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Everything posted by Fleedoom

  1. It is pure stupidity to correlate jobs to revenue. Cutting the taxes of the bottom 50% would incentify sending. Raising the taxes on the Elites would increase jobs due to business expansion deductions. Elites would invest in their business instead of paying higher taxes. * all my post are my opinions.
  2. Capitalism is all about competition with disregards on how U win. GOVT is the ONLY way to level the playing field for all to have a nominal existence. If U support Capitalism then U also support the oppression & misery of those that cannot compete. Socialism is the ONLY way to provide a certain human condition for all. It is just that simple. All humans have a Right to life, liberty (law), family, health, food, shelter & travel. * all my post are my opinions.
  3. AncapFTW 1. DROs equates to MOB rule. The strongest DROs ( War Lords ) would have the monopoly of violence and crush all opposition. Plenty of ppl would align with the strongest for benefit or self preservation. WLs would selectively enforce their mandates on the weak while the rest looked the other way. Formed through protection money, those that would NOT paid in GOLD would pay in BLOOD. Society NEEDS an independent monopoly of violence organized by elections with separation of power through courts. 2. Who determines what a DRO does. What if the MOST VIOLENT DRO wanted to landmine the border and snipe the crossers ? Who would stop them ? 3. Why would a DRO try to defend a demographic ? It would partition the land like Charlemagne. Borders are where one War Lord could NOT defeat another. MOST DRO management would NOT risk their life for protecting the weak where plunder and pillaging would ravage the landscape. 4. Most ppl cannot enforce their own contract. DROs would side with their best interest. The weak would revert to violence and retribution for grievances like the 3rd world does now. Ever heard the motto No Justice NO Peace ? EROCK is the prefect example what happens when the GOVT is removed from society. There will never be peace until ONE faction subdues all competition. The main reason USA is peaceful is due to the fact that BOTH parties are controlled by the same WLs. Only the masks chance the real face of the Elites stay constant. The Main reason for the US Civil War. * all my posts are my opinions.
  4. I would like to know how others would formulate a society without a State. Please be detailed and significant. 1. Crime ? Defining & Enforcement. 2. Military Defense ? 3. Border Control ? 4. Contracts ? Lets start with these basic 4 and then progress to more complex human interaction.
  5. Taxation is extortion under the threat of theft, violance and caging. But as slaves there is NOTING we can do. If we protest the hammer WILL come down. I would love to hear solutions to reducing taxation that actually would work.
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