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  1. Hello guys! I am a very sensitive person with a good amount of human knowledge. My flatmate is a girl like me and also the same age. The first weeks I thought she is quite nice, very polite, humorous and charming like nobody else. We spend a lot of time together and but she was very engaging. I started to get a bad feeling, she manipulated me many times, which I found out now and lied to me. I didnt ask her why because she would have said that its not true. I am totally sure that she is a psychopath. From time to time her behavior is getting worse and worse. She never cleans and it is normal for her that I have to do everything. If i asked her to clean she said that she will do it, but doenst do it. She turns up her music in the night, without any guilt. She uses boys all the time and also other people and she thinks she is the center of the univers. I am scared because I know she doenst feel the same way like me and she doesnt have the ability to regret or have empathy. I dont know what to do because I cant avoid her because we live together. What should I do? I feel like the victim that cant get out of the situation... I also cant move because it is hard to find another flat here in Berlin. Do you have any ideas what to do?
  2. No they never asked about my childhood or talked about any other topic than sex, only if I guided them to other topics. Thanks for all the answers they opened my eyes! I think the problem is that I always think that guys like me if they just like my body and are not really interested in me. Its the only way to get the guys attention, because I dont get any attention from my dad, so i seek somewhere else.
  3. Hey strangers, I currently text with guys over the internet and get payed by them. I was on an online chatroom and one guy asked me if I would have sex chats with him and he offered to pay me for that. I first thought that is was immoral and wrong. Then he explained his situation where he is in at the moment. This specific guy is my age (20) and virgin and had never any physical contact with a girl before. He tries to get to know the female gender and the way he can express his sexuality. Do you think it will help him in the future? I thought it is a nice idea to help him out, but I also try to save money at the moment so I felt like it is a good idea. Other guys contacted me and wanted to meet and I told them about chatting and getting payed for that. I also send pictures and videos of my naked body. Do you think it is wrong to take money for that? I never chat with guys who told me they were in a relationship or even have children. I always try to get to know the person I am chatting with and helping them where I can. Is it an immoral thing in general or okay to express sexuality that way? And I also think I do these things because I like it to get adored by males.
  4. What do you guys think of meeting new people on the internet?
  5. Thanks for the answer! My good friends that I have are friends from childhood age and they are spread all over Germany and one soulmate in Australia. I am not saying these are not enough but I wish I could make a good friend here where I live now and thats where I have problems with. I cant get into the deep kind of conversations with them because I need some good topics to talk about and I feel no one is interested in that. Of course its also because I am not so trustful towards new people and maybe a little too judgemental. I will try to work out why and how to overcome it. But often I feel like people dont want to talk about childhood and spiritual stuff or even politics. Its hard to listen to a person that talks about depression or relationship issues in the past.
  6. these friends are spread all over the country and I dont get them to see that often
  7. Hey guys, I wonder if you have any ideas where I can find real people like here on fdr in real life. I have 3 very good friends that I can talk to about everything in life and getting back real interest and empathy. But for my other friendships its more like the 'me plus' thing and that is not real friendship in my eyes. It is most of the time about going shopping or how I look or the looks about other people and if I start a topic like politics or self knowledge I get barely anything back. Its hard for me to live with roomates that are not really interested in what I really love in life and what I find important. And if I get to meet new people I get bored after the first sentences, because I can feel the shallowness. Have you any idea where people that want to have real and deep relationships can find those?
  8. Thanks for your answers! He often would throw me on my bed or he was laying in bed and violenty pulling me onto him. One time he said I should take off my clothes and I said no, then he would push me down the bed and take my clothes and also underwear off and I could not defend myself, because he was too strong. And because of all that I slept with him (my first time) even though I didnt want it, but I knew I couldnt defend myself so it was easier for me to just let it happen. He also recorded me while I gave him a blowjob and I said he should stop it but again I couldnt delete this video because I couldnt manage to get the phone. I litterally was his sex slave and I didnt broke up so thats I think the first problem with myself... (I kind of accepted this guys behavior) My father didnt see him because he didnt live with, he moved out when I was 12. My mother saw it more as a game or wasnt really interested in him or in me. And she is used to violence because she got badly abused as a child and also my father was sometimes aggressive or abusive towards her. So she didnt see the red flag when she met my father or my ex boyfriend, because she normalized aggression. I start to process it all now and I see that my mother had a real bad influence on me. She lived her whole life with suppressing her feelings and taught me that. She never really listened to me and had problems with showing emotions. And now I have bad problems with knowing what I feel. And she really hates all men and especially my father, so I may have copied this feelings against men... I still dont have a good relationship with my father, because i feel that he is not interested in me.
  9. I think the last one is the worst... If you had a bad childhood should you focus on the good things or whats his point? Its like 'you should be happy and thankful for what you have because the children in Africa have more problems than you!' And of course you should be happy for material things, because you live better than a king couple of decades before, thats really stupid. You suppress your real problems like that. You dont have to explain people without any problems in their childhood or teenage years how to be happy, they are happy, because they dont suppress. And by this 5 steps you cant get real happiness because you blend out potential bad things in your life.
  10. Hi I am a 19 year old female from Germany (so sorry for my grammer) and I have trouble with myself quite a long time now. I am not able to feel compfortable around most of the guys, of course it also has something to do with my father. I had problems with my first and only ex boyfriend. He was aggressive against me and forced me to do things that I didnt want. I like women and I feel sexually attracted to them, but I dont know if I like men too. I dont know if I just build a blockade to keep men away from me or if I really dont have any sexual feelings for men. I dont know if I am just not brave enough to express my feelings towards women or if I have feelings for men too but these just got damaged in the past... Do you have any helpful thoughts on this?
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