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Ethereal Void

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  1. Thanks for the links. Here's where I got some information on AJ IQ sub-tests. http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2012/07/jewish-intelligence/ Yeah, it does seem strange how AJs are such an anomaly in regards to brain + skull size. Probably has to do with them descending primarily from an ancient Levantine population (with some female North Italian admixture), where we'd attribute their disproportionate levels of intelligence to specific mutations and alleles rather than typical evolutionary patterns.
  2. Obviously I meant after nationalist parties assume power in their respective countries. Not sure how legislation is passed/repealed in most Europe, but you get the idea.
  3. Brain size in relation to population . Here's one of the studies I had saved: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/84709.pdf
  4. I had so many great studies and articles saved on my laptop...Unfortunately it broke and I lost it all. I'll try to find some and edit it in here. I'm assuming you want the IQ sub-categories of AJ?
  5. I believe you're mistaken. Askenazi Jews score higher averages than whites in every IQ sub-category. The fact is that they have substantially higher verbal abilities than visuospatial (120 and 105, respectively). Because verbal ability (important for doctors, scientists, professors, lawyers, business, etc, etc) is the main predictor of economic success in developed civilization, it's much more important to have high verbal. Also, average brain size in a population correlates about .4 - .5 to IQ. So although notable, it's definitely not the sole determinant.
  6. 1) We are not responsible for the crimes of the State and its crony puppeteers unless we're advocating for explicit transgression against a country. The third world is the third world because of its average IQ (+ culture to a degree), not some arbitrary or esoteric sociological assertion. There's infinitely more third world countries who've been completely ignored by imperialist powers in the last 5+ decades anyways. 2) Many Western peoples who've had no international involvement in regional destabilization of the Mid. East/North Africa (MENA) are being coerced (either by bureaucratic bodies like the EU or their government's welfare state) to accept these economic migrants at their expense. 3) The VAST majority of these migrants are not of Syrian descent. They are opportunistic parasites who're using the power of the State to violently steal your money and subsidize their invasion.
  7. European and American whites should keep in mind that it was the "Welfare" state + government programs, government schools, and "free" healthcare that enabled the unprecedented influx of low skill, low IQ, crime-prone immigrants to survive in 1st world nations at your expense. Our first priority should be the elimination of parasitic Socialism and government programs, which would serve multiple uses: 1) Deter migrants who couldn't adapt to 1st world challenges and economic demands in a more intelligent society. Ensures that the comparatively negligible number who would still immigrate have to be more intelligent + ambitious than their compatriots back home while not being a detriment or existential threat to the host population. 2) Recent migrant arrivals from the past few years will have no reason (or capacity) to remain without participating economically and socially in their host country. Many (vast majority) will simply opt to self-deport at much higher rates than what Stefan cites in America's case (30%) before the advent of the "Welfare" state. 3) Reverse the decades-long dysgenic travesty that Europe has been subjected to (not just in regards to migrant demographic displacement but rather native IQ degradation). What little cursory research has been done on this topic is quite alarming.
  8. Your IQ figures are incorrect. Here's the correct numbers: https://iq-research.info/en/page/average-iq-by-country - Bosnia IQ = 90 - Serbia IQ = 89 - Macedonia IQ = 91 - Monte negro (doesn't say) - Albania IQ = 90 - Slovenia IQ = 96 - Croatia IQ = 90
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