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  1. Capitalism was strongest when Marxism was eating the East, and Marxism is strongest when socialism is corrupting capitalism.
  2. Men are a lot more nimble with social circumstances. They could drop you if you aren't providing them anything with close to no emotional risk. This guy sounds like he didn't value your friendship that much. Think of alimony. However much you divorce your husband for is like saying "I hated being married to you to the tune of this many dollars". This guy clearly saw you as disposable/dismissable, otherwise he would've leveled with you and said he thought the price was too high rather than just dropping you. Have higher standards for the type of people you hang out with.
  3. Damn, what a clever and damn sneaky test. Not surprised Harvard has gone left too.
  4. Single mothers are always so defensive about the way they raise their children. I bet there's black women in the hood right now with boyfriends in jail sitting there with 12 kids bragging to their friends about how great of a mother she is. Materially providing for your children is not all that's required. Her getting defensive about the way she treats her children is definitely an insecure and unhonest personality trait. Obviously it's frowned upon to enter a relationship with your therapist, but that doesn't mean it's unhealthy 100% of the time. Zoom out, size things up, and ask yourself if you really want to commit to this woman. Don't half-ass it, for the kids sake.
  5. I don't know any libertarian bands/musicians but Black Flag are anarchists. Great band!
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