I am a racist, I make decisions based on race, decisions like moving to the other side of the street when I see a bunch of black people heading my way, I guess in debating this person I am trying to say that she is racist too because she would do the same thing, even though she says that she is definitely 100% no racist whatsoever, I'm just trying to prove a point, who really knows, its certainly a waste of time talking to her, the only positive I feel that can maybe justify the input is that persons on the periphery that are silently following the conversation may themselves be fence sitters that can be swayed by my arguments.
Essentially I believe that when one screams racist at the drop of a hat it is a form of cheating, they are in a contest, they are getting their ass kicked, and they don't want to lose and will use any means necessary to prevent that from happening, screaming racist would likely make the person on the receiving end give in out of frustration, this will be considered a win by the accuser, if you were playing a game of cards with people like this they would be the type to peak at your cards while you are on a toilet break.
Anyway I will give another example that I used to prove this person is a racist too, it went like this, say you are driving through Cologne at night and your car breaks down and two car loads of youths pull up and offer to give you a lift, one car load of youths are Syrian migrants and the other car load of youths are white christians, which car would you accept a lift from. The answer given was none of the above so I guess more caveats need to be entered into like maybe you can't stay here as you will be attacked by bandits or something but then I found that even the none of the above answer proved that she does not believe her own crazy leftist rhetoric which is white people are all evil and all migrants are wonderful so why would she not accept an opportunity when it presents itself to interact with some of these wonderful migrants and give the evil white christians the bird on the way out.
I have a theory that some humans prefer the DNA of strangers or "others" and that this is evolution taking a fork in the road and covering all possible bases, ie. that mother nature thinks that the DNA of Swedish girls and muslim migrants may be the best way forward for the species as a whole so we better give that pathway a try ( along with very many others ), many Swedes are subconsciously taking this route and almost all muslims believe this is the way forward.
This is why so many leftards are self loathing and think that the light shines out of the muslim migrants arsehole, they are a victim of subconscious thought, mother nature is playing games with them at their own expense, getting them to wake up to this fact has been proved to be quite a challenge, I guess it is naive of me to think that I can outsmart evolutionary biology.