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  1. Changes to the wording of Article 1 Section 8 to read: 1)...general welfare of the united states by the exercise of these specifically enumerated powers. 2)...to cause to function in an orderly and regular manner that trade that exists between the individual states and with foreign nations. 3)...to make all laws which shall be clearly incidental to and necessary for providing means to effectuate the execution of enumerated powers. 4)Alter Takings Clause to read...no private property thus taken shall be subsequently given, sold, or awarded to a private organization, person, or corporate entity for private use without the consent of the owner. 5) 10th Amendment to read...Expressly delegated Changes to the Definition of and Types of Treason to be divided into 1) High Treason and 2) Low Treason. High Treason to be waging war against the states and aiding and abetting a foreign power in war against the states. Low Treason to be added as Sedition, Seditious Conspiracy and Seditious Subversion. Seditious Subversion: "Any person or persons subject to the jurisdiction of the united States who lends aid and comfort to or adheres to any individual, group. or organization whose fealty be to an individual, group, organization, or Foreign State having a willful intent to promote, assist, instigate, or direct insurrection with the purpose of overthrowing the lawful government of the united States or any of the several States shall be committing Seditious Subversion. The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights shall not be construed to extend its protection of any speech that is disseminated by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the united States that is knowingly and intentionally communicated in such a way that a reasonable listener would interpret that speech as a True Threat that would cause a reasonable person to interpret the speech as a serious expression of an attempt to cause present or future harm to the united States. Some Amendments I would like to see adopted: 1) Term Limits for 1) Congress: 3/2year terms 2) President: 1 six year term 3) Senate: Senators as Ambassadors of States to be appointed by State Legislatures and being subject to No Confidence votes and recall shall have NO term limits or shall they stand for public election. 2) All States and the General Government shall submit Balanced Budgets 3) No branch of the general government shall not shirk responsibility for the execution of specific powers, alter the identifying characteristics of enumerated powers or re-delegate delegated powers. 4) All elections of officials in the General government and all State governments shall be publically funded. All Private contributions as well as those from foreign individuals, organizations or States are Outlawed. 5) Income tax abolished substituting a flat tax on consumption or a national sales tax. 6) Withholding taxes abolished. Social Security transferred to State administration changing the accounts to individual retirement accounts with disbursements indexed to cost of living fluctuations. Participation in state programs voluntary. 7) Supreme Court Rulings affecting the Constitution subject to Ratification by State Supreme Courts and also supermajority votes to overrule by both houses of Congress. 8) Citizenship of the UNITED STATES abolished. Citizenship is to be a State honour exclusively. All persons born to parents one of both of whom are a citizen of a State of the united States are citizens at birth. No person born to an individual person not subject to the jurisdiction of the State but rather a foreign national residing in the united States shall be considered a citizen but rather a resident Alien. 9) Banking Amendment: the general government of the united States shall not establish by charter any Central Bank or National Bank in any State. Fractional Reserve banking is outlawed. Compound Interest is outlawed. The Department of the Treasury shall be the ONLY entity authorized to Coin Money or emit Bills of Credit. Bills of Credit shall be issued only if they be redeemable for an equal value in gold or silver. Gold or silver shall be allowed as tender in payment of debt. Firewall between investment banks and commercial banks to be permanent. 10) No agency of the General Government shall have any Arrest Powers within the united States with the exception of the Military which is required for its internal policing of its personnel. Did I leave any out? Feel free to comment with your opinions or additions to the list.
  2. Crush your Democrat and see him driven from office and hear the lamentations of the media.
  3. interesting to mull over the idea that history repeats itself. Islam arose in the 7th century and spread rapidly clashing with Zoroastrians and Christians Buddhists Hindus and Pagans. After 400 years of being relentlessly attacked, the Christians finally grew a pair and fought back launching the Crusades. Ultimately ineffectual as they were, the Crusades were a defensive reaction to bullying. Today the west is not populated by people with deeply held Christian religious beliefs yet at its core western society is based on Christian theology. In its renewed offensive against the west, Islam is once again actively bullying everyone that isn't Muslim. It may be that this bullying will give rise to a resurgence of a type of person in the west not seen in 1000 years...the Crusader. Islam is taking one hell of a risk here. The new Crusader will not be armed with swords and shields like before but with nuclear weapons and lesser implements of destruction. The Muslim world gets most of its weapons from the west and it is not in a position to carry an offensive against the west militarily. It has to rely on intimidation subversion and treason to win. They think that they will win in this way. They don't realize that they are being set up as the fall guys to take the blame for WW3. They are being used as the attack dogs for the NWO to incite a civilizational war that is designed to destroy all those that engage in it. (see Albert Pike Letter to Mazzini) The sad part is people are eating this BS up and participation in the madness. No one can identify the REAL enemy within. They cannot see the man behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings and running the show. Truly pathetic. The people are still listening to the Kevorkians who are advising them to commit suicide when they aren't the ones that are sick! They cant even identify who is giving the orders! Rings within rings within rings. They point at the outer ring of power not realizing that there are progressively smaller rings whose existence is hidden from the outer rings. How can you fight something that has no name and no one realizes exists? Meanwhile the Pied Piper playing the Collectivist tune gaily leads the Human Race into the sea.
  4. ultimately the only effective way to do any of the above is the way that the enemies of the people got into power themselves....one baby step at a time. Each enlightened person must take it upon themselves to enlighten another person next to them and so on and so on. Revolutions are ideas. Lies take enormous energy to maintain whereas truth is self-sustaining. The enemies of humanity use the method of the turtle and the wolf in sheep's clothing to advance their agenda but they can be undone by the same methodology. Christianity didn't conquer Rome by armies or revolution or war or economic sanctions or anything but one person influencing the beliefs of their neighbor. This took over 300 years. Fortunately we have the means to shorten the time scale. It is a battle that has nearly been lost already due to the laxity of the American citizens. Franklin (I think) said that the survival of a republic depends on the existence of a virtuous and involved polity. We have not had either in over 150 years, especially since the late 60s. We did not heed this wisdom. The founders cast pearls before swine. We Americans (mostly Yankees) have transformed the Republic of Republics into Animal Farm.
  5. Is it too late to avoid WW3? Have the bankers and their minions pushed the world to such a state of extremes that a titanic bloodletting is unavoidable now? When one looks around and witnesses the hatred for and dehumanization of the 'others' being implanted by unrelenting propaganda fostered by collectivist totalitarian statists it is truly productive of profound despair. The last war big war wasn't preceded by anything near this level of pure vitriol. That war was presented as a contest over land and resources like most are but it still was really just a neighborhood rumble between socialist dictators each wanting to be top dog. The west was involved largely due to its amazing stupidity in causing the first world war by creating idiotic power alliances and paving the way for the second by its utter foolishness in heaping the blame for WW1 on a state that didn't even start it. Today, I think, we are being maneuvered into a no win scenario that will allow the culling of billions of people and devastation on a scale unknown in human history to serve a Hegelian plot by 2 warring factions. The first are the heirs of the old Marxist-Leninists. The second are the Fabian-Rhodesians. They both want total world power but just have different tactics for getting there. The poison injected into every culture on the planet by these two collectivist totalitarian creeds has infected societies from top to bottom and will take many generations to remove if that is even possible anymore. The only way would be a worldwide embrace of Enlightenment Ideals which is unlikely given the stranglehold on all power centers that the totalitarians now have. Its like we are all being ruled by a cabal of Dr. Strangelove's and we must just learn to love the bomb or else. I think we have less than 5 years to avoid annihilation and I don't think we have much of a chance left to head off this planned mass butchery and its inevitable decent into a neo-feudalism.
  6. Our country was founded upon the principle that sovereignty lay with the people and not with the state. Thus the government controls the society through consent not acquiescence of the people. When the constitution was adopted the involvement of the general government with the affairs of the citizens was minimal. The general government was to be the agent of the States given enumerated and limited powers. This relationship has been turned on its head. (illegally I might add) The State enforces it will through the use of force (arrest powers). The general government was never intended to have a direct relationship with citizens except in some few specific defined areas in which the criminal actions of an individual citizen affected the union or a state of the union such as sedition or treason. This is why we have local policing and not a national police force. Since the mid 19th century and the overthrow of the constitutional republic in that time period, the general government has created numerous national policing agencies which exercise arrest powers over individual citizens bypassing the States and undermining their sovereignty making them subservient to the general government. This tyrannical usurpation of authority has gone of far too long and must STOP. Short of a total revolution there are some things that can be done. First and foremost among them is retaking control of the centers of power in organizations which direct society and make the rules by which the society functions. In effect, stage a mutiny against the pirates that have seized the ship of state and make them walk the plank. One way to do this is to amend the constitution which strips the general government of its arrest powers over individual citizens and requires ALL federal agencies to require them to obtain the active cooperation of local police and sheriffs departments to effect any detainment of any citizen residing in their jurisdiction. Basically if the ATF gets a warrant for a person in Cochise County they may NOT arrest that person unless they get the permission of and active participation of the sheriff of Cochise County who makes the arrest. This amendment might go a long way toward curbing the insanity of the Frankenstate. What do you think?
  7. Jihad was born in Medina. The seductive religious recruitment phase of Mecca ended after 13 years and 150 converts with Mohammed being driven out of Mecca for being a pain in the ass. He and his crew went to Medina where Mo swore vengeance on Mecca. He changed his methodology. No longer would he attempt to seduce converts but he would rally supporters via appealing to greed and bloodlust. Thus was born Jihad (in Arabic 'struggle'). Mo began raiding Meccan Caravans and massacring opponents. These were pagans, Jews and Christians. This strategy proved successful and by the time Mo died (poisoned by a Jewess slave) the entire Arabian peninsula was Mohammedan. Over the following centuries, Islam spread by Jihad to Europe to Asia to Africa. It is still going on today 1400 years after Mo croaked off (ignominiously I might add). Is Jihad mandatory? Well yes it is, IF you want to be assured of entering Paradise. How can one do Jihad then? Well Mo and his cronies laid out some guidelines. There are different means of Jihad. Since the purpose of Jihad is the establishment of universal worship of Allah and Mohammad (mostly Mohammad), all Roads lead to Rome. The first form most people are familiar with is Jihad of the sword. Self explanatory that. For those of less physically demanding bent there is Jihad of the Word (written and spoken) in other words propaganda. Another type for the even more timid is the Jihad of money. This encompasses everything from wealthy rulers and bankers to the lowliest street sweeper who drops a few farthings into the hat at the local Mosque. Saudi Wahabis build and finance Mosques all over the world and train the Clerics who preach in them. Virtually all Muslim NGOs are Muslim Brotherhood front organizations (think CAIR or MSO or ISNA). Funds collected find their way inevitably to jihadists. Donating to Muslim 'charities' isn't optional, its a commandment from 'God'. Following this line of reasoning then one might conclude that IF one declares him or herself to BE Muslim, then one by default is a Jihadist since all Muslims are commanded to support Jihad with no exceptions. Lastly, another form of Jihad is called the Hajj. That is the migratory Jihad which began with Mo and his crew moving to Medina. Mo says that moving into the lands of the Kafirs(unbelievers) and conquering by demographic replacement is just as valid and valuable to Islam as whacking off heads. Therefore, following this fact one may safely say that any Muslim that moves into a non-Muslim country is also a jihadist. What occurs when you allow the Saracen into your country? Well there's three stages to Jihad. Stealth Jihad, Defensive Jihad, and Offensive Jihad. When the Muz is in the minority and in danger if they act out they pretend to be friendly. They protect themselves via Taqiyyah (religiously sanctioned lying) to protect Islam. When the Muz population increases to a safer % Defensive Jihad occurs. This is when the Muz beings agitating for special treatment and begins to harass the Kafirs by incessant complaining about being victimized unfairly by 'mean' Kafirs. The Religion of Perpetual Offense strikes again. Often they obtain concession from the Kafir just to shut them up which of course never does. The third form is offensive Jihad which happens when the Muz reaches numerical superiority and can simply take what they want. This results in Conversion, Slavery, or Death for all the Kafir. Rinse and Repeat. This presents unpleasant choices for the Kafir. How do you stop this process which has been carried out ad nauseum for 1400 years? Jack Kennedy had a similar situation during the Cuban Missle Crisis in 62. Accept the Russian missles or invade Cuba were the options presented. He didn't like either. He went with a 3rd option...Blockade. We in the west have a situation now where we will very soon have to decide between acceptance (conversion) invasion (death/war) or blockade (expulsion and quarantine). I don't really like any of them but the most humanitarian of the choices is blockade. The real problem is this. The invasion of Islam is being abetted by a small group of very powerful people whose ultimate intent is civilizational war as a means to an end of cementing total power of the human race. The Muz is like a wild fox being settled in a henhouse by a lunatic farmer who believes in 'barnyard diversity' and is then shocked when the chickens start disappearing. Who is the real villain here? The wild fox? It is being just what it is. The lunatic farmer who is brainwashed into believing an absurdity? Or is it the Demonic Motherf**ker that put that idea into his head and paid him to relocate the fox? Time to identify the enemy. Sometimes you gotta roll the hard six or you just end up with snake-eyes.
  8. open source historical accounts biographies lee letters family narratives etc. etc.
  9. Robert Lee was a tragic figure in American history. A man from an illustrious pedigree reduced to poverty by a wastrel father, Robert accepted an appointment to West Point as a way to perhaps redeem his family honour and gain some measure of economic security again. He married into George Washington's family by wedding Mary Custis his granddaughter. Robert spent many years in the army corps of engineers with duties which took him all over the country. This was a strain on his family life as Mary didn't like being away from Arlington. Lee was unhappy over his long separations from his wife and children and the slow promotion rate in the army. He did serve with distinction in the Mexican War and served as Commandant of West Point. He wasn't political believing that army officers had no business meddling in such affairs which differed from many of his contemporaries who eagerly sought political favour. As he grew older he turned more and more to religion finding in it solace from his self doubts and his increasing sense of failure in his career. Lee became fatalistic and more rigid in his adherence to duty as a bulwark against the forces impinging upon his life. He did not approve of slavery considering it un-Christian and wicked. He did not approve of secession believing that the country's true strength lay in its shared loyalty to the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He believed in the Sovereignty of the People which was reflected in the Federalist System. After Lincoln provoked a war on the seceded states Lee refused an offer of command of Lincoln's army of mercenary tax collectors and sided with his home Virginia when that state too left the Voluntary Union in response to Coercion by the General Government. Four hard sad years of war followed. Lee did his duty to Virginia and fought the best he knew how but was ultimately unable to prevent ultimate defeat by a more militarily powerful opponent. Resigning himself to that defeat he resolved to set an example for his former soldiers and civilians by urging cooperation and reconciliation and hoping that the Honour of the Tennessean Johnson followed by his fellow West Pointer Grant would win out over the rabid hate of the Radical Republicans. Lee was extremely distressed by the excesses of 'reconstruction' policies and was angry over the maltreatment of his people by 'those people' (his term for New England Yankees). He still kept his counsel and did not involve himself in politics instead dedicating himself to education as Washington College President. What was his attitude to his fame as a Confederate General? After the war as Lexington he remarked to one of his sons that he felt the greatest tragedy of his life was receiving a Military Education. Hardly a glowing endorsement of military fame. What was his attitude to slavery? He urged Mary to free her slaves (he owned none they were hers). Shortly after the end of the war, there was a communion service in Richmond at an Episcopal Church. Just as the minister invited the congregation to come forward to receive communion a black man entered and walked down to the rail and knelt there. The congregation was stunned and surprised and stood rooted in indecision as to what to do. At that point, and elderly white man walked down and knelt beside the black man. The congregation then followed and the communion service continued. That elderly white man was Robert Lee. It is strange that a statue of Robert Lee is now vilified and spat upon as a symbol of treason hate bigotry and racism by the very people he embraced in Christian brotherhood. Such is the legacy of ignorance, intolerance and lies.
  10. In the film 'Braveheart' Edward 1st mused "the problem with Scotland is that there are Scots in it. Grant them Primae Noctis. If we cant force them out we will breed them out" This is chillingly similar to the Grand Jihad planned and implemented by the Muslim Brotherhood and facilitated by western civilization hating socialists. There is something to learn by examining the founding date of the Islamic Calendar. It doesn't begin with the birth of Mohammad or some other such time. The calendar begins with the HAJJ the migration of Muhammad and his 150 Merry Men from Mecca to Medina. This is when Mo ceased being a 'prophet' and became a warlord and politician. This was the start of the expansion of Islam from an annoying nuisance into a lethal cult of mass murdering morons. One of the commandments of big Mo to his cultists is to fight against unbelievers until all men say there is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger. Well that's plain enough. That's a declaration of war against everyone who isn't in the cult. How to go about it? Well not everyone can pick up a sword or a gun and 'fight in the way of Allah'. Most fall short in this talent. There are, fortunately for Mohammad worshippers, other means of assured entrance into the sex bordello otherwise known as a Muslim 'Paradise'. One can follow the commandment to engage in Jihad by the written and spoken word. One can also engage in Jihad by the financing of Jihad. One can also engage in Jihad by Moving. This last is the mechanism of demographic warfare. Flood the Ummah into the land of the Kafir and outbreed them and when you have the numbers conquer enslave and eventually convert or kill them all. Thusly the Peace of Islam will reign over all the earth. This is in fact a Carthaginian Peace because there will be no one left alive to say no. This grim reality is what western civilization faces and the tragedy is western civilization is behaving like a beaten dog or an abused wife. This is the reaction to 1400 years of violent abuse and it has scarred us psychologically. What makes this more lethal in its potential for catastrophe is the presence in western societies of a Quisling class. A traitor class exists which uses ideologically minded idiots (leftists) to suborn their own civilization. This traitor class imports a violent murderous hateful medieval culture into the west not in spite of its propensity for violent cultural destruction but Because of it. This is DELIBERATE. This is the advanced guard of Jihadists which will lite the spark of civilizational war which is calculated to usher in the world wide devastation which will follow. The traitor class is counting on this war to destroy Islam, Judaism, Christianity and secular democracy. All that will be left is a neo-feudalism dominated by a plutocratic minority of mutant fascists. I wont mention exactly WHO the traitor class is but I will say remember Voltaire's advice. If you want to know who rules you look to those you are not allowed to criticize. Time is short. There is not only an enemy at the gates but greater enemies within the gates. The Mohammedan has been granted Primae Noctis over you, it is up to you to act against those who have granted the right.
  11. I have thought about this a bit and it occurs to me that the true rulers of this world are not idealists in the sense of having the same passions that afflict the 'right' and 'left'. To have such would be counter productive to their agenda to total control. The lust to dominate is undermined by the limitations set by conforming to a rigid ideological mindset. Who actually ARE the real rulers? I would suspect that Mayer Rothschild hit the mark when he quipped about controlling a nations money making it irrelevant who makes it laws. The money power drives national agendas. Whoever controls that controls virtually everything. The way that a money power controls those in political power is support both sides in any feud and blackmail the winner by the threat of supporting the loser in any future feud. It works and has worked for centuries. When the money power wishes to gain control of an enemy state it has to enlist allies as it of itself has no armies in the field to force compliance. It must use subversion before coercion. It must weaken first then divide then conquer. If it can achieve its aims of total control without firing a shot that is preferable to war as war is costly while treason is cheap. Ideologues fit in nicely here as the attack dogs of the money power. They are used as the means to demoralize the target country by spreading lies and destroying a targeted peoples ability to think rationally. Ideologues are useful in destabilizing a target country by utilizing identity politics and pitting each victim group against every other victim group eventually rendering the targeted state incapable of functioning. Crisis is precipitated resulting in either invasion or civil war. It is at this time that the money power and their functionaries step in and seize total control. What then of the ideologues? They are unnecessary and now a liability as their intractability and irrationality render them useless in the new totalitarian system which brooks no protest of any kind. The ideologues are liquidated. What emerges is a kind of high tech neo feudalism. At the top a unassailable elite protected by a ruthless pervasive police state and at the bottom a mass of serfs stripped of all ability to resist. Any serf showing any sign of initiative or any spark of will is killed much like the fate of the Helots in ancient Sparta. I don't think the vast majority of the ideologues realize that their ultimate fate is sealed when they follow the orders of the ruling elite. They think that they will run things when the 'glorious revolution' occurs. They are unaware they are simply what Lenin called 'useful idiots'. They are Judas Goats but their egos are so huge that they are blind to their manipulation. One may see in the person of Woodrow Wilson an example of a duped ideologue lamenting his gullibility a few years after being conned into signing the federal reserve act. Or one may simply examine the fate of the ideologues in Stalin's Russia. The international communists (mostly Jewish Bolsheviks) were liquidated after the Stalin-Trotsky split over world communism vs communism in 1 country. The criminal won out over the idealist. The same applies to the money power. They don't give a tinkers damn about ideology, they only care about gaining and holding power by any and all means necessary. This makes them incredibly dangerous.
  12. The American Republican tradition assumes the presence of a loyal opposition. The assumption was/is that a political party has an overriding loyalty to the system of government based on Constitutional Law and adherence to an American Creedal Tradition. This means that even if out of power, a political party will curb its excesses of criticism of the party in power if such criticism 'crosses the line' and threatens the stability of the Republican System. Sometimes though, deprivation of political power can lead a faction to abandon the restraint imposed by the loyal opposition principle. One may use the Federalist/Whig/Republican Party as an example of this tendency. After the Adams loss to Jefferson in the 1800 election the Federalists were weakened and with their active subversion of the war effort in the 1812-14 period, they fell apart and were reformulated under the banner of the Whig party. The policies of the Hamiltonian Federalists transferred to the Clay Whigs. Their chance came again in 1840 with the election of W.H. Harrison who, unfortunately for them, croaked after just 30 days leaving the mantle of leadership to John Tyler who proved to be no Whig. Clay's Mercantilist economic policies were stymied and the Whigs were defeated in 44 by Polk. In 48, the Whigs nominated Taylor who proved to be a more sectional loyalist than a Whig Loyalist and after his death and the succession of the hapless Filmore the Whigs were once again defeated and on the outs. They collapsed and the more extreme amongst them morphed into the Republican party. As a result of the chaotic 1860 election, the Democrats fractured and the entirely sectional party of Lincoln seized power with only 39% of the vote. During the Secession Crisis, the Democrats still clung to the idea of a loyal opposition by trying to ameliorate the situation by appealing to reason and restraint with an eye to re-unification through diplomacy. The Republicans, however, had abandoned all adherence to the Union as it was and committed themselves to forging a New Union in their OWN image achievable only by means of revolution outside of the parameters of the Constitution of 87. They resolved to take advantage of the opportunity afforded by the secession of the Cotton States by the means of an armed invasion of the South to utterly destroy the stronghold of the Federalist (divided Sovereignty) faction and bring the entire country under the domination of the Centralizers. Thus the Republicans illegally overthrew the Constitution and effected a rebellion which by its success fundamentally changed to united States of America into the United States of America and altered our trajectory in History to our ultimate detriment. The fundamental core belief that government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed was replaced by the belief that the government derives its just powers from the acquiescence of the governed. Jefferson was deposed by Don Corleone. Jefferson's attitude of 'Go in peace erring brothers' was replaced by 'I will make them an offer they can't refuse'. This is still with us to this day. One may see that this shift in political power produced a radicalization in the political structure which promoted partisanship over cooperation and cemented divisiveness in American politics which has grown ever worse over time. This first successful step along the road to tyranny was complicated by the arrival of foreign collectivist ideologies from Europe beginning in 1848 with Marx. Already mortally injured by Lincoln, the Republic was infiltrated by a radical fundamentally anti-western anti-American ideology which enlarged the damage inflicted by the Black Republicans and turned that mistake into a festering wound. Marxist ideology driven political organizations were granted a voice in the affairs of the country under the delusion that they had legitimate concerns and valid points to make in deciding policy that were still mitigated by the idea of a loyal opposition. What was not and IS not realized is the fact that Marxism is devoted to the idea of utter destruction of everything that came out of the Enlightenment and that means the United States of America in ANY form. While particularly vehement in its hatred of the Jeffersonian version of America, Marxism also opposes the Lincolnite version though not as much. The reason being that the Lincolnite version is much closer ideologically to Marxism than Jeffersonian Republicanism is. Thus as long as the Lincolnite version of America holds sway, Marxism has the opportunity to make inroads into the culture. Marxism has already demoralized the country and is actively destabilizing it and is driving it headlong into crisis. The problem, as I see it, is Americans still believe that Free Speech applies to Marxists and their agents. It doesn't. To apply the right of free speech to an ideology inherently fatal to free speech is committing suicide. Marxists are NOT LOYAL OPPOSITION and they NEVER HAVE BEEN. They are in every sense of the word Traitors and Revolutionists. We have reached a point where tolerance of and facilitation of Marxism is threatening the very survival of this people literally as the ultimate goal of the Marxist is Genocide. This addiction to the fantasy of a loyal opposition must be abandoned and the manifest murderous intent of the Marxist recognized for the evil it is or we as a nation and a people will be facing extinction.
  13. dear pathfinder, I sympathize with your situation as I myself was for a long time in a like state. Then I found something that shook me to the core and provided a major breakthrough. I read the book by Dr. James Hillman entitled 'The Soul's Code : In Search of Character and Calling' This changed my life. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this work to one who is searching for a meaning and direction in their life.
  14. after re-reading the classic LeCarre novel, it occurred to me that that children's rhyme is a rather good symbolic breakdown of the groups involved in the societal collapse of the west. The rhyme goes like this: Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Richman Poorman Beggerman Thief. These images can be used as symbolic representations of the players and the played across the world at this time. I shall break it down. 1)Tinkers = the Cultural Marxists 5th column hard at work with their little hammers and sickles banging away at the foundational institutions of the west. Sowing first demoralization followed by increasing destabilization and eventually creating crisis followed by totalitarian normalization (ty Bezmezov) 2) Tailors = The corporate Media whose job it is to divide everyone into groups and prepare clothes for them to wear forever locking them into an identity which is then used as a political weapon. the tailor cannot see a person only a suit of clothes made to order. 3)Soldiers = The Islamists and other ideological cannon fodder. 4) Sailors = the Migrants. voyaging from the far corners of the earth they come by any means of conveyance to swarm into the hated west to seize control of the lands of their former masters and effect a genocide in slow motion. 5) Rich-men = The transnational Davos man. The Globalist Elite believers in High-Tech Feudalism. The Illuminati. The Rothschild Zionists. The Rhodes founded minions of the CFR, the Tri-Laterals, the Club of Rome etc etc etc. 6) Poor-men = the taxpaying citizen-slaves. the exhausted. propagandized. confused, bewildered masses of sheeple. 7) Begger-men = The political class. the professional elected prostitutes who have no principles but feeding their avarice and ambition by any means necessary. Their philosophy is whatever works is good and the ends always justify the means. Morally bankrupt and devoid of all human virtues. 8) Thieves = the Pharasaic, Talmudic Goy hating Jewish supremacists. Iagos. Calibans. Shylocks. International Central Banksters. It is something to ponder and reflect upon is it not?
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