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  1. “I just love seeing how happy the moms and kids are . . . That’s why I do this. It’s the gift that keeps on giving,” he told the Post. He said he baby-sits for some of the kids and attends birthday parties, and was present at some of the deliveries. He has successfully been sued for child support five times and told the Post that half of his paycheck is garnished for child support. He told the newspaper that the women all promise in advance that they won’t sue. He has kids in Florida, Illinois, Virginia, Connecticut and Israel, and said he does not regret any of them. He reportedly is currently talking with several women looking to conceive. Brooklyn teacher sires 22 children with donated sperm | The Times of Israel - http://bit.ly/1twAkOQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No good deed goes unpunished. But seriously, like we couldn't see the lawsuits coming a mile away. Is donating sperm a good idea? I have my doubts.
  2. In some of Stefan's videos he mentions the opportunity cost of immigration. In particular, he says that one new immigrant is going to cost one native born. Does anybody have any statistics that would support this claim? Time 12:45 For every immigrant who comes in: 1. You get one less native born person. 2. Taxes go up. 3. Housing prices go up. 4. Education quality goes down. 5. Opportunities goes down because fewer jobs are created. I can see the reasoning on why immigration can push down the fertility rate but some actual numbers would help. My own view is that immigration facilitates the movement toward equality. Behind the banner of equality sits communism. Therefore, any logical argument with the left against immigration is likely to fall on deaf ears. They are not trying to make a better country. They are trying to make all countries equal. Better is not better. Equal is better. Or at least that is what the left believes.
  3. The pope is obviously a liberal. Notice how be blames the good guys? Modern liberalism: People are all the same and basically good. If they act bad it's because they were provoked. By whom? By the good guys. It looks like we are on the road to the end of Christianity.
  4. In America today, one must hide or be very discreet in order to speak freely - unless you don't care about your job or your life. Take a look at Hollywood: The debate club at Brown University goes "underground:" Pointing out problems with Muslims can also get you in a lot of trouble depending on where you live. The West appears to be pointed in a dangerous direction where free speech is increasingly shut down, and the state assumes more and more control over everything. If the servers for this website are located in the US, then someone might want to rethink that.
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  5. I run a blog on emerging risks which is a little like tracking Black Swans. You can in fact see Black Swans coming, but you have to pay attention. Mostly I just post article excerpts and sometimes provide commentary. Hopefully, you find this stuff interesting. Did Hyman Minsky find the secret behind financial crashes? - BBC News - http://bbc.in/1khvTlz The secret is this: Stability is destabilizing. What happens to a forest when firemen put out all the fires? Given that the world have been doing everything possible to keep everything stable, the natural result is another financial crisis coming soon. The article excerpt below is about the coming financial crisis. A couple of weeks ago, hedge fund legend Stanley Druckenmiller gave an important talk arguing that the crisis is about to hit and investors should liquidate their equity holdings. He and others who have similar views have been the subject of much debate among economists — more of it about the timing of the next global and U.S. downturn and not so much about whether it will come. ... The fundamental problem is most countries are experiencing little or no growth as a result of excessive government spending (particularly on transfer payments), and destructive regulations and tax policies. The unwillingness of the politicians (and their voters) to cut back on spending and regulation has led to an explosion of government debt, which is not sustainable at current levels of economic growth. This, in turn, is fueling a demand for more government spending (more free stuff) and thus more debt. What we are seeing at the moment is a slow-motion crisis where real incomes in a number of countries are stagnant or dropping because of the fall in commodity prices and the rising cost of debt service. ... RICHARD RAHN: The next financial crisis - Washington Times - http://bit.ly/1Rg2ukO Related: China’s debt bubble is getting only more dangerous - The Washington Post - http://wapo.st/1Rg3qpk This is how the next financial crisis will spread around the world economy | Voices | The Independent - http://ind.pn/1Rg3GV3 China's Economy Is Past the Point of No Return | The National Interest - http://bit.ly/1Rg3Pba World faces 'lost year' as policymakers sleepwalk towards fresh crisis, warns IMF - http://bit.ly/1Rg4gSX Timing a financial crisis is impossible, but the chatter about such an event is increasing. We are in this mess because of government policies that promote stability. And we will remain in this situation forever, or until we experience a depression. We have joined Japan sitting on the edge of a cliff.
  6. While it seems to be implied that feminists just want equal opportunity, doesn't it seem like they really want equal outcome? But maybe it's even worse than that. They are happy to leave men in the physically exhausting, dangerous, dirty jobs that can get one killed. Isn't diversity just one mechanism to push society toward equal (group) outcome? It appears we are moving toward a fascist economic system with the illusion of private ownership but heavy state control over everything. In this case the state intercedes to force companies to hire women in tech.
  7. I guess someone heard about Stefan and now wants to attack philosophy in the West. It's not diverse enough. See an excerpt below: The vast majority of philosophy departments in the United States offer courses only on philosophy derived from Europe and the English-speaking world. For example, of the 118 doctoral programs in philosophy in the United States and Canada, only 10 percent have a specialist in Chinese philosophy as part of their regular faculty. Most philosophy departments also offer no courses on Africana, Indian, Islamic, Jewish, Latin American, Native American or other non-European traditions. Indeed, of the top 50 philosophy doctoral programs in the English-speaking world, only 15 percent have any regular faculty members who teach any non-Western philosophy. Given the importance of non-European traditions in both the history of world philosophy and in the contemporary world, and given the increasing numbers of students in our colleges and universities from non-European backgrounds, this is astonishing. No other humanities discipline demonstrates this systematic neglect of most of the civilizations in its domain. The present situation is hard to justify morally, politically, epistemically or as good educational and research training practice. If Philosophy Won’t Diversify, Let’s Call It What It Really Is - NYTimes.com - http://nyti.ms/1qpNACA At least in my opinion, diversity is about lowering standards. Diversity for diversity's sake is not a good thing. Notice how you never hear explicitly why diversity is better. It just is. But let's ignore communication issues and sensitivity issues. Of course the majority must learn about the sensitivity of each minority group. Why isn't it the other way around? Why don't minorities have to be sensitive to the majority? Philosophy departments at universities are just too logical. They aren't buying into this diversity nonsense.
  8. I think this problem is a subset of liberal lying: Why do liberals lie? The short answer is that they lie in order to maintain their model of the world. Their model works something like this: 1. People are the same all over the world. No better or worse than any other. 2. People are basically good. 3. Economic outcome for all groups should be equal (no better or worse than.) 4. Religions are equal (no better or worse than.) 5. Cultures are equal (no better or worse than.) If people are the same, then how can races be different? Check out this book: Amazon.com: Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science (9781594206085): Alice Dreger: Books - http://amzn.com/1594206082 "Dreger began to realize how some fellow progressive activists were employing lies and personal attacks to silence scientists whose data revealed uncomfortable truths about humans." This illuminating chronicle begins with Dreger’s own research into the treatment of people born intersex (once called hermaphrodites). Realization of the shocking surgical and ethical abuses conducted in the name of “normalizing” intersex children’s gender identities moved Dreger to become an internationally recognized patient rights’ activist. But even as the intersex rights movement succeeded, Dreger began to realize how some fellow progressive activists were employing lies and personal attacks to silence scientists whose data revealed uncomfortable truths about humans. In researching one such case, Dreger suddenly became the target of just these kinds of attacks.
  9. The following quotes come from this video: The Decline and Collapse of Sweden | European Migrant Crisis - YouTube - http://bit.ly/1Tsoa2M [Time to hit bottom ( ] “For a western man, would you rather live as a patriarch in a Muslim country, or under a gynae-centric radical feminist state driven matriarchy as it stands?” “A woman can wake up one morning and decide to destroy you. And she has a damn good chance of doing so.” “A [divorce] system where men are broken up and sold for parts to feed women’s vanity and greed.” “Men see a system where they are the hunted. it is open season on men in the West.” I devoted a couple of hours to that video. Plus I wrote up a blog post with a link to the video. That's how much I loved that video.
  10. Below are a couple of articles pointing out that war (as in nuclear war) just might be a lot closer than you think. Victor Davis Hanson: The next few months may prove the most dangerous since World War IILast week, Russian officials warned the Obama administration about the installation of a new anti-ballistic missile system in Romania and talked of a possible nuclear confrontation that would reduce the host country to “smoking ruins” and “neutralize” any American-sponsored missile system. Such apocalyptic rhetoric follows months of Russian bullying of nearby neutral Sweden, harassment of U.S. ships and planes, warnings to NATO nations in Europe, and constant threats to the Baltic states and former Soviet republics. China just warned the United States to keep its ships and planes away from its new artificial island and military base in the Spratly archipelago — plopped down in the middle of the South China Sea to control international sea lanes. Iranian leaders routinely threaten to close down the key Strait of Hormuz. … All the saber-rattling of 2016 is beginning to sound a lot like the boasts and bullying of Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany of the 1930s. … Given those uncertainties, it may seem wise in the waning months of 2016 for aggressors to go for broke against the predictable Obama administration before the game is declared over in 2017. Washington Times - http://bit.ly/1YGjKFv A former NATO boss has warned Europe could be locked in nuclear war with Russia “within a year” triggered by a Russian incursion into Baltic States; Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Former NATO leader boss predicts nuclear war with Russia unless NATO steps up security in Baltic nations - http://bit.ly/1YGkACe We don't want China to be ignored: Beijing is setting the stage for war in the South China Sea — Quartz - http://bit.ly/1YGlwXg “… a major conflagration of epic proportions that may involve some of the world’s most powerful sovereign powers, including the United States, China, Japan, and even Russia, is brewing in earnest in the South China Sea.” Hoover Institution - http://hvr.co/1YGloan There you go. Something to pay attention to. I would like to note that there is a correlation between big financial shocks and war. There is a lag of 7 to 10 years. Based on the 2008 shock, the window of war (the danger zone) goes from 2015 to 2018. Obviously, nothing is guaranteed. Why? Think of snow falling on a mountain. Stability is an illusion. When time is up we will see a shock (avalanche) at some location on the mountain. That shock tells you that time is just about up for the rest of the mountain. It is ready for a massive collapse - war.
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