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  1. Thank you
  2. I wasn't going to explain why I did what I did, I don't need excuses for my actions. Consciously I don't think she does, I think she just blocked that thought just like I do with all that is uncomfortable. I also doubt that she thinks that the way I treated her was wrong. I recently apologized for ignoring her when she was 10 years old. My sister moved to a different city and my niece had no friends. She just said that she forgot about that and it wasn't an issue. By the way everything I write doesn't sound complete to me when I prof read it, I want to apologize in advance. It's because English is my second language and I work 14-16 hour days so when I get a chance to write is either when I'm really tired or just woke up.
  3. I was helping raise my niece, I was a big part of her life and I would often punish her with verbal abuse and maybe spanking. I do understand how bad this is now. I feel extremely guilty and regretful of my behavior towards her. She is now 18 and a great kid, extremely smart but with a little scoop of insanity. Our family way of dealing with mistakes and problems are ignoring them. After I discovered philosophy I don't think I can do it anymore. First and biggest thing that I feel I need to do is apologize to my niece for doing this to her. Is that something I can do or explain?
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