Hey everyone.
Just wanted to leave my thoughts regarding the potential presidential candidate Donald Trump. I've been a fan of Trump dating back to the 90's, unless the republican establishment screws over Trump chances are he'll be the republican nominee.
With that said I'm of the belief that Trump will be the perfect "fall guy" for an economic crash! Personally I don't think this is a bad thing, because I think Trumps ego and business experience will make him the best person to handle an economic crash. United States, my country of Canada, Europe, Japan, China all of these countries are bankrupt but the ability to print money enables these countries to keep their ponzi welfare schemes afloat.
What I see on the horizon when Trump wins are entitled legal entities pulling the financial plugs which are keeping this economic nightmare afloat. What I see happening are globalist fighting back against Trump's policies which I believe will cause economic deflation. These globalist will do this in hopes that the people will turn on Trump. It's important to remember when you're on the right that Leftists don't see money as something worthy of integrity so economics isn't important to these people.
All they care about is collecting from the government and they don't care about the costs and where the money is coming from. Globalist time and time again exploit this and it's one of the reasons left leaning Europeans sit back and watch as their countries are being destroyed.
For people not living in debt I don't see global deflation as being that big of a problem, it actually favours you. But for those reliant on debt in a deflationary environment where interest rates would be forced to rise; a lot of over leveraged people and legal entities will go under which ofcourse will cause a large number of employees to lose their jobs, making way for better businesses to replace them., but the transition will be painful for many.
No good deed goes unpunished and Trump whose a great man in my personal opinion will need our continued support. If you think they're going after Trump now just wait until he's elected. Trump will be the perfect person to blame for EVERYTHING. The liberal media is going to have a field day with him.
I don't believe that this coming economic crash will signal the end of the world. However I do believe it will usher in a new beginning. That realistically will take 2 - 3 years to start to manifest under a Trump presidency.
How to prepare for the economic crash I believe is coming...
In my view cash in the bank or digital money is cash that doesn't exist. Have some cash on you. Buy some silver and gold too. I know most people talk about Gold but for everyday needs in the event of an fiat monetary crash silver is easier to trade/barter than gold is for day to day essentials. Guns, bullets, gasoline and a getaway plan. I don't expect hell on earth but it's best to be prepared for it. Also it's best to surround yourself with like minded people, you'll need each other.
An economic crash in this day and age would obviously lead to a push for global government if Trump isn't elected. It's very important that Americans comprehend this. Everything is tied together, permission for Obama to print money was a globalist idea. One of the reasons they put a 'black man' in the white house was because a 'white guy' couldn't get away with what Obama got away with. The race card was frequently used to help Obama push forward with globalist agendas and if Hillary Clinton we're to win the black race card would be replaced with the woman's card.
Now if you're on the right this should anger you, but on the left this sounds like a lovely, sexy Hollywood socialist Americana story. Fight back America, at this time there's no need for violence, but use words and don't relent.
Currently in 2016 the U.S federal reserve refuses to raise interest rates because of the GLOBAL ramifications. If you listen to Trump speeches he often speaks about RE-NEGOTIATING trade deals. This is anti-globalism and it's one of the reasons why he's going to be attacked. Trump has said America is bankrupt... Now if you're an American investor like a Saudi Arabia a China, Japan or a Mexico and you hear the words America is bankrupt your country's cash flow is facing potential risk.
The good news for Americans who have CASH. Deflation is coming and interest rates unless the monetary system as we know it ceases to exist will have to rise. Savers will be winners and if they're not... well like I said above own some silver some gold, some guns and some bullets because things may get ugly.
I think it's also very important to get the word out regarding a potential Trump assassination. When talking about this be sure to use the word GLOBALIST ARE PLANNING TO ASSASSINATE Trump. These are historic times we're living in folks.
Even if Hillary wins which she won't she'll more than likely be a one term president. Trumps support is too strong and I suspect Ron and Rand Paul's messages will be listened to more thoroughly when Trumps energy descends. I'd love it if Rand was the vice President. Wishful thinking on my part but man oh man would that be refreshing.
Anyway I'm open to holes in my argument but this is what I see coming and how to prepare for it. for reading.