I won't get into the Abortion debate, but would say that both parents are the guardian of the child - assuming they are married and the Father is the provider and protector.
That said, I have a BIG problem with doctors. They tend to be ill informed if not stupid, following medical fads.
It is rarely a case "We can prove the baby's head is bigger than your birth canal", 100% risk of something very bad happening.
Usually it is some heightened risk, but one Cesarian usually requires subsequent children to be delivered that way, so it isn't as if there isn't a lasting mark from doing a Cesarian.
It is up to the parents to make a properly informed choice, and it is up to the doctors to properly inform them of what the risks are and why, not say "I know better than you".
And there often are mitigations or other things they can do to reduce whatever risk of natural child birth.
Medicine is far from perfectly scientific - there is a bit, but there are more unknowns than knowns. Even risk estimates are often way off. The other problem is the bias that if she has a Cesarian, and they notice it really wasn't necessary, they are unlikely to tell her or to fix the system. You can't do the experiment (identical twins having babies of equal gestation from the same fathers).
I would also bias toward the Mother's opinion rather than the Fathers in that the Mother is more likely to know her own body, has more at stake, and is more likely to act in the interests of the child. Natural Childbirth is hardly a selfish option.
What happened before we had all this technology? Women gave birth naturally and most of the time it worked out. A hospital is the last place a newborn should be - lots of diseases, they will try to give him a dozen vaccines, the birth will be as unnatural as possible.