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Everything posted by holmgang

  1. If you can't argue your way out of a paper bag, you can always shout and make a spectable to prevent others from presenting their thoughts. But when doing so, you're basically admitting to being an imbecile. Well done SJWs. I hope that they weren't actually smearing blood on their faces, so unhygienic.
  2. One disconcerting trend I've seen (mostly in the software circles, where I do a lot of my work), is how sexuality is increasingly being suppressed. Case in point, this report from the SunshinePHP conference, detailing several complaints from female attendees, some of which were about simple verbal flirtation, and others about the nebulous “inappropriate touching” (which is so vague it could mean anything from ass-grabbing to trying to hold someone's hand). And this from a conference, where attendees hang out in swimwear together. I find this level of sensitivity, where men aren't even allowed to express interest in a woman, without being castigated, stifling and terrifying – and desperately unhealthy. Trying to suppress any and all sexuality seems tantamount to denying gravity. It's a deep part of our instincts to mate, and for the man to be the more active part. That these instincts can (and should) be controlled is clear, but can we truly eliminate it, and what will the consequences be of pursuing this?
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