Great tips everyone... thank you
@RoseCodex - great tip! My brother is in education, and I recently sent him a link to the recent discussion Stef had with Duke Pesta about Common Core. Still waiting for feedback.
@NocPat - I'm ashamed to admit that I've heard of this book but have yet to read it. My lady and I are road-tripping this weekend, so maybe it'll be a perfect fit --- she's definitely one I'd like to see more "skeptical about the government", as you put it.
@Will Torbald - will check him out
@Libertus - LOVE BILL BURR! We saw him in Cincinnati and watch all his stuff on Netflix. It's funny, my lady... well... confession time: She's the one I desperately want to red pill.
She would probably be an overt SJW if I didn't make fun of them constantly. As politically correct as she is, though, even she finds Bill Burr hilarious.
Thanks again everyone.