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  1. If you google "young earth science" (w/ quotes) you get 18K+ hits. If you bing the same you get 154K items - go figure. What actually is Young Earth Science (YES)? YES claims that history and science reveals a planet that's thousands of years old and not billions. YES is often dismissed, but consider these words from R. F. Diffendal, from his article “Earth in Four Dimensions: Development of the Ideas of Geologic Time and History”: To some extent the arguments about a short Earth history of a few thousand years versus a long history of billions of years are still going on today. Most natural scientists support the long history. However, some people including Richard Milton [Mensan, agnostic, science journalist] … support the idea of a short one. [1] Be rational, this planet is younger than you think. Some of the best evidences for a young earth include: No fossil trees with thousands of rings Contradictory radiometric dates Solar effects on decay rates History only goes back thousands of years The human genome is going downhill Lack of trillions of Neanderthal graves [2] Here is a short summary of the meaning of YES from Wiki. Notes: 1) Nebraska History (Fall 1999), p. 103. 2) Young Earth Science by Jay Hall (Ideas, Big Spring, TX, 2014).
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