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Everything posted by B0b

  1. AncapFTW, what makes a rapist or murderer such if not his genes?
  2. Maybe they are simply a bunch of violent idiots thinking that bringing in anyone and getting the "rich" to pay for them is a great idea. In which case, there is no word for them.
  3. Sorry, this is a wrong analogy. A virgin is not a woman who had understood the theory of abstinence. If they are for no state, then they are anarchists. If they punch people in the face, then, they are violent anarchists and not libertarians.
  4. Why are there so many criminals in the US since they get life easily? If genes do not explain behaviors, how come twins given for adoption show extremely similar behaviors many years later? Womb culture?
  5. Yes, sorry for the typos, (which i corrected now). Then, raping is NOT UPB because I cannot rape all the time.
  6. If this is true, then criminals murder and rape people because of their culture, not because of their genes.
  7. jrodefeld, you did not talk enough about Sanders and Clinton, therefore, we are asked to choose between bad and nothing. What if nothing is worse than bad?
  8. Thank you for the examples. Why isn't drinking non UPB?
  9. Without a good alphabet and printing to begin with, forget it.
  10. Valheeb, would you mind giving me examples of: - preferred behaviour - universal behaviour - universally preferred behaviour
  11. Why Chinese, why not Africans?
  12. You think that behaviors are only cultural? It is not because one is responsible for one's own behavior that one chooses one's behavior.
  13. So, is inaction evil or not? Is it universal or not?
  14. I am lost.
  15. For the man in coma, I think I understand. Could explain for the man not in coma?
  16. There is no reason to assume that there would be witnesses in this hypothetical situation. If I could save the man without danger to myself but did not bother doing it, this would not be considered an immoral behavior, if I understand correctly.
  17. This is very deep and philosophical an answer. So there is nothing more than that that is at stake here?
  18. Suppose a person is drowning, is it immoral not to save him?
  19. There are countries that are closer to libertarianism. Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Bahamas and Chile are the top 5. better to move to one of these places for example than rotting for the rest of one's life in a socialist country that will soon economically collapse.
  20. I accept the system if it is what people chose. I am not fine with it though, which leaves me no other choice than to leave it.
  21. How do you deal with this fact, Dsayers?
  22. I guess the libertarian party is not really libertarian since it was not opposed to having candidates who would represent the state if they won. NAP is incompatible with a state obviously.
  23. Countries and states are neither valid nor invalid, they are human organizations. Some organizations seem to correspond to the choices of the citizens, some not. Of course socialists are free to vote for what they want, including stealing money from others for example. If this is what people want in a country, so be it. If they vote to bring over tons of immigrants, so be it.
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