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Everything posted by Samrobertsemail

  1. I didn't mean to be avoidant however there is often little point having long winded debates which often degenerate into flaming wars. A lot of the problem is that people don't realise that consciousness is a variable and that higher States of consciousness are possible. The potential for this change to occur is related to many factors and if people are locked in one state there is little point is trying to force the issue. Better to just point out that there are variables and binary decisions and that you are using free will to decide. You are then accused of mysticism talking about consciousness but there is really nothing more universal and logical than consciousness, free will and love. Energy is another main problem with understanding. As you say the supply and demand characteristics will come into conflict causing a major stressor to equilibrium. It is not a case of die off but one of careful understanding. Fossil fuels are by far the dominant energy ?85% and their net energy or energy returned on energy invested is very high 10-100x. After peak oil you are looking at a certain depletion rate each and every year from then on of the dominant energy supply with the highest EROEI. Civilisation with naturally turn to other sources of energy however their EROEI is much lower so the probability of overcoming the depletion rate and adding an exponential amount on top to continue the current state of affairs is basically zero from my understanding however only time will tell but it is something to be aware of as net energy and how it relates to economics and free will in civilisation can be a tricky concept to nail down.
  2. As we approach peak oil, limits to growth, overpopulation, ecosuicide, climate change etc civilisation changes from a stable system to a nonlinear system as it moves to a new equilibrium. It is at this point you are left with a physical reality composed of a number of variables and binary decisions that can trend towards fear or love. Each individual has free will to move their own consciousness and through the expression of their consciousness move the collective towards either direction. This is a simple logical truth and philosophy.
  3. It is the appreciation consciousness is a dynamic variable. You can ascend in consciousness towards wholeness or descend towards fragmentation and mind control. By voluntary behaviours I assume you mean conscious behaviour? That is the point of helping the collective towards more conscious behaviours. After peak oil exponential growth will no longer be possible using fossil fuels so the whole dynamic of civilisation changes. Peak oil occurs once in the history of humanity so it is not some trivial turning point. 'Obligates others to fund her' it is the recognition that society should look after everybody because if you want a healthy civilisation you need healthy citizens and the best way to ensure that is to ensure healthy children.
  4. Here is some logical truth and philosophy. Logical (Left-Brain) Reality - Quantum Reality The human mind system works like a quantum computer so in order to function properly needs to exist within unity or wholeness otherwise information isn’t processed properly and incorrect conclusions are reached. At its most basic level quantum reality is processed in terms of qubits, which is a unit of quantum information and is similar to a binary system where information is stored in two possible states eg 0 and 1 however qubits are different in that they can also exist as a superposition of both. Due to the fall of man, humanity mainly exists within the lower mind or ego and is thus unable to process quantum reality effectively with most decisions based on fear instead on love. Over time trillions of incorrect quantum binary decisions were made to co-create literally an "upside down" civilization. Then layer upon layer of complexity is added in an effort to "techno-fix" this reality without ever recognizing its underlying foundational flaws and allowing a basic restructuring. Upside Down World Examples of upside down world include: Debt based scarcity economy as opposed to a positive light based gift economy. This leads to a natural pooling of money (energy) towards the elites who forever funnel energy out of the system leading to a never ending scarcity. Health care based upon secondary treatment with toxic chemicals as opposed to primary prevention. Use of non-renewable fossil based fuels as opposed to alternative energies. Exponential growth of population and the economy as opposed to stability. Patriarchal based society as opposed to a symmetrical based society. Widespread war and violence instead of peace. Separation of people / ego instead of community / wholeness of the human psyche. Mothers of children provided no financial support as opposed to bankers earning millions from the interest funneled from the masses of humanity. Widespread degradation of the ecosystem instead of living in harmony with nature. http://humanrealitymatrix.weebly.com/
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