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  1. The reason america is not mentioned in end times writings is that the US doesn't exist at that time in the future, perhaps we are Canamerico?
  2. Recently through study of ancient text and with assistance from many theologians and history experts I have discovered that the flow of history is a rising tide against any nation or state where individuals value the self over the state and self preservation over state. Lower birth rates will be our undoing as we simply will not have enough population to militarily or economically withstand the onslaught of the hordes of socialist after our natural resources.
  3. I think from my research of qauntam physics and the provable fact that we are merely some one else Sims game. That we are selves will soon create powerful enough computers to creat our own indivual sims game with sentient beings. This process will continue infinitely and perhaps our consciousness continues forever in this way.
  4. Well obviously Donald Trump will not win the nomination, simply because 25% of the republicans or may be 30% is his ceiling of support. I believe that after the nominations are over for the two parties the democrats will bring out the big issue that can win them the presidency and the congress. That issue is the raising of the minimum wage. If Donald Trump would start talking about raising the minimum wage he would increase his non republican support and deflate the democrats arsenal. The problem is all the elected republicans would have to start talking about raising the minimum wage for the voters to buy in on the republicans support for a higher minimum wage. This will not happens. Also, there is still a large block( about 40%) of voters who regardless of political affiliation will not vote for anyone who threatens their government goodies including welfare type programs and corporate welfare crony capitalism.
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