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Blake Carrington

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  1. It happens every now and then that they buy out or distribute a decent brand.
  2. In their latest PR campaign, Heineken promotes a world without borders. I therefore encourage a boycott of Heineken and their subsidiaries among all the beer-lovers of FDR. Here is a list of beer brands owned by Heineken: 33 Export (Heineken France) ABC (Heineken Asia Pacific) Abir (Tempo Beer Industries) Adambräu (Heineken Hungária) AdelScott (Heineken France) Admiral (Heineken Russia) Alcázar (Heineken España S.A.) Affligem (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes) Alfa (Athenian Breweries S.A.) Almaza (Brasserie Almaza S.A.L.) Alsace (Heineken France) Amstel (Heineken NL) Amstel Bright (Heineken NL) Amur (Heineken Russia) Anchor (Heineken Asia Pacific) Ancre (Heineken France) Arany Fácán (Heineken Hongária) Arany Hordó (Heineken Hongária) Archipelago (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) Ariana (Zagorka S.A.) Baron Trenck (Heineken Ceská Republik) Bavaria (Heineken Brazil) Beamish (Heineken Ireland Ltd.) Bedele (Bedele Brewery Share Co.) Berber (Sonobra) Bereg Baikala (Heineken Russia) Bintang (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) Bios ( Athenian Breweries S.A.) Birra Moretti (Heineken Italy S.P.A.) Bivina (Heineken Asia Pacific) Blind Pig (Heineken UK) Bobrov (Heineken Belarus) Bochkarev (Heineken Belarus) Bohemia (Cuactémoc Moctezuma) Bourbon (Brasseries de Bourbon) Brackie (Grupa Zywiec S.A.) Brand (Brand Bierbrouwerij B.V.) Březňák (Heineken Ceská Republik) Brugs (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes) Bucegi (Heineken Romania) Buckler (Heineken NL) Bulldog (Heineken UK Limited) Bulmers (Heineken USA) Cider Calanda (Heineken Switzerland) Caledonian (Heineken UK) Carta Blanca (Cuactémoc Moctezuma) Cergal (SSC – Soc Cental Cervejas) Champion (Bralima S.A.R.L.) Cieszynskie (Grupa Zywiec S.A.) Ciney (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes) Ciuc (Heineken Romania) Corgon (Heineken Slovensko) Cristal (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes) Cruz del Sur (Heineken España S.A.) Cruzcampo (Heineken España S.A.) Dacický (Heineken Ceská Republic) DB (DB Breweries Ltd) Desperados (Heineken France) Djogo (Surinaamse Brouwerijen) Dneprovskoe (Heineken Belarus) Docter Diesel (Heineken Russia) Dos Equis (Cuactémoc Moctezuma) Dragon (Desnoes&Geddes) Dreher (Heineken Italy S.P.A.) DynaMalt (Premium Beverages Int.) EB (Grupa Zywiec S.A.) Eclipse (Common Welth Brewery) Edelweiss (BrauUnion Österreich Ag) Eichhof (Heineken Switzerland) El León (Heineken España S.A.) Estrella (Heineken Espana S.A.) Export Gold (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes) Fayrouz (Premium Beverages Int) Softdrink Fiesta (Tango Sarl) Fischer (Heineken France) Flame (DB Breweries Ltd) Foster’s (Heineken UK) Frii (Heineken Ceská Republic) FürstenBräu (Athenian Brewery S.A.) Fürstenberg (Fürstenberg Brewery) Gambrinus (Heineken Romania)Gasoline (Heineken Italy S.P.A.) George Killian’s (Premium Beverages Int.) Gillespie’s (Heineken UK) Gold Crown (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) Goldberg (Premium Beverages Int) Golden Campina (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes) Golden Fire (Heineken Ireland Ltd.) GoldenBrau (Heineken Romania S.A.) GoldStar (Sierra Leone Brewery Ltd) GoldStar (Tempo Beer Industries) Gorsko (Pivovara Skopje A.D.) Gösser (BrauUnion Österreich Ag) Gulder (Nigerian Breweries) Hacker PSchorr (Paulaner BauHaus) Hainan (Heineken Asia Pacific) Hakim (Harar Brewery Share Co.) Haldengut (Heineken Switzerland) Hapkin (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes) Hargita (Heineken Romania) Hategana (Heineken Romania) Heineken (Heineken NL) Hi-Malt (Premium Beverages Int) Hostan (Heineken Ceská Republic) Ichnusa (Heineken Italy S.P.A) Imperial (SSC – Soc Cental Cervejas) Inch’s (Heineken UK Limited) Indio (Cuactémoc Moctezuma) Ittinger (Heineken Switzerland) JagerBrau (Heineken Hongária) Jansen (SSC – Soc Cental Cervejas) Jillz (Heineken NL) Cider John Smith’s (Heineken UK Limited) Judas (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes)Kaiser (BrauUnion Österreich Ag.) Kaiser (Heineken Brazil) Kalik (Common Welth Brewery) Kalinkin (Heineken Russia) Karjala (Hartwell) Karlovačko (Karlovačka pivovara) Kelt (Heineken Slovensko) KillKenny (Diageo) Kinamn (Brasserie National d’Haiti) Kloster (Cuactémoc Moctezuma) Köningsberg (Heineken Russia) Krakus (Grupa Zywiec S.A.) Krepkoe (Heineken Russia) Królewskie (Grupa Zywiec S.A.) Krone Lager (Heineken España S.A.) Kronenbourg 1664 (Heineken UK) Krušovické (Heineken Ceská Republik) Kujawiak (Grupa Zywiec S.A.) Kvas Ostmark (Heineken Belarus) Lapin Kulta (Hartwell) Larue (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) Legado de Yuste (Heineken España S.A.) Legend (Premium Beverages Int) Lezajsk (Grupa Zywiec S.A.) Life (Nigerian Breweries) Lingens (Heineken NL) Lorraine Beer (Brasserie Lorraine) Louny (Heineken Ceská Republik) Maccabee (Tempo Beer Industries) Maes (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes) Malta (Desnoes&Geddes) Maltex (Societe Francaise) Maltina (Premium Beverages Int) Martiner (Heineken Slovensko) Master (Heineken Sbrija) MB (Heineken Sbrija) McFarland (Heineken Ireland Ltd.) Meister (Nigerian Breweries) Messina (Heineken Italy S.P.A.) Montheiths (DB Breweries Ltd / Heineken UK) Mort Subite (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes) Murphy’s (Heineken Ireland Ltd.) Mützig (Premium Beverages Int) Neumarkt (Heineken Romania) Newcastle Brown Ale (Heineken UK) Newcastle Exibition (Heineken UK) Number One (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) Nyongera (Brarudi S.A.) Ochota (Heineken Belarus) Okskoye (Heineken Russia) Old Mout (DB Breweries Ltd / Heineken UK) Cider Op-Ale (Brouwerijen Alken Maes) Orchard Thieves (DB Breweries Ltd / Heineken UK) Ostmark (Heineken Russia) Panach (Premium Beverages Int.) Panama Beer (Cervecerías Barú-Panama) Parbo (Surinaamse Brouwerij NV) Patra (Heineken Russia) Paulaner (Paulaner BrauHaus) Pêcheur (Heineken France) Pelforth (Heineken France) Pelican (Premium Beverages Int.) Pils Plus (Heineken Sbrija) Pit (Heineken Russia) Piton (Windward and Leeward Brewery Ltd) Porter (Karlovacka Pivovara) Postel (Brouwerijen Alken-Maes) Prestige (Brasserie National d’Haiti) Primus (Bralirwa Ltd.) PrinzBräu (Heineken Italy S.P.A.) Puntigamer (BrauUnion Österreich Ag.) Raffles (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) Rechitskoe (Heineken Belarus) Record (Heineken France) Red Stripe (Desnoes&Geddes) Regal Seven (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) ReiningHaus (BrauUnion Österreich) Rex (Brasserie Almaza S.A.L.) Royal Guard (Compañía de Cervecerías Unidas) Rusich (Heineken Russia) Sagres (SSC – Soc. Central de Cervejas) Sahara (Sonobra) Sakara (Al Ahram Beverages Company) Samba (Tango Sarl) San Souci (Heineken Italy S.P.A.) Santa Cerva (Heineken Brazil) Sárkány (Heineken Hongária) Schladminger (Brau Union Österreich) Schloss Gold (BrauUnion Österreich) Schützenbräu (BrauUnion Österreich Ag.) Schwechater (BrauUnion Österreich) Scrumpy Jack (Heineken UK) Cider Sedoy Ural (Heineken Russia) Sengur (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) Shikhan (Heineken Russia) Silva (Heineken Romania) Skol (Brau Union Österreich) Skopsko (Pivovara Skopje A.D.) Slalom (Heineken Italy S.P.A.) Smirnoff (Sedibeng Brewery) Soberana (Cervecerías Barú-Panama) Sofi (Harar Brewery Share Co.) Sokol (Karlovacka Pivovara) Sol (Cuactémoc Moctezuma) SolBrew (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) Solyanaya Pristan (Heineken Russia) SonnenBräu (BrauUnion Österreich) Soproni (Heineken Hongária) South Pacific Export (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) SP (Heineken Asia Pacific Pte) Specjal (Grupa Żywiec S.A.) Spieler Pils (Heineken España S.A.) Star (Premium Beverages Int) Starobrno (Heineken Ceská Republik) Stassen (Stassen S.A.) Cider Steffl (BrauUnion Österreich) Stella (Al Ahram Beverages Company) Stepan Razin (Heineken Russia) Stolichno (Zagorka S.A.) Streleth (Heineken Russia) Strong (Grupa Żywiec S.A.) Strongbow (Heineken UK Limited) Cider Student (Heineken Russia) Summer (Heineken Brazil) Superior (Cuactémoc Moctezuma) Swiss Beer (Heineken Switzerland) Symonds (Heineken UK) Talawah (Desnoes&Geddes) Tango (Tango Sarl) Tatra (Grupa Żywiec S.A.) Tecate (Cuactémoc Moctezuma) Tiger (Heineken Asia Pacific) Tri Medvedya (Heineken Russia) Tui (DB Breweries Ltd.) Turbo King (Premium Beverages Int.) Villacher (BrauUnion Österreich Ag.) Volga (Heineken Russia) Volnaya Sibir Svetloe (Heineken Russia) Von Wunster (Heineken Italy S.P.A.) Walia (Bedele Brewery Share Co.) Warka (Grupa Żywiec S.A.) Watneys (Heineken UK Limited) Wieckse (Heineken NL) Wieselburger (BrauUnion Österreich Ag.) Wiliams (Consolidated Breweries) Windhoek (Sedibeng Brewery) Woodpecker (Heineken UK) Xingu (Heineken Brazil) Zagorka (Zagorka S.A.) Zaječarsko (Heineken Sbrija) Zhigulevskoye (Heineken Russia) ZiegelHof (Heineken Switzerland) Zipfer (BrauUnion Österreich Ag.) Zlatopramen (Heineken Ceská Republik) Zlatý Bažant (Heineken Slovensko) Zorbas ( Athenian Breweries S.A.) Zywiec (Grupa Żywiec S.A.) Mind you, Heineken does distribute certain beer brands which it does not own, so pay attention!
  3. Welcome! How do people date for five years without getting married?
  4. Taking into consideration that before culture we only had purely biological/darwinian selection, culture can only be a result of such selection, and it is hence wrong to consider cultural selection artificial. Which may have been OP's point to begin with, in case my definition of the term "artificial" is wrong.
  5. Being as you're the one who first mentioned it, the honor is yours.
  6. Monarchy is far from perfect, but still better than democracy in every concievable way. A monarch has reason to look past his own pleasures as it's his bloodline that will suffer for his mistakes, even if consequences come long after his death. Democratically elected politicians usually don't have such concerns. Even government works better when it's private instead of public. And from an anarchist perspective, monarchy is better because it's easier to topple the state when it's focused in a single individual. All you would need to do is wait for an ancap king to come by, or force a king to give up the monopoly on protection services in some way. As for starvation, let's not forget that it was a whole lot more common even in developed countries before the green revolution. And bad economic policies are in no way exclusive to monarchies.
  7. To be honest, I think Stef figured all this shit out ages ago. But he's so damn efficient at red-pilling your average American that he couldn't possibly afford to talk about the JQ and go all Cantwell on his audience.
  8. Communism is a good trigger word precisely because humans are naturally prone to forming certain collectives (such as the family) and vilifying these terms wouldn't turn the public sentiment any further rightwards.
  9. What made the universities of old such intellectual powerhouses was their huge libraries and access to knowledge which wasn't readily available elsewhere. Now you get access to the biggest library in human history for $20 a month. Unless your chosen profession outright requires a liscence obtained through college, it's a waste of time and money.
  10. Daily reminder that the "leftists are the REAL racists/fascists/nazis" approach is a bad one. They're communists, and should be branded as such.
  11. I don't know whether this is a thing in the west, but in Croatia people believe children will become asocial if you don't put them in kindergarten.
  12. They are in fact extremely rare over here (among women anyway). They also aren't/weren't Nazis, more like militant Catholics propped up by Italy and Hungary which ended up fighting for Germany. And their uniforms just don't do it for me.
  13. If Europe is unlikely as a whole, I suppose the Balkans are even less likely. However, I'd be satisfied with a nazi woman, to be honest. The idea of an aggressive xenophobe guarding the homestead when I'm away (and the nature of my job demands my being away for quite a long time) makes me feel comfy.
  14. Yeah, I get that this wasn't really an argument. But you seem to presume that WWII made all the Jews in eastern Europe disappear (which isn't true) and that the rise of communism was a result of local action rather than just a system installed by the occupying Red Army. And the prominence of Jews in Bolshevik Russia is indisputable, as is their over-representation in the communist grab for power in Germany.
  15. Coming from a formerly socialist country, this is just plain false - and most that did leave didn't do so because of socialism but the wars that came due to its collapse. Russia and Ukraine are good examples - look at how prominent they were in the party leadership, and how numerous they are among today's oligarchs.
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