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Everything posted by prescott

  1. Was recently interviewed on Mises.org (shared below through Youtuber 'Voltaire'. The full 24 minutes interview is on the Mises Channel: https://youtu.be/X7hse9vpcas_ (remove underscore on the end of the youtube link). She was born in Ukraine I believe, talks a little about her experience as a youth under communism. But when i did a search i found this: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1053535712001151 The Journal of Socio-Economics Volume 44, June 2013, Pages 140-149 Cognitive ability and the division of labor in urban ghettos: Evidence from gang activity in U.S. data Author links open overlay panelRichard AlanSealsJr.Liliana V.Stern Seems to touch on a number of subjects you frequently address.
  2. No Agenda podcast contributors using reoccurring payment with paypal have sometimes encountered similar problems, that being that paypal will just stop the withdrawals with no explanation or notice. I will go through the donation process again... sorry i did not notice sooner. But something to keep in mind if you find your contributions "off" month over month.
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