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  1. I guess the problem I have with the statement "races make societies" is that it isnt historically true. The EU is about the closest thing to that claim. In general languages make societies.
  2. Most agree that the brain has a functional input output structure with genetically preferred paths but the brain does not have a fixed architecture ( https://youtu.be/eMfw3rGOkCQ?t=44). The Brain has an adaptive architecture so that after learning, consolidation, or recovery from injury completely different brain regions can end up solving the same task ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqwhr4vJIW4 http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms4602). Most computational scientists believe that your video card's massively parallel GPU is better analogy for how the brain works than a CPU ( silly link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P28LKWTzrI https://youtu.be/EhPpxsK2Ia0?t=73 ) Many think the core units of parallel computation are neurons or networks that engage in the equivalent of Bayesian inference https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/are-brains-bayesian/ that can be repurposed for function approximation.
  3. The website is interesting. Its written as a Gallilean dialogue I think in 2007. The blogger writes under the name "La Griffe du Lion". He took down his contact information from the website in 2011, last internet archive with email can be seen here: https://web.archive.org/web/20110308071227/http://www.lagriffedulion.f2s.com/ Accusations are that the blogger is a retired John Hopkins sociologist, "Robert A Gordon". Robert Gordon is now 82. https://entitledtoanopinion.wordpress.com/2008/08/20/la-griffe-du-lion-robert-gordon/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_A._Gordon Robert Gordon has a controversial past in so far as the left wing hates him. More so when Murray's book came out. http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1995-04-03/features/1995093125_1_intelligence-tests-race-and-intelligence-bell-curve He was funded by the Pioneer Fund which is on the SPLC list. Robert Gordon's bio is interesting: His parents separated when he was 11, and he was brought up in two homes for orphans in the Bronx, N.Y., first at Leake & Watts Home School and then at the American Female Guardian Society and Home for the Friendless. He has no posted pictures in the internet archive. His status was changed from professor to research professor sometime between Jan-Aug 2006. https://web.archive.org/web/20060816083251/http://www.soc.jhu.edu/faculty.html Local correlate: 2 new assistant professor hires He was delisted from the JHU faculty page in jan 2007 last available: https://web.archive.org/web/20070129010209/http://www.soc.jhu.edu/faculty.html His faculty page remained on servers at JHU until sometime between 2012-2016 (his jhu email is likely active) https://web.archive.org/web/20120204123415/http://www.soc.jhu.edu/people/gordon/index.html A 2013 article claims he was emeritus (but this is not acknowledged at JHU webpage) http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2013/07/a-tale-of-two-trials-what-the-zimmerman-and-o-j-simpson-verdicts-reveal-about-racial-denial/ While it is impossible to know the state of the man or his present thoughts, Robert Gordon might make an interesting guest and be willing to talk openly now that he is older.
  4. Alot of what Stefan mentioned and I was thinking about is already captured here http://www.lagriffedulion.f2s.com/g.htm.
  5. The idea was to measure how certain we should be when making generalizations from individuals to groups or classes of people. I think the model experiment is to sample people in a given IQ range and then ask how many people I need to sample to be be sure the proportion of people in that IQ class is reflective of a demographic hypothesis. If we assume all groups in a population have the same IQ distribution ( N(mu,sigma) ) then we would expect that the overall population IQ distribution is a simple linear sum of these component distributions (weighted by proportion). Because the overall population is a linear sum of weighted isoparametric distributions, we can expect as a null hypothesis that any IQ range we look into will have the same linear proportion of minority groups. Alternatively we would assume that the groups in a population might have different IQ distributions with different parameters (mu, sigma) and the overall population IQ distribution was a sum of these distributions. Because the normal distribution is nonlinear, it does not preserve proportions and one will find there are different proportions of minorities groups in different IQ ranges, relative to the overall mean population proportions. This was the point Stefan made that I liked. Just because the US is 70% caucausoid doesnt mean that every IQ range under examination will be 70% caucausoid. That only holds true if one assumes that all census defined ethnic groups have the same IQ distribution. If you assume the distributions have the same variance but different means, it will make huge and increasing differences at the tails (owing to nonlinearity of the bell curve). Still problems here to debug in terms of applications Does this make it easier to prove group differences? Not sure-- it may be hard to do demographically fair random samples of IQ. If you could randomly sample a class of high IQ populations it would be easier to demonstrate a difference in the proportions of group composition relative to the overall population demographics-- this proves a IQ distributions have different parameters for the two groups. Can you employ that observation in a reasonable way as an individual actor?-- Not sure. A smaller sample is needed to prove a larger effect but encountering smart people is rare so whether group differences are useful at the high IQ end depends on whether they out weigh the risk of infrequent encounters. But one could use the size of the sample needed to be say 95% confident as a proxy for how certain you should feel that you observation is due to group differences.
  6. I wanted to thank and congratulate Stefan Molyneaux for his dogged investigation of the career killing topic: Race, Sex and IQ. I think he has finally proposed a hypothesis that is worth researching and is provable and scientific. The hypothesis I see as valid is: (1) There are differences in mean IQ by race and gender. (2) owing to the shape of the normal distribution, the proportion of people occupying a given interval of IQ scores will vary with distance from mean. (example: the interval of IQ 100-115 contains 34% of people but the interval of 130-145 contains 2% of people) (3) TO BE PROVEN: When dealing with the middle 68% of individuals (+/- 1 std, the people you most often interact with) there is less confidence that racial/sex differences in IQ will be observed owing to variations in and between groups. (This can be shown with a power calculation) (4) MOLYNEAUX'S INSIGHT: For an equal size IQ interval on the tails of a normal distribution, the confidence about IQ increases nonlinearly. SO given some prior knowledge, (e.g. that a person has an IQ>115, i.e. a so called 'elite') once can be more confident of observing bias in race/sex proportions. At the very least statistical tests can be done to prove that one needs a larger sample of people from IQ[85,115] interval to be confident of a race/sex difference than one would need from an IQ[130,160] interval. It needs some clean up but it seems like a good paper if it hasnt already been published. If the work has been done I would be interested in a citation.
  7. For what its worth I started introducing the video of lapps as herdsman as an example of early human culture. I dont do much commentary except to introduce it as part of human evolution and as an example of what precedes agriculture and modernity. However even in this limited form it burns into the minds of people (reindeer castration is a big hit). I think this term I may illustrate cultural progression with communities in Africa (Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia) that have domesticated animals and agriculture. Perhaps end it with types of civilizations ala Star Trek (lol).
  8. Wikileaks has released cyberwarfare toolsfrom CIA. He needs to reverse course and use this information to destroy Apple Google and Facebook. Rather than helping these companies he should be helping only the open source and third party software makers. This is an opportunity to break burgeoning monopolies and shame the CIA. He needs to upsell the insecurity of windows android apple IOS. Solve the vulnerabilities of Linux unix Solaris etc.
  9. Words like tax revolt and state secession are up in the news again! They are being examined by 'serious' people. It has been along while since the Democratic party pushed a neoconfederate ideology. But it appears they are ready to take up the battle. This is a tough battle. At any moment we should expect the Southern Poverty Law Center to list them as hate groups and antigovernment militia types. Should we help them in their battle for a tax revolt and state secession? How can we help them? should we give money? tax revolt: http://time.com/4590994/popular-vote-tax-pledge/?xid=time_socialflow_twitter secession: http://ntknetwork.com/disgruntled-democrats-want-a-constitutional-convention-to-leave-the-union
  10. I just listened to Stefan explain what he believes Richard Spencer means by white nationalism. I then read what the New York Times said Richard Spencer said and did http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/us/alt-right-salutes-donald-trump.html?_r=0&referer=http://m.huffpost.com/us There is a huge chasm between these two reports. Stefan should interview the man to verify his thought processes to resolve rather than popularize him by projecting his belief system onto Mr. Spencer
  11. Its sloppy. There is no clear dates provided on when the offenses took place. Timeline: Maxine Brown applies and is rejected 1963 Donald Trump Age 17 living in New York Maxine Brown gets house 1964 Donald Trump Age 18 attending Fordham University Complaints of discrimination by Ellis James at Fred Trump prop mid-1960s Donald Trump 18-21 State investigators show racial inequality in (Fred) Trump properties 1966 Donald Trump Age 20 attending Fordham University Donald Trump graduates Wharton 1968 Donald Trump Age 22 transferred from Fordham Tester/Wolper housing discrimination 1969 Donald Trump Age 23 D.Trump takes over Trump properties 1971 Donald Trump Age 25 Justice Department sues Trump properties 1973 Donald Trump Age 27 president, Trump properties Complaints continue until 1978 Donald Trump Age 32 Cases closed 1983 Donald Trump Age 37
  12. I dont see how it could be worse. We gerrymander districts into bizarre shapes why not gerrymander disproportionate immigration as part of regular party negotiations.
  13. Well have to remind them of medical science, that courts are as yet better than rulings by clan heads, and that factories that make snowmobiles require certain institutions and etc.
  14. Democrats are very happy with the voting record of new immigrants and want to encourage a continued policy favoring current demographics. New legislation needs to be implemented in immigration with an understanding that current immigration policy is simply being used as a way to gerrymander. As such immigration policy should be subject to continual review and new immigrant voting patterns should be a strong determinant on the number and types of immigrants approved for citizenship. Specifically there should be identified demographic groups that are likely going to vote Republican and demographic groups identified as likely to vote Democrat and have immigration rolls weighted so that no particular party can hijack immigration policy for sake of gerrymandering elections.
  15. Perhaps this will change your mind. Lapp girl. There was a time when southern europeans were considered not to be white by some. Better be nice to her though... https://youtu.be/fftnExG-WFg?t=38 in case the link is dropped for not being fair use. In the American context, are these white or non-white people... https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/3NorwSamiPresidents.jpg
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