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  1. Stefan, I suggest that this subject cries for a video. Alex Jones and others recently published videos of Johnson that are, shall we say, compromising. He objects to the term 'illegal alien' and defends dreamers. His VP pick has called for strict gun control. One of my grabber friends now supports Johnson. This is a Libertarian ticket? Help us out here, Stef. WTF happened to Gary when he dropped trow? Did Shrillary clamp a remote control device onto his gonads, or what?
  2. Stefan mentioned this this video that black males resist arrest much more often than white males. Does anyone know where that statistic is published? I've been unable to find much so far. I found something similar but the rate is only about double. http://www.wnyc.org/story/crunching-data-resisting-arrest/ But, the all-seeing wisdom of Janet Reno's administration completely ignored the issue in this report, focusing instead on the race of the arresting officers, finding no difference there in the use of force. https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/176330-1.pdf
  3. I had a quick glance. He seems to advocate a substantially lowbrow approach to finding a life mate. Given the unremarkable intellectual level that he displayed on the call-in show, he seems to have found his niche indeed.
  4. I listened to the call-in show with the Indian guy who helps German men to date effectively. Here is a link to that video. One comment the caller made was that even German men are finding it harder to approach German women and start a conversation. Stefan didn't address that issue directly. He addressed plenty of other issues. The phenomenon that the caller mentioned would align neatly with research that Coulter described in her latest book. The more 'diversity' in a neighborhood, the less neighbors trust each other. Here is a link to that research. http://archive.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/?page=full Were I an unmarried German man now, I would probably have a harder time finding good dates because of the general feeling of being more at risk from rapefugees, which carries over to the general malaise that the research described, ironically eight years ago. Reno France
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