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    Music and living life.
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    Retail management

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  1. Although Jesus did live let us think about two things. First no one would take any religious leader or Rabbi serious in Israel at that time that wasn't married and had children. God's first commandment was be fruitful and multiply. This was a must for any Jewish leader. How they overcome this is by making Mary a whore. Second the original sin was trying to be God. Satan said to Adam and Eve eat of this fruit and you will be like God. Satan comes from the Jewish word satana which means ego. Heaven, hell, the devil, fire and brimstone are all new testament ideas and have nothing to do with the Torah. They are a way to force people to do the right thing. Sorry I digress. So you see for a man to be God is impossible by God's own hand. Knowing these things I believe the whole new testament is a sham to control people and get money and is in direct contradiction with the old testament. Jesus wasn't a miracle worker, an alien or God. He was a man, probably a great man with a high IQ, but nonetheless a man. His followers didn't want him to die but he did so they came up with a great story then other men found a way to cash in on this story. It's what men do. Control and take money from other men. Since men were men I'd bet.
  2. If you take away their ability to work and live comfortably they'll go home on their on. Non aggressively. Correction legal migration is fine as long as they work, don't receive welfare and pay their share of taxes.
  3. I will never marry a gay person so it is of little concern to me. Anyone that thinks marriage is an institution and not just a legally binding contract in this day and age is a fool. I say let them be just as miserable or as happy as the rest of us. On immigration, I lost my twenty year trade to illegals. Legal migration is fine but illegals must go home. Legal migrants must do it properly without welfare, without lowering wages and without breaking laws. Period and I stress the period. The ancestors on my dad's side pulled their weight upon arriving. So did the ancestors on my mom's side except the ones that were here before we arrived. My grandmother's family was treated horribly buy I don't ask for money or apologies. Pull your weight and follow the laws until the laws change then follow those laws. It's not that hard people.
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