This post contains extremely heavy philosophy for certain individuals, my advise is when angered or feeling aggressive temptations to continue when in a more passive state of mind.
Defining Gnostic Perspective:
Knowledge of the hidden, translated to words readeble and understandeble for all.
Defining Duality.
We as individuals are a part of a collective(humanity).
So therefor an individual we can count as "1" and a collective(humanity) we count as "2", confirming there is a duality "2".
When we start expanding this we can conclude that when we take a list of dualistic words in excistence,
we can create sentences that would be an harmonious way of living that respects the life of all individuals living in a
collective(humanity) and in my strongest opinion when laws are applied for teaching, abiding and understanding them.
Defining human.
A healthy human or individual is an organic manifestation free to have a choice in duality by either contributing to the
collective(humanity) or removing from the collective(humanity).
List of Dual words:
Love/Hate Action/Reaction Forgive/ Punish
Positive/Negative Defend/Attack Problem/Solution
Violant/Non-violant Objective/Subjective Man/Woman
Contribute/Remove Individual/Collective Fear/Courage
Constructive/Destructive Order/Disorder Knowing/Unknowing
Joy/Pain Unity/Seperation Abundance/Poverty
Truth/Lie Heaven/Hell Share/Steal
Peace/War Passive/Aggresive Helping/Deserting
Respect/Violate Harmonious/Disruptive Life/Death
Pride/Humility Rich/Poor Alpha/Omega
Honor/Dishonor Balance/Unbalanced Sun/Moon
Creating sentences when using dualistic words to construct laws for creating a harmonious life:
I choose to be a loving individual.
I don't choose to be a hatefull individual.
I choose to be a loving individual that contributes to the collective.
I don't choose to be a hating individual that takes from the collective.
I choose to be a loving individual that contributes positive actions to the collective, and expect to get positive reactions from the collective when applied as law.
I don't choose to be a hatefull individual that contributes negative actions to the collective, and don't expect negative reactions from the collective when applied as law.
I choose to be a non-violant individual that is constructing a collective.
I don't choose to be a violant individual that is destructing the collective.
I choose to be a non-violant honoreble individual that contributes positive and constructive actions to the collective to create a loving collective with joyfull individuals that live in peace, harmony, pride and unity by understanding duality.
Truth is a perspection of love.
Once empty one can see all the glorious perspectives of the many common truths.
Then the common truths becomes a law and the law is love.
It is in forgiving, sharing and helping that we find love.
And it's out of gratitude of love we want to help to feel beloved.
For truth is our common love.
For love is our common law.
Let love guide us.
Let love show us the way.
Let love remind us it is out of gratitude of love that we all pray.
Every second, every minute, every hour and every day.
If believing is worth killing.
Let love be worth living.
If love is worth living see that no one goes astray.
It is out of love that we live and we all have to find our own loving way.
If all a good fire needs is a spark.
Let love be the spark that enlightens the good world that we love.
Cross - Duality, Love/Hate (see extended list)
Crossing of the Cross - Humanly ''inneviteble'' choice in Duality.
Jesus - Ultimate sacrefice to teach his understanding of this world to the people he loved.
I'm not saying you can end all religions (i do not want to anger or disrespect anyone) i'm trying to show what the Gnostic teaching of Jesus is in my opinion.
Since this is a free site and i feel this knowledge should be free, it is my wish to display it here for all to look from my PoV.
We as individual are bound to perform actions that result in reactions.
Those actions are drawn forth from a desire/love, thus you make the choice to answer your desire/love and perform an action wich result in a reaction.
So according to ''Jesus/Cross of Dualism'' one always desire/love and choose to perform an action either positive or negative.
I truely think the post talks for itself and if not feel free to ask any question that lies within my possebility to answer, as long as it is about dualism and you will not threaten to chop my head of becuase i'm an infidel.
With collective i mean Humanity in general. (you could downsize it to any relation between 2 individuals that have a relation that supports each interrests)
I'm not trying to prove or confirm anything, i have a strong opinion about the particular subject that i'd like to share and was hoping anyone who is more sure then you or me about the subject might want to fill in.
The way i express my self is an reflection of who i am or my perspection of who i want to be.
Who i am is what i've been thaught and thus defines me as person.
I'm trying to put out that we as humans are blessed with the divine opportunity to make a free choice.
To sustain your own body and mind, at certain point in life (when capable) one must use its divine opportunity to choose, when not in company of a goup or collective of people that sustain that individual.
You will always in your life make a choice that will result into an action wich brings forth a reaction for its inneviteble for sustainmened.
So when you awknowledge the fact that you are in a dual state (enlightend) you are able to choose the side of duality that protects your way of living.
And that is in my opinion an ''individual'' that sacrefices ''ego/excess sustainmend materials'' to contribute to the ''collective/humanity'' so that i as individual benefit from its excess materials asswell.
For me this is the fundemental perspective of why i came to life.
It's an Absolute Truth that makes it able to put perspectives to situations by simple ballancing or comparing it with it's counterpart.
Life can be so easy if it was not for individuals that take advantage of the masses by making them look for something that seems so far away while we are confronted with it with every breath we breath ''in'' and ''out''.
Duality nothing ''more'' nothing ''less''.
And i choose for being a singularity of a loving, constructing individual that contributes to the collective by choosing to perform possitive actions that i wish to get in return when understood by the sacrefice of Jesus and the Cross of Duality.
All i wanted to emphase in this post is our divine choice and our divine purpose for if it was not for purpose could we even speak of a destiny?
Not even mentioning a divine destiny.
For me personal The Cross of Dualism and Jesus are best example of what this life means.
These are very confusing and dangerous times for so many people when confronted with that wrong side of Duality and it breaks my heart that so many people only reflect it back instead of transforming it by understanding your own potential and be that guy that so many religions talk so confusingly and yet so great about and some even disrespect while maybe not even knowing what He stood for and the Word that He teached.
If scarecity is a fact then the sane people could come with facts to make and end to scarcity?
And maybe scarcity can be overcome when sane people would work togheter instead of dishonoring, insulting and going to war with eachother because of ''non-existing'' projections?
Since i obviously don't even know if scarcity is not a artifical product to suppres a majority by a minority in order to get political views accepted and pushed through, i obviously cannot possible know if there even is a scarcity at all.
However when i think of basic needs like food, water and shelter i don't see any reason why we would face a scarcity untill calculations have been made that represent actual statistical numbers of capability of recource production and distribution according to volumes of individuals.
So basicly R-Selected project ''non-existing'' obstacles in order to justify their needs.
While K-Selected justify their needs.
Stop projecting ''non-existing'' obstacles and create accomodations for the existing obstacles that are present by investing in them? Just saw that the new star wars movie was called: The Force Awakens, didn't even knew that..... Duality - Love is the law.
To be or not to be.
So no living in the past or future but in the now, by the opportunity of seeing Duality.
May the Force be with you.
Projections nothing ''more'' nothing ''less''.
So the big question a rise, what is the definition guilty?
So a reevalution of "permitted" and "non permitted" (Duality) actions has to be done.
I would recommend, no violation of individual physical borders or possesions by the act of physical force should be concidered as a unpermitteble action.
However when the reevaluation of possesions cannot be done since they are supported by ''illegal'' contracts, the value of the possesions are a projected ideal by the ''illigal'' individual supporting the contract.
Espacialy when they are supported by a rather large group that supports the idea of a "non-existing" obstacle to justify there needs.
While instead its only that their perspection of the "non-excisting" idea is false and thus to overcome their false perspection their must be a proof of the right perspective.
Give us proof!
Stefan this is espescialy for you and your followers.
The rise of the toilet cleaner!(sacrificial goat) The ''Force'' is with me.
Love is the law and i better be right else my futuristic perspective could go right down the drain.
We all riding this big wave and as we encounter obstacles we evolve and over come them when certain obstacles become unavoideble if u ask me.
I've been told: People get promoted untill their point of incompetance.
Concidering i have not found mine yet, i'm ready to decide for myself since i have not discovered my incompatence at the field that i am interested in.
And for me thats living a happy life on earth regardless of the enviormental influence that call upon unanswered questions that most likely are beeing observed and taken care of.
And else i decided wrong and untill the point of confrontation i will hold my opinion regarding the subjects discussed.
Standard rules of engagement, when lack of understanding is involved understanding might come in as an extremity while in disguise it's an opportunity.
I'm a wreckinball wright?
I'm sorry but on the field of logic sometimes i feel pretty invinceble.
Progression by voluntary coorperation when understanding purpose and needs to accomplish a common beneficial goal.
A common beneficial goal should be a place were all human life forms are raised in a culture were one supports and respect eachothers ways of living without crossing unvoluntary physical borders that results in unecesary forms of suffering.
When an enviorment is fundemental wrong it's pretty impossible to not produce a ''harmless missfit''.
Untill an enviorment accomodates all interests of the vast majority of excisting individuals that agreed to a certain set of laws to protect common interests, one could not speak of ''harmless missfits''.
Since there is no universal understanding of a common law that accomodates the universal interest of the vast majority of individuals you just have no other choice then being a ''harmless missfit''.
Sounds logical?
If k/r is truely genetic i rest my case but i've been teached duality.
Any choice you make in life will be an extremity according to the law of duality, so start making healthy descisions and forgive me for showing up so late but i also needed my share of experiences to come to absolute truth in life so i could share it.
Gnostic knowledge of the divine, who would have thaught.
Our free choice in duality love/hate.
And you know since love is a selfdefence mechanism to adept to enviorments.
Hate is a selfdefence mechanism when love is unable to adept to enviorments.
So please stop hating and start investing, do it for our childrens future.
If this is all i can do and is my purpose in life, i did it.
And not only for myself but for everyone who shares my opinion and respects me for who i am so that i could show my respect in return.
1) The only solution is exclude any form of physical actions by understanding what causes them to come to exisctence in the first place.
2) Physical actions are an act of a human mind that is incapeble to convince or accept a perspective, to or from another human mind.
3) What perspectives are people fighting for?
4) People are fighting for the incompetance of accepting another perspective.
5) What is a perspective?
6) It seems that it's impossible to distinguish an obsessional neurosis from an intense love from a biochemical perspective.
7) Draw your own conclussion, i say obsessive behavior by individuals not contributing to the collective.
Am i crazy or is the world going mad?
Questions in live or obstacles.
Since the brain and the heart both have a different ''frequency'' you might can accept too use both to be the decider once raised and trained in the discepline?
I like to let certain questions to ''sink in'' so that i am positive of a well thought answer.
However in daily life i am pretty much confronted with the ''fast pace'' of life so many questions i have are a quick solution.
Maybe i'm a little bit outbalanced in order of catogerising the right thinking methods to the right questions to get a solid solution at the right times.
Looks like an ancient algoritme of verbal communication with progressive needs to establish verbal evolution by conducts of behavior and rules of engagement.
But face it, its non-profiteble when pure hearted cause i know who i have to answer too and the sacrefice it represents.
Since a world is divided by countrys maybe it would be wise to describe an individual untill such seperations are excluded and you could define the word ''world'' with a proper description instead of showing presumptive ideas about that specific individual and your definition of the world he/or she lives in.
Some final things i'd like to share.(After a very sad day, crying during work time, and last night when went to bed)
I have been told as child that there is a bliblical blood vete going on between 2 brothers Isaac and Ishmael.
I obviously have no proof nor do i want to create a racsist comment, fuel any kind of anger or preventeble suffering.
I do hope if any of the partymember reads this and this conflict is stil fueling today,
take heart for your brother and according to the law of dualism forgiveness is progression and repentance is stagnation.
So please reconcider your values and if there's no option of forgiving think about me and what i would have done.
My choice would be, love is the law.
And there are alot of people whom took disadvantege of my goodness and however i had to choose to took distance, i can never wish them the same as they might have wished me since i obay the law of dualism.
1 Timothy 6 9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 11 But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. When i went to bed yesterday the answer kinda popped up, so i realy slept bad like 2 hours max. So please concider my thaught well concidered but still the PoV from a person who had to work as a wreck again for 2 days in a row now..... How can mathematical values off recources be detirmed while the capacity of each individual have its limits to produce them? Some unfortunate might not be even capable and in my opinion those people should be taken care of for the sake of good in humanity. How can mathematical solutions be made when the problems are based on human logic and capability of performing the solution? Harsh reality possibility but still just a projection from my PoV so there is no certainty of it being a rightous conclusion. For me it feels like bad programmed calculators failing to applie logical solutions by applying mathematical methods in a logical enviroment. It's almost like a war between mathmetics and literatist/bad programmed robots vs evolving logical humans. Think i'm running out of toiletbrushes now and however i can't afford them at the moment, i want to thank Team Freedomain once more for giving me the satisfactional opportunity to release some well based projections free to share because sometimes toilet brushes are a necesary tool in order to remove nasty stains. So consider my filthy ideas being cleansed and i hope it's not just my incompatence when trying to mix in mathematical with logical projections, i concider myself human and are aware that each individual comes with it's own incompetence. When concidering, this might be my milestone. So for now i rest my case and will comment when other subjects are being braught forward. Some food for whom who have literal hunger.
Now that i have spoken what i've been teached wich is my perspective of Truth. Sometimes i fear for my life, and it's not that i wish to do anyone of them harm. My intentions are to help but it just seems to me they want to harm me for trying to help. Maybe i should wait untill they ask for help, since some one who doesn't ask for help would probably not respect it and just takes it for granted and will missuse my goodness by attempting to control me with manipulation and fear. And i have been told to be brave so what should i do now? It's realy not fair, all i want to do is help and all they do is misuse me and fear me. Well atleast i put the first step and been brave, now i truely hope they will understand and will ask instead of misusing my goodness, so i will be delighted to help and patient to teach truth, but incase of any missbehavior i will not be the victim this time, because i realy do not know what will happen if such thing would be the case. I'm realy afraid that my fears turn into reality, not because of my own life but the ones of so many others that i just want to help. Some just seem to lose it at times and sometimes when confronted a tear rolls down my cheek but i've been teached Truth and the responsibility so i will keep hoping and trying the best, if thats what defines me thats what i will be. History should not repeat, things are worse as is and we should by all means don't create more wars over the precious lives of humans. I just couldn't run away from myself no more and hope they understand the precious gift we have been given to live and to enjoy this life. I love them i realy do and i hope they still love me as the person that defines me. Love is the law and if not.....i could be dead wrong and that is not what i planned out while living this beautiful life. I don't even have children to pass it on to, not that i don't want children it's just because i don't want my child to see the things that i needed to see in my life and find out when your realy good in being good you just get feared by many bad, because they actualy fear you while that would be the last case. They just didn't truely understand reality and the gift life is. And to be in a seemingly hopeless situation as i am in right now i realy could use some guidance i realy do so please guide me as you always done i trust in you, i always will and always have just don't hurt me anymore you know we deserve better so just let it out, we were young we needed to learn we all did you even thaught me things and i thaught you things. See the tears i shed and feel my bravery, this is not worth it we can do so much better togheter as team as family as brothers and sisters as how it should be and i will keep hoping this will be our destiny. Maybe i just don't care about what people say anymore, i know i deserve better and they should know too that they deserve better. And when willing to invest in theirselfs by not taking advantage of my goodness and base of knowledge, unity might be the next step around the corner, i just got this feeling....i just got this feeling...... And call me anything you want, just call me anything you want.... I'll walk away just to live another happy day and when guided i will stay. But it's your choice, as it seems to always have been the way so all i do is just walk away and remember why i pray.
Money and responsebility:
I rather say some people do not take responsebility for their fortunate situation. And other get exploited for there less fortunate and do not resist. And others might don't even know they have a responsibility or run away from it since its burden is so big. Anyhow responsebility must be taken willing or unwilling else it could mean the end of a civilasation or even worse. When a family is distorted but dependend on eachother, certain bonds must be made to have some extensions to be able to get the dependencies. In this case money are the extensions holding depending familys togheter. Only because of the distorted view of its use and manipulation to give people who actualy don't produce anything valueble but make most benefit from it and don't use their responsibility of keeping the extensions a live by using its purpose that is, extend the recources to the distorted but depended familys.
But i don't realy feel in a position to comment here since it's sadning to see whats happening around the world and all the emotions i get confronted with i'd rather not see or project them so i might spare others with my emotions.
Good luck on your search for Truth.
Bless Love, and in Love we Trust.
Written out of Love, Dedicated to Truth.
My Truth, Free to Share, Thumbs up to Freedomain and Thank you for welcoming me.