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Everything posted by Muchtolearn

  1. From the UK and bisexual I think... Only 20 though so will surely add on experiences to confirm my status over the next few years...
  2. I believe Stef has the narrative talents of David Attenborough and would love to be directed to any pieces similar to this : . I think he brings things to life because I trust his judgement and when he is obviously enthusiastic about conveying the significance and relevance of a historical event, I believe him and my interest is confirmed when I pay good attention. In my opinion teachers or people who are uninteresting to listen to are usually so because the listener does not believe( consciously or unconsciously) they have the same tastes in interest as them. Maybe this comes this was an obvious point to make, but once it was established that I can empathise with Stef strongly and have been exposed to many an example where he has shown patience and empathy sympathising with victims of abuse, and explaining his arguments, I light up when i register his enthusiasm.
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  3. That's quite interesting what you've posted here, although there may be a danger of you looking for answers to things that are a lot more complex than they need to be in my opinion. For example the principles of libertarianism are simple enough probably for a child to intuitively understand. I think it is resisting the impulse to over-complicate reality that is the most difficult yet most important part of being a moral, philosophical person who behaves with integrity.
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