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Everything posted by Canadian

  1. Atheists do not believe in God/gods, that void is more often than not supplanted with the "god" of science. How the universe came to be is still a network of theories which remain scientifically unproven. It takes faith to truly believe them. To be an Agnostic is to admit a state of "not knowing." Nearly every civilization throughout history believed in the supernatural. If one was to apply the scientific method here, one must then note the frequency of which the "god" phenomena is recreated. I'm still waiting for science to inform me about the formation of snowflakes.
  2. The ambulance should have had him restrained and unable to lash out. - I knew this story was going downhill as soon as I saw "Facebook."
  3. Survival is no longer based upon traditional hunter/gatherer positions anymore, where being the fastest runner meant survival. (I'm saying obese people don't tend to run very fast, or for very long.) These days you could create an income over the internet and essentially not move for the rest of your life. Society now fosters such things as obesity, so it will proliferate. Obesity comes with it's own set of health risks, obviously and I'm not sure I've seen too many obese mountaineers, however surely they burn more calories due to moving more mass therefore need equal or greater intake. Unless of course they're like camels..
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