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  1. I strictly follow the philosophy that every adult average human being has full agency in their life and I generally do not make any exceptions from that rule. There are very specific circumstances in which this rule cannot be applied, sure. However, I don't care about the 0.01% being the exceptions, but I care about the 99.99% of all average adult human beings. We live in quasi-magical times in which the world's information is at every individual's fingertips. Why would I care whether one specific individual can't be arsed to get off their fat butt and study how the world is structured and what they could do with effort and discipline. Adult humans are not little children to be taken by the hand and lead through their lives, if they behave stupidly and get rekt in the process. I find it degrading and contemptuous to think of adults in such ways. If you personally make a terrible choice in life, you personally pay for it and not anyone else. The opposite is true, too. If you make a great choice in life, you keep what's rightfully yours and nobody has any right to rob you of the fruits of your great decisions especially for no reason whatsoever. So, "abandoning them".. nope. There was never one that could be abandoned, because I'm not the custodian of under-age kids who need guidance. But that is actually a good point you're bringing up there. I think that what has happened to a large portion of the manifold european peoples over the last century is the peoples (d)evolving into under-age kids that never want to grow up and that want to be led by custodians. And hence, EU politics has turned over many decades into parent-teacher conferences discussing the bad and good behaviours of specific children in the EU class and how to punish the 'bad kids'. Doesn't quite seem to work that way, does it? There are very logical and consequential reasons for the existence of parties like the AfD in Germany nowadays. The don't exist because they have great solutions. They exist because the political (self-appointed) elites thought they could ignore human nature and create a synthetic world. And the masses bluntly reject it. I think that Europe has become susceptible to the insanity and suicidal tendencies because most peoples of Europe have stopped believing. Be it gods or passionate visions of a glorious future. And that's why it seems only consequential to me that the Muslims will quite naturally take over the region within the next 100 years. The muslim faith has a strong and IMO nigh indestructible DNA that gets replicated with most muslim children born. It's a natural process. Meanwhile, the Europeans seem to have degenerated so much that they even refuse to produce their own children in sufficient numbers to at least keep their own civilzations intact. Historians will truly scratch their heads about this one. I don't believe there is a non-negligible chance of the european degeneracy infecting other regions. It will rather serve as a severe warning to other civilizations.
  2. I believe and feel that it is the natural drive of evolution for individuals to leave a decaying economic and societal biotope, that has become especially toxic to highly educated and experienced people like me (electrical and computer engineer, currently working in the aerospace industry - that one is now also in shit-shape, let me tell you. Politics ruins anything). Leaving the well-known biotope and entering a new, unknown biotope requires - quite the contrary - braveness, a strong forward looking mind and unwavering faith in one's own abilities. I wish to put my knowledge and expertise into building up something that could be useful to the whole world (if possible) and not being constantly hindered, interrupted and prevented from action by an inept bureaucracy of a now totalitarian, fascist and socialist regime like the EU and/or Germany. No thanks . The world is incredibly big, and the world (#metoo) just stopped giving a flying **** about the antics of this little world region. I believe it boils down to personal choice. The less personal liabilities a person has, the easier the choice becomes and the easier and more successfully it can be implemented. Better try and do something good for the world somewhere else and die trying, than stay and - with certainty - never amount to anything. If you like to, PM me.
  3. Hi barn, I'm already looking into leaving Europe ASAP and starting a business in a different world region to make a decent living from that. I have come to believe that Europe is now a 100% absolutely unsalvageable basket case. Aside from its now totalitarian AND fascist police state nature, taxation is one of the highest - decently earning people lose almost two thirds of their income after taxation (including VAT etc) in Germany. This region is quickly collapsing in regards to level of civilization and cultural integrity. The EU, under german leadership, converts everyhing it touches into a steaming, bloodied pile of shit and degeneracy. Historians will look back and think, what the hell, Germans/Europeans? Still shaking my head..
  4. There is a decisive will to quickly change the german Grundgesetz to enable police to freely break into private property to install bugs and surveillance software on devices of people who are 'assumed' to have connections to 'terror'. See also this german article: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Staatstrojaner-Polizei-soll-in-Wohnungen-einbrechen-duerfen-4075115.html The inviolability of the home in article 13 of the Grundgesetz forbids this for obvious and very good reasons. Police might secretly break into homes of dissidents and other inconvenient people and plant 'evidence' of a crime that never happened, in order to be able to lock them away. How the federal justice ministers can even begin to think that such evidence used in court could have any type of reliability and correctness is inconceivable. That's a good way to destroy the remains of an at least partially working law and justice system in Germany.
  5. Hmm.. on the one hand, the spring and summer season are best for migrants moving towards Central Europe. Depending on the level of incompetence and stupidity of the european 'leaders', the next round of virtue signaling might do the trick and motivate a dozen million people to get moving. The next wave should destabilize the the political and societal landscapes in Europe such, that the avalanche of decay will become unstoppable IMHO.
  6. Austria is showing signs of change. We will see if they have the spine to pull through with their will. If Germany really begins its collapse, Bavaria (where I live and which is the economic power house of the country) might try to secede from the federal republic at some point, because Bavarians aren't known to take shit for prolonged periods. Compare that idea with what the Catalans are trying right now in Spain. From the perspective of international law and ruling (as of 2010), the act of trying to secede within a larger country is not illegal per se, because a people can't be depraved of the right of taking their destiny into their own hands. Regularly, such a process causes great conflict within the overall country, but there is no legal way in international law to suppress such an effort. I predict that parts of Germany would be irreparably destroyed from a civilisation point of view, but the most important parts of Germany like Bavaria and perhaps Baden-Württemberg would be sustained and perhaps join the german part of Switzerland. That might actually work out very nicely . Depending how hard the shit hits the fan, I would exile myself and organize from outside.. .
  7. Regarding the topic of civil war, this bit might be interesting for you to know: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schnöggersburg Schnöggersburg is a synthetic town for the german army to practice urban warfare and house-to-house fighting. In other words and with highest probability for fighting against the german populace in the future. All in accordance with constitutional prerequisites, of course .. you get my drift. That little playground cost the german tax payer 140 million EUR so far. Nice to know that this money went into a training ground for their future murderers, in case you dare defy your masters like Merkel. I wish this was a conspiracy theory, but it is real. Merkel and her cronies don't hate Germany, instead they don't relate themselves to Germany at all. They are emotionally and intellectually so far detached from the realities of the populace, that they could as well be considered clinically insane. But this is the case for a number of european countries now. Tightly sealed echo chambers and self-confirmation create the impression on these people that the normal populace seems to become 'the enemy' to them. Those in the government should regard themselves as the highest public servants, not as masters over the populace. But they don't get it, and that will destroy the EU.
  8. Addendum: Family reunions of 'refugees' are treated in Germany such, that family members entering Germany after the first family member entering Germany are not counted as 'refugees' (see also: http://www.epochtimes.de/politik/deutschland/familiennachzug-2018-naechste-migrationswelle-kommt-nach-bundestagswahl-a2037014.html). So the government can completely obfuscate the insane numbers pouring into the country. I guess it would be bad for the next election cycle, if the populace could trace the number of cultural (though not financial) enrichers. It will still be possible to see a sharp increase in migrants (because they can't obfuscate that one <insert sad Merkel face>), but there will be no reliable way to trace the overall situation.
  9. I agree that the strain on the welfare state will be the most influential factor that kills Germany. As things stand and continue to develop, I guess that Germany will enter future history books as the single-most retarded country in the history of mankind - hand in hand with Sweden - which, without any rhyme or reason, will have terminated itself in this bizarre manner. There is no politician on the planet that could justify expending hundreds of billions of EUR year after year on a self-inflicted 'refugee crisis', while at the same time watching as the country's infrastructure and judicial system continue to crumble. The german populace can see that too, and they are clearly not liking it. As things are developing, I can only estimate that soon the broader masses of Germans will increasingly realize that the judicial system is more or less defunct by now (depending on the federal state you're in, at the moment) and that the state's monopoly of legitimate use of force is practically off the table. And if the state claims that monopoly, but can't deliver protection via police etc anymore, people will increasingly arm, defend and fight for themselves. It's the only reasonable thing to do. Self-arming is already happening (http://www.epochtimes.de/politik/deutschland/deutsche-bewaffnen-sich-wegen-fluechtlingskrise-fast-eine-halbe-million-buerger-verfuegt-ueber-kleinen-waffenschein-a2019626.html). As it is very difficult to get real legal gun permissions as a civilian, people buy what they can get legally. And there's quite a lot of illegal arms dealing happening in dark alleyways, where the real goods are exchanged. If Germany decays, so will the EU. Europe will - once again - have one hell of a rude awakening. So much seems certain. Will they ever learn? I have doubts. Going to England would be an option, yes. There's a reason why the EU, I mean Merkel, must prevent Brexit really happening at all costs. If the UK leaves, the so-called blocking minority of 35% consisting of the populations of England, Netherlands, Austria, Germany and Finland, is off the table (http://www.hanswernersinn.de/de/Interview_Euro_11072016). If that happens, the southern european countries will have guaranteed majorities in any votes to come in the EU and Germany will become the eternal idiot paymaster for the southern countries. Also, UK leaving is economically equivalent to about 19 other european countries - the small ones - leaving together. That should tell everything there is to tell. So, Merkel is practically losing her shit over the prospects of the UK leaving that slave union called EU.
  10. @Crusader1986 As surprising as it may seem to be, Germany's services have been performing superbly, so far, at detecting imminent threats and taking them into custody. Watching Stefan's video from 26th of October regarding this subject took me by surprise, as he seems to have directly taken up the subject. His heritage is half German, after all.. . Concerning a possible civil war in Germany, I would like to add the following. Having lived in Germany for my whole life and having been a contemporary witness of the german reunification, it was evident that many millions of the 'new' people from East Germany were not or half-assedly integrated into the new situation of a unified Germany. They were almost completely ignored by all parties and politicians, even made light of as largely some sort of retarded cousins of the 'real' Germans, the West Germans. Or so it seemed. Over the past decades, this environment bred quiet but increasingly strengthening resentment, and many people didn't partake in the political process of democratic (yeah, right) elections anymore. Then, the election of September 2017 came and - surprise, surprise - the newcomer party AfD got 27% of the votes just like that in Sachsen (East Germany), making it the strongest political power there: (https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article168995513/AfD-ist-in-Sachsen-jetzt-die-staerkste-Kraft.html). There is a rising percentage of Germans who are getting truly livid seeing how the acting parties implement one civilization and culture destroying policy after the other. And here comes the next genius move, that will totally not financially and socially wreck the country beyond identification: Family reunification for many of the 'refugees'. How many? According to public sources and a report from the magazine FOCUS (http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/antragsflut-fuer-familien-visa-fluechtlinge-ab-2018-koennen-390-000-syrer-ihre-familien-nach-deutschland-holen_id_7525769.html), up to 390,000 syrian refugees (who knows how many of them really are, but yeah) could be entitled to get their families to Germany. That's realistically something between 390,000*(1..4) familiy members. So, between 390,000 and 1,600,000 additional people might be allowed into Germany and fully enjoy the welfare. Considering the fact that Germany, by estimation, has to fork out up to 45bn EUR per million refugees each year (http://www.epochtimes.de/politik/deutschland/axel-retz-wuerde-der-bundeshaushalt-vollstaendig-fuer-fluechtlinge-eingesetzt-koennten-wir-73-mio-menschen-aufnehmen-a2236241.html), the full federal budget of about 330bn EUR would be exhausted if about 7.3 million people were in Germany as refugees under aforementioned financial conditions. In worst case, we calculate with ~3,000,000 people with refugee status, which would cost Germany 3/7.3*329bn = 135.2bn EUR each year. Don't worry, that's only 41% of the yearly federal budget! A bargain, so to speak. It could be 100% or 157.3%, you know.. . Deporting people who get no asylee status (and are thus formally and lawfully no refugees by international and national law) is nigh impossible, because Germany is the only fucking country on the planet that has the so-called "Duldung" status. It means this: "Well, we told you that you have no right to be here as asylee by all existing national and international laws, but because we are retarded like that and we are not in the mood and have no money and personnel to hunt after you and throw you out of the country, we might as well ignore you and pretend you don't exist. Just work with us and throw away your papers, then we can't do anything at all to get rid of you". Sounds insane? Forever welcome to Germany. We got zero money for your deportation, but infinite resources for your "Duldung". What could go wrong? Having said that, I have come to believe that the only possible outcome for this trend of spreading insanity, resentment and increasing ruin is the total financial and social destruction of Germany. I guess the last World War wasn't destructive enough. It's time for Central Europe to suffer a bit more this time. With Germany's demise, the EU will collapse. Europe will become meaningless, powerless and simply marginal for the rest of the world. I have come to believe that idiotic peoples must disappear. It seems like evolution working on a higher level. So be it. Eastern Europeans will protect themselves, their history, culture and civilization. Once again, Germany will be the destroyer of Europe. Maybe it's better it disappears.. . On a personal note, I wonder what country I could soon move to as an able electrical engineer. Any ideas, where skilled persons from Germany might be welcome?
  11. For the interested: In 2017 so far, the german federal prosecutor's office has initiated over 900 terror related lawsuits (as compared to 'only' 240 in 2016), with about 800 of them related to radical islamists. There is in no way enough personnel to prosecute the cases: https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article169901027/Deutsche-Justiz-ist-mit-Terror-Verfahren-ueberfordert.html Meanwhile, the regional courts of Berlin are almost or completely overloaded with cases and do not accept any new lawsuits. 17 out of 21 criminal chambers have completely stopped taking on new lawsuits, 2 have indicated that they are overloaded and 1 other said it will be soon overloaded: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/brandbrief-aus-dem-berliner-landgericht-wir-sind-am-ende-wir-koennen-nicht-mehr/20482300.html Consequence being, criminals there will soon be able to do whatever they like to do. Caught suspects will in general not be indicted anymore, as custody is usually only possible for a duration of 6 months without being indicted. Prisons are full already. Berlin is only one example for this trend. It's what happens to judicial systems when leftists and greens work together to create a more 'humane' and 'live-worthy' environment. Seems to work out as planned, doesn't it.
  12. Sure, cutting these funds is an option to punish the institution. This doesn't undo the brain washing of the students though.. . Since you mentioned it, what is the difference between islamic fanatics and these people here? Both will kick your face in if you have a different view than them. What a non-muslim is to the islamic fanatics, is a non-leftist to these rioters and their likes: infidels. If you don't believe in their religion of leftism, you are an infidel and can be punched, knifed, shot and run over. There is a reason why leftists and islamic extremists like each other, they have a lot in common. It is beyond bizarre IMO, because leftists and their associates will be next in line for literal execution if the West falls and Islam prevails. There is no time left for dicking around. Stefan hinted towards it in his recent video, too. The cancer has awoken and will quickly eat civilisation if no chemo and radiotherapy is applied. BTW, what is up with police being ordered to stand down on such occasions. How does this work? Why can a university order police to stand down in the U.S.? Also, here in Germany we do have a full ban on wearing face coverings (Vermummungsverbot) because evil intent is assumed in case. I see a huge problem with current social media. They are evidently used as hotbeds of criminal organisations, but the groups are tolerated and not removed. It doesn't need a rocket scientist to infer that the owners of these platforms are actively promoting this violent and possibly civilisation ending behavior. The problem with these leftist people is that they are ghost drivers who are 100% conviced they are the just, the anti, the people who will create a better world and that everybody else is a 'Nazi'. Because what can be more wrong than a Nazi.. ? It is fascinating and incredibly disturbing at the same time for me to actually understand now what happens when masses of people are brainwashed like this and behave identically like the brownshirts of Nazi Germany in the 1930's. The difference to the past is, though, that there were no social media that allowed instantaneous communication and organisation of these domestic terrorists. I predict public book burnings of authors like Milo Yiannopoulos and many others by the insane Left. Dear american friends, please do not fall into a cognitive dissonance of "this will never happen" or "if there is an uprising, it will be over in the blink of an eye". In pre-Nazi Germany, most people thought exactly like that, until the national socialist death troopers pulled people out of their homes at night and shot them in front of their houses. Too many german Jews (who were simply german citizens) just couldn't break through their cognitive dissonance ("But we are Germans, why would anything happen to us?") and were murdered in the millions, because it was too late for them to counteract or flee then. I'm happy to know that you guys have many many weapons to defend youself. At least that right wasn't taken from you. Use it wisely and decidedly. Over and out.
  13. My 2 cents on the current developments. I have been observing the trends developing in the U.S. for a long time. To me it seems inevitable that there will be partial civil and/or racial war in the U.S. . On the one side, there is millions upon millions of people who literally believe that Trump is the new Hitler. Brainwashed masses, infused by irrational boundless fear. Mainstream media hell-bent on kindling violence and stopping any meaningful discussion. Buzzwords like racist, homophobe, misogynist, islamophobe etc so overused that they have no meaning. Hardening battle fronts everywhere. Pay attention to the narrative of "them" and "us". The rhetoric the MSM are using is a dead on give-away for preparing the population for war. Classical ingroup/outgroup polarization. It's "okay to punch a 'Nazi'" now. With 'Nazi' meaning anyone of different views. The american Left has devolved into a hardcore socialist/communist cesspool. Social media play a vital role in the MSM's ability to kindle uprisings and domestic terrorism (which using violence to promote a political agenda is) as fear-forwarding and multiplying apparatus. If nothing is done about this trend, my predictions are: - Increasing radicalization of the Left by self-isolation and echo-chambering (as e.g. isolated muslim ghettos do) - Social media increasingly used to form domestic leftist terror groups with no banning from the platforms - More support from celebrities and Hollywood to 'resist' anyone associated with Trump or republicans - At some point, Trump's hand will be forced and possibly martial law will have to be called out in parts of the U.S. - This will 'confirm' the rioters' darkest MSM-implanted hitlerian fears and real civil war breaks out, because the new 'Hitler' must be killed at all costs - Armed troups need to suppress and kill rioters if necessary - Meanwhile, islamic domestic and imported terrorist cells activate and use the chaos to perform numerous acts of violence - U.S. is on the edge of becoming a failed state At some point, the only way to stop spreading of the insanity is physically switching off the MSM and social media companies, because they are the platforms intentionally spreading cancerous memes, programming parts of the population for low violence inhibition and 'revolution'. There is always so much talk about 'integration' of immigrants .. but just going by the number of those born as Americans demonstrating zero understanding of and respect for the state of law, the constitution and how god damn good their lives are only allows one conclusion. A large percentage of those born as Americans is not even integrated in their own country! It's so sad.. . It seems that the last couple generations of parents and of course the educational system have largely failed an appallingly large fraction of the current population. Make America Great Again. The president has an awful lot to do for this to happen, it seems.
  14. I think that the persons accepting illegal aliens as citizens are themselves not actual citizens of the country the live in. They are obviously not 'integrated' into society and have not the smallest clue what makes one a citizen in the first place. The process of integration that takes place during one's upbringing from toddler to youth seems to have not taken place in a dangerously large portion of people living in the U.S. . Metabolizing on american soil does not make one a citizen. That truth holds anywhere for any people. I just had a funny thought. What if we take the identity politics literally. Then I (a German citizen) could say come Tuesday "Today, I self-identify as a transgender mixed-race american citizen and demand permission to vote for Donald Trump! If I am denied this demand, I'll call upon the human rights court and sue the living s**t out of the U.S. government for oppression, racism and sexism against a minority group." . That could be fun! If that's where it's heading.. demetia, here we come! As I'm just thinking of it.. there is one good thing about nukes. They stop funtioning after a while without maintenance. The fissile material deteriorates and defuncts the whole thing. Should the U.S. population decide to walk down a path into self-annihilation and idocracy in which the retard is the king amongst the braindead, there is a chance that the thousands of nukes in U.S. possession will simply defunct after a couple decades and the U.S. become a 3rd world country that is mostly occupied by internal conflicts and civil wars costing many millions of lives, but locally limited. The outer world would eventually be safer. OR the remaining 50+% of the population unwelds their asses from their couches and starts fighting for getting back their country. I wonder how it was possible that the once great U.S. devolved into this pile of sh*t it is nowadays. I think it is easy to point the finger towards politicians. I, however, think that it was the last 2 or even 3 generations that were sleeping on the job, while the rabid dogs snuck into the house and laid waste to it. Time to clean up, folks. Make America Great Again. GO GO GO! Best to all from Germany Germ-a-knee
  15. Considering the level of retardolympics that is going on in the U.S. and elsewhere, this seems to be a possible outcome. Meanwhile, the rest of the still sane world population (about 96+%, realistically) are laughing uncontrollably about the idiocy and dementia of the 'Western' populations. Sure, the larger parts of Westeners is still more or less sane, but to be frank, if I were a non-Western person I just couldn't t take them seriously in any way. No matter what, were it not for the nukes. The election next Tuesday is a perfect litmus test. If supporters of HRC (in case she becomes POTUS) still support her in case that the FBI finds that there is a large pile of criminal acts which she and her affiliates committed over the years, then this would be rock-solid proof that the actual enemy of western civilization is within it, not on the outside: the populace. If perhaps 20% of the U.S. population were 'morally' fine with having a possible career criminal as president of the so-called free and democratic world, then the country is truly and literally finished. That would amount to about 60+ million people being OK with lawlessness on an industrial level. A country that tolerates or even encourages this kind of attitude deserves to perish. Hopefully not pulling bigger parts of the world with it into the abyss we call history. Under Trump, I believe the U.S. has a solid chance of recovering some standing and health among the civilized nations. It's high time.
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