competition out. Sorry I know this seems like i'm attacking you but I am not. I am all for entrepreneurship and I like that focus put on it. That being said I find it hard that any would disagree we are in an immoral system so by going out of our way to work within it we are promoting such a system, is that not unintelligent? If the quote in quote "intelligent" are better at long term actions, than by working for the current system one is deliberately focused on short term gain at the detriment of not only oneself but those around and those to come.
  2. Putting aside the moral outrage others have espoused, time to put on the honesty cap. Does war actually have the most intelligent survive through the most? Look throughout history and you will see time and time again that the dumb conquer the intelligent. War is more like random chance, it happily kills off both the intelligent and the dim witted alike. So in answer to your question no I don't think it is a good cleansing method to weed out the "weakest" in the gene pool. Also I always love how everyone is willing to define themselves or others as smart or not without defining what intelligence is. Seems a little too subjective a definition to me to be making any serious argument with. Seriously does everyone know why the IQ test was created? It was never meant to be a test of the higher end, only a common denominator of the low end.... just saying IQ is not intelligence and we will all be better off when we realize that.
  3. Shirgall I must also say that signature you have is absolutely perfect, love seeing it every time
  4. Oh wow, I haven't actually played any of these games but I have heard of Crusader Kings before. Man I have a lot of gaming homework to do haha. Also thank you for the feedback on my post, I was a little worried about what you brought up actually, hopefully in future posts I am able to refine the idea more so that it is not as repetitive. Haha this is hilarious I guess you are about to complete that self-fulfilling prophecy! I have played Civ 5 along with many of the other Civilization games and I absolutely love them, along with the Sim City titles created by Sid as well. Despite his political leanings I actually have felt like the Civ games actually favored more of a totalitarian militaristic edge for the most part. Although perhaps that was just my proclivities D: !!! I have a few other games that I am going to connect their inner workings in relation to the real world, my one on Minecraft that is coming up is not going to make most here very happy though because it shows essentially how a anarcho-capitalistic state works, or at least as I perceived it and it does not end as nicely as the ideals. That being said I almost always play games as a tycoon player and Minecraft was no different, I just am very good at winning the tycoon game and I enjoy how you can play a game in such a way that is completely different from the normal, expected rules of play. Kind of like real life what is on the surface is never the actual game being played by those that rule over it if you know what I mean. Cough ( go to college, get married, work and hope you have acquired enough monopoly money to live peacefully and happily) The real game is always purposely made obscure for the obvious reasons. Thank you guys for the comments I would love to see more games that really drew parallels to real life in your eyes. I would certainly put the Civ games on there, Sim city, almost all of the tycoon games {roller coaster, zoo, ect.), Most MMO games actually are creepily accurate and applicable to real life ( WoW, Guild Wars, Eve). MMOs are very funny how a class system is always in place and I'm not talking about choosing to be a soldier over a mage but an elite class and a lower class and how the two interact. ~AvidGamer
  5. I did not know about that game but after looking at that link I wish I could get my hands on a copy!
  6. I have a very new blog but I have been a long time listener of the show just getting around to finally getting to chat with all of the intriguing minds that have been right here all along!!! I was hoping for some feedback on my blog post and what you guys think. Absurd? Exciting? Boring? Let me know, and I also hope to have some good conversations here about it with those that are interested. http://avidgamerrants.com/monopoly-the-hidden-game/ ~AvidGamer
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