I agree that being non-profit is not an indicator of correctness. However, I chose to mention it as it is an indicator of bias.
I find the best sources of information regarding diet are the latest and major peer reviewed journals. In fact I find this true for most subjects, including my own field. The area of nutrition science, or 'diet' as this thread poses, is more open to funding bias than many other areas of science. For instance journals on the physics of plasma waves are not as heavily swayed by lobbying as say a journal that looks at the effect of red and processed meat or alcohol, or 50 years ago tobacco.
For those who are looking for good honest reviews from the largest and most recent nutrition journals but don't know where to start I do recommend this website. Also as a starting point in your own research it can be very helpful has all the work is well referenced, visiting the journal websites yourself and browsing around will lead you to some very interesting studies... and some total duds...