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  1. I haven't done that, but it's a good idea!
  2. Off-the top of my head, this is a silly debate for two main reasons: 1) Your original claim was obviously wrong. There are dishonest people. You can't separate people and their intents and choices from actions and words, and pretty much any psychopath is thoroughly dishonest. 2) You keep making easily disproven, silly claims, as if you don't even think about what you're saying. All in all, you're looking like a troll. Others seem to be ignoring you too, so I should probably follow their wise example.
  3. Moikka I don't remember the details, but I'd say Ron Paul got me started on the path. Well, I'm an outsider because: - I don't know anyone in Taipei - I'm from another culture (and don't speak their language) - I'm outside of The Matrix and they're still in it. As you know, most people are kind of allergic to objective and rational conversations on things that actually matter.. and that makes us 'outsiders' too. That would be sweet But on the other hand, it's not enough for making real friends that you can talk about stuff rationally, you need to be 'compatible' too.. have some common interests etc. I'll wrap this up now, but I'mma add you on Skype
  4. For the record, I don't see why that post was downvoted into oblivion.
  5. As thebeardslastcall pointed out, you can't separate people from their actions. Dishonesty is a property of a person, not an action or words (or speech or writing). Not doing something is actually not an action. It's inaction. You may think I'm being "nitpicky" again, but it's just an observation that shows your claim is invalid. Yeah, I already mentioned intent to deceive. When you tell a white lie, you're being dishonest, but your intent is to prevent someone's feelings from getting hurt. That's a big difference. But I'll stop here now.. This is a bit of a silly debate anyway
  6. You know it's not all the time, and white lies are different from the kind of dishonesty we're talking about here. Besides, what's a "dishonest action" anyway? "I picked my nose, but actually I was just pretending! -It didn't really happen!" Anyway, there most certainly are dishonest people. Pretty much any psychopath fits the bill perfectly. It's all about proclivity and intent to deceive. Oh, and it makes no sense for a word itself to be dishonest either. A word is just a word - it's the way it's used that involves dishonesty.
  7. What's the connection between something existing and its capability for dishonesty? You wouldn't claim that because a Tesla car exists, it can be dishonest too. It doesn't necessarily encompass any "personality" connotations. It would feel kind of weird to go around referring to people as "humans", right? Why can't "person" be just another, "less clinical" term for referring to humans?
  8. The only good thing about the EU is the Schengen agreement, but it seems that's being dismantled through the manufactured Syrian 'refugee' crisis, so there's no need to worry about missing out on it if you leave the EU Other than that, it's just a massive boondoggle for centralizing control over the masses and for looting us in new ways.
  9. How "immoral" would it be? Presumably you don't think it would be a serious enough offense to warrant violent intervention, like aggressing against someone would. But sure, it would be a really bad choice to make, with negative consequences for everyone involved.. except maybe the "dishonest person" because what does he care either way? It's not clear that it would be "morally wrong", in the sense that you'd have a moral obligation not to do it, but it's clearly something you should avoid if you can. So what kind of person goes around committing dishonest actions and saying dishonest words?
  10. Hey, I'm a 38-year-old software developer guy from Finland. Wow, this already feels awkward right after the first sentence! So anyway.. I like discussing anything worth discussing, like "Philosophy" (whatever that means in practice), economics, politics, reality, life and the world in general, and so on. Oh, and of course any IT-related stuff. Basically I'm hoping to find a new friend to hang out with, even if remotely from halfway across the world! I wouldn't mind finding the woman of my dreams either, if she happens to see this here! (Ladies, feel free to submit your resumes ) So now that I'm an expat and basically an outsider anywhere I go, I've been even more lonely than in Finland before leaving! That was to be expected, of course. But I'm finally kind of fed up with being alone, so here I am, trying to do something about it! In theory, this could be 'fixed' by going to Meetups and stuff, but I've gone to a few, and.. it's just really rare to meet someone who's smart and/but has an open mind! I wouldn't expect anyone to be a Voluntaryist already, but they would need to be, um.. that way inclined! But what about you then, dear reader? What would you like to talk about? What pisses you off? What makes you happy? How are you navigating through life?
  11. She probably wasn't thinking that way. I'd guess she's just acknowledging that a guy her age can still get a woman ten years younger or so, and would probably be inclined to try.
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