I have been mulling questions of who I am, and what I should strive to be for my family, for my in-group, and for the apparatuses that allow the first two to exist.
First for context, I will list s few life events and actions that I believe have shaped me the most. Not everything listed is positive. I will be brief on each point, and I am willing to elaborate on any point when asked.
When I was three years old, I attacked a fellow child at a community center program. This resulted in the other child's death, and my entrance into the state psychiatric system.
When I was eight years old, through a combination of learning scrapping from local meth addicts and being involved in certain illegal activities, I was able to start paying my mother's rent. Before this, we had been evicted at least once every six months. My mother gave birth to my half siblings when I was six, nine, and twelve years old respectively. A combination of others getting arrested and me choosing to move out at 15 and a change location meant I lost contact with most people I knew, and I have been earning my income through mostly legal means, child labor and tax laws notwithstanding, since. By 22 I was learning a trade and starting a family
I would not say I have any guilt about the things I have done, I am unsure if my range of emotions is greater than in-group protection, jealousy, anger, and most base desires. I tend to define love in terms of choice and almost contract obligation, rather than on any emotional state derived from.
What I care about, in order, is my family, my in-group, and then whatever sustains the first two.
I have been a violent person for as long as I can remember, and control of that violence has been a vital skill to know to be able to maintain my freedom.
How does a child get so violent and detached from normal human emotion, so early, and is genetic factors enough to raise concern on how I should raise my own children?