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Everything posted by CosmicD

  1. Hello, i'd like to chime in on this. It has always been like that. Fasion statements, like the white chalk face women from centuries ago depicting "wealth" by being white, and "tanned" was deemed "lower class" because the tanned people worked on the fields. Now it's the other way around. Having a tan is a sign of luxury and adhering to the idealized image from women's magazines. Being "pale" is being a basement dwelling dota 2 player. (well they are more rich than some of the people who view status like that). Also I'm from Belgium. In Rubens' time (he's a famous painter from our country) he painted these voluptuous women. It was a sign of wealth to be a bit heavier (not as fat that you have to roll yourself out of the room ), but you know having some meat on you. Still in Africa having a "fat ass" means a sign of wealth. In the west, we've got these luxury problems that signs of materialism is kinda equal for everybody and we try to find our own idealized images. On a personal level: "Thin" doesnt affect me as much as I have a visual impairment. I can say that in a sense that "cuts me off" from really having a biological response to thin women. Because you know, I don't even notice the difference between women that weigh 80 or 120 pounds from a distance, so I have that internal ticker that goes off. Throughout my life, that made me kinda immune to the "effects" of these women and I always say to people, i'd rather like a sweet women that is a bit "overweight" (for the totalitarian female fasion standards) but sweet, than a skinny women who is constantly looking for compensation to confirm their idealized status and project it on the males that she deems fit for duty. I honestly don't even have a clue about why you would actively go for a "thinner women". The really thin and oversexualized ones seem to have more issues, being envious and competing and projecting their beauty on other women in a negative way than the more steady females. They tend to be happier in life, however lots of the skinny women (and men that are obsessed with annorexic models) tend to try to make these women feel sad and insecure by imprinting them with self guilt. These women get to hear the most hyperbolic bigotry just because they're a few inches wider in their waist. That is really uncalled for. I understand that very fat people should take a look at themself and if they waste their bodies and not want to remain in a condition where they can walk themself to their daily activities, then i'd say it's a problem. But people nowadays are so obsessed with that "being in shape", as if everyone needs to be a champion at athletics.. AND being a model. I'm sorry, I'd rather appreciate a woman with virtues than a skinny woman who is just skinny for the sake of her bragging rights, but has nothing else to go for.
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