I don't think that we are able to plan for a society after an artificial general intelligence was built.
The same way nobody in the 19th century was able to plan for the internet.
Specialized artificial intelligences, neural networks, knowledge base systems are great at their tasks, but horrible at other tasks.
I worked with decision support systems (DSS) in medicine: I would like to see them used everywhere, because they help to prevent mistakes due to omission of medical knowledge.
With DSS the doctor is reminded about everything ze has to know to make a correct decision. - But the decision is still made by the human, who has a better grasp about all parameters. You couldn't build enough sensors and codify enough research to let the machine decide correctly outside a very narrow band of medical conditions.
On the other hand a artificial general intelligence would be able to lern to be a doctor, not only to rate and sort relevant medical knowledge.
Still humans, even layperson, are better in protein folding:
(TED Talk)
Or in general pattern recognition:
Artificial Intelligence Singularity and Labor singularity
I believe we are getting there at some point in our future.
But I also believe that we are going to colonize other planets.
Both are things I can not empirically plan for.
What I can empirically (think industrial revolution, agriculture and luddites) say is:
Yes, we might not do all the boring tasks we do every day now;
but we sure as hell are going to do other boring tasks every day then.