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  1. What will it take for us to finally realize internet giants like Google, YouTube, FaceBook are diluting the potential of what the internet has given us as human potential? Where will we go to openly share ideas and experiences across the globe? Will any even notice their chains as their echo chambers walls get smaller and smaller? Can we save YouTube? If not, how do we preserve the concept and all of the amazing potential and value sharing ideas and experiences openly much like YouTube has provided us all? But an even scarier future.. is the internet and advertising in general? What is happening with censorship and filtering right now? I feel like the past 2 years so much has changed..but it hasn't.. uncertainty increasing more and more by the release of more leaks and unveiling overwhelms us which each revelation. Anyone else feeling this?
  2. I was thinking in terms of criminal migrants from where ever exploiting it to bring in their friends/family. I think on a 'traditional' level a man would generally have been the one marrying a woman from another country. The man would also generally probably want to remain in a relationship and although in some cases might marry to just get someone in and help them obtain legalization, I would say more times than not that is a rare situation. It is just one more loop hole that yes although exploited before this same sex marriage, could really be abused. For example, I am ISIS and obtain legal papers and become a citizen, marry another fighter (which under these circumstances they would be allowed to do although Homosexuality is forbidden) and just one by one obtain legal citizenship through this legal system. That's exactly what the guy in the tween was saying, his brother or cousin or someone was an illegal who became legalized, and married one of his friends to get him into the US.
  3. I just realized this earlier after seeing this re-tweet and I wanted to mention it as possible important topics or considerations. The following is what it read: "Bro gay marriage is legal now that means if one of my homies is an illegal immigrant then all I gotta do is marry him n' he'll get his papers" The potential this has to use our own system to gain political control in Islams case or anywhere by immigration increase on on exponential levels. "Bro gay marriage is legal now that means if one of my homies is an illegal immigrant then all I gotta do is marry him n' he'll get his papers" Think about that for a second..just think about the implications. ISIS..any immigrants.. anyone.. its insane! Total abuse of the marriage laws since that was a remainder from what I would consider Church and State right? Very interesting.. Not only that but there was a reason before that this was allowed..and that is because it brings in added value to society if an immigrant gains citizenship, they start a family pay and contribute to society etc. More cases than most, unless the Same Sex Couple were to adopt, its just an open door to be abused. What do you need to do to be able to even get married same sex? Is there anyway they check for legitimacy? It just hit me so hard when I read that tweet and couldn't believe this has never been brought up across the broad subjects I read and tune into. Thoughts anyone?
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