Dear Freedomain Radio board members, My wife and I have started a family. Our household presently comprises four of us: my wife and I, our 12 month old child, and grandma (maternal). We want to have another child and our biological clocks are ticking (both mid-30s) but without compromising the long-term health of the child we already have (K-selected FTW!) and hopefully also minimising impact to the household economy and career investment.
Presently grandma looks after our child full time. Due to an ongoing organised crime turf war, grandma cannot stay with us for longer than 12 months in every subsequent 18 month interval. She, sadly, is not a citizen of our great nation and these are the conditions of her visitors visa (Australia). We are therefore considering sending our child back to China with grandma in April for 3 to 6 months. This will hopefully allow us enough time to get pregnant with minimal economic impact to the household and minimal health impact to our 12 month old. Were he to stay here with us, economically we would not have to switch to one full-time equivalent: either only myself full time - impacting my wife's growing and satisfying career - or both part-time. (We can afford this but there will be long-term costs.) Not only is this difficult for us both to negotiate with our respective employers, but I am cautious of my wife's capacity to care for our child (full- or part-time) due to the stresses of pregnancy. This would likely result in at least one day per week of childcare attendance. We are also very concerned for the health of our child. In my opinion 12 months old is way too young to attend childcare for an entire day, even if for only one day each week. Of the few childcare facilities I have witnessed, there were very few childreen too young to walk, and their level of social inclusion is consequentially very low. He cannot talk and is therefore unable to report any abuse. Finally, why should we both work full-time for the privilege of being away from our child and paying double taxes (plus the childcare worker's taxes). There is no sustitute for grandma's love and care, even if separated from us for 3 to 6 months. We need evidence and reason supporting or defeating this proposition. All that comes to mind is a comment made by Stefan on YouTube where he equates the impact upon a child's long-term health by full-time childcare attendance with that of children from broken homes. If I recall correctly this included reduced IQ and increased anti-social behaviour, including criminality. (Can anyone recall which video this is?) Needless to say I am afraid for my son's health.
TL;DR Send our (to be) 15 month old child overseas for 3-6 months, or reduce our income to one full-time equivalent plus at least one day per week childcare. If both options are terrible we are prepared to postpone the next pregnancy but I estimate the our family's circumstances in 12 or 24 months time will strongly resemble those today.